The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 442 I miss him so much

But no matter how she assured her, Dongfang Yu was not at ease.

Before he left, he arranged everything carefully.

She even contacted her family doctor and asked him to be on call at any time, just in case something unexpected happened to Hai Xiaotang.

He also told the servants to take good care of Hai Xiaotang, not to let her do anything, and no matter where she went, someone should accompany her.

Everyone took his instructions seriously as if they had received an imperial edict.

However, Dongfang Yu is still worried and reluctant to leave!

Zhang's mother couldn't stand it anymore and said with a smile: "Uncle, you can go without worries. Pregnant women are not as fragile as you think. And with me here, the lady will be fine, and I will take good care of the lady!" "

Hai Xiaotang didn't expect Dongfang Yu to be so caring and careful, so she felt embarrassed, "Dongfang Yu, I'm in good health. You go quickly, otherwise it's too late!"

Dongfang Yuya felt that he was too cautious.

But there was nothing he could do. Hai Xiaotang's pregnancy was such a big deal, so he had to be careful.

However, there really is no time to waste.

Looking at his watch, Dongfang Yu rubbed Hai Xiaotang's head: "Then I'm leaving, you take good care of yourself!"

"Well, you should also take good care of yourself!" Hai Xiaotang pushed his body, "Hurry up and get in the car, don't delay."

Dongfang Yu nodded, "Okay, I'll go then."

"Okay!" Hai Xiaotang waved to him, but the man who had just got into the car suddenly came out again, pulled her body directly, and kissed her lips fiercely!

Hai Xiaotang was slightly stunned, and the people around him also shyly avoided him.

Dongfang Yu ignored her and kissed her deeply, then reluctantly let her go and said in a low voice that Hai Xiaotang could hear alone: ​​"After I leave, if you have anything, just call me and use that Exclusive number!”

After saying that, without giving Hai Xiaotang a chance to react, he got into the car and closed the door!

"Let's go!" Dongfang Yu immediately ordered the driver not to stop any longer, otherwise he would really be reluctant to leave.

The driver started the car immediately...

Dongfang Yu took one last deep look at Hai Xiaotang, and Hai Xiaotang also looked at him deeply. She couldn't bear to look away until the car was far away.

"Miss, my uncle is gone, let's go in." Zhang Ma came over to persuade her.

But Hai Xiaotang was inexplicably reluctant to leave.

It turns out that Dongfang Yu is not the only one who is so reluctant to give up. She is also the same.

At the same time, Hai Xiaotang was a little annoyed. If she had known better, she would have warned him more.

But there are so many things in life that you don’t know in advance.

If she had known that so many things would happen later, she would definitely choose to leave with him...

Dongfang Yu left, and Hai Xiaotang's heart became empty.

He just left and she missed him so much.

Since the two of them got together, they spent almost every day together.

She has become completely accustomed to Dongfang Yu's existence and the favor he gives her.

So once she was separated from him, she felt as uncomfortable as being separated from the air...

But thinking that she might be pregnant, Hai Xiaotang felt somewhat comforted.

But two days after Dongfang Yu left, the pregnancy couldn't give her any comfort, because she really missed him so much that she couldn't think of anything else.

Last night, Hai Xiaotang tossed and turned and missed Dongfang Yu, and fell asleep very late.

The next day, she slept until very late before getting up, and the first thing she did when she got up was to look at her phone!

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