The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 462 He also dreamed of Lin Xiner

Holding the back of her head hard, he changed from passive to active, kissing her fiercely.

Hai Xiaotang also responded enthusiastically as if he had taken stimulants.

I don't know how long it took, but both of them fell asleep.

But Hai Xiaotang woke up after sleeping for a while.

She turned sideways and stared at the sleeping Dongfang Yu, looking greedily at his face without blinking.

In the past few months, without being able to see Dongfang Yu, she could only rely on imagining what he looked like to ease her longing.

Now that she finally saw the real him again, Hai Xiaotang felt so happy.

She even felt that the air was sweet...

Hai Xiaotang just laughed silently when he heard Dongfang Yu talking in his sleep.

"Hai Xiaotang..." He called her name unconsciously.

Hai Xiaotang laughed and was curious about what he was dreaming about in his dream.

"Lin Xiner..." Then Dongfang Yu called other names.

Hai Xiaotang was suddenly startled. The joy he had just felt completely faded away in an instant, and his mood was very dark.

What does Dongfang Yu mean?

He also dreamed of Lin Xiner? What were they doing in the dream? !

Hai Xiaotang propped up his body and was about to get angry, but suddenly he heard Dongfang Yu's sleepy words again.

"Love, Hai Xiaotang..."

Hai Xiaotang stretched out his hand, intending to push him awake, and his hand froze, and his eyes softened.

Really, she was suspicious of something.

She knows better than anyone how much Dongfang Yu loves her, so there is no need to doubt his heart.

A dream talk doesn't mean anything.

However, he was still very unhappy that he would dream about other women in his dreams, especially Lin Xiner!

She didn't even dream about other men in her dreams!

Anyway, Hai Xiaotang was still unhappy and jealous. Then she squatted in the corner silently, drawing circles and cursing Dongfang Yu for eating instant noodles without seasoning packets!

Dongfang Yu woke up after sleeping for 2 hours.

He lazily propped himself up and saw Hai Xiaotang sitting on the sofa opposite, staring at him expressionlessly.

Dongfang Yu was stunned for a moment, having a bad feeling for no reason.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked doubtfully, waving to her at the same time, "Come here, why are you sitting so far away?"

"Hmph!" Hai Xiaotang stopped talking and snorted angrily.

"..." Dongfang Yu saw her like this and knew she was angry.

But why are you angry? What did he do?

"Hai Xiaotang, come here!" he asked again.

"I will go over if you ask me to?" Hai Xiaotang raised his eyebrows, "I want to stay away from you now. I won't be near you for 10 minutes, no, for an hour!"

Dongfang Yu stared when he heard this, "Hai Xiaotang, I told you to come here quickly! If you don't come within 10 seconds, let's see how I deal with you!"

The little thing dared to say that he would not be near him for an hour. He was simply rebelling!

Okay, not only did he call Lin Xiner's name in his dream, but now he dared to hurt her. He really thought she was Hello Kitty!

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