The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 486 Your mother is in my hands

After 2 days, if she doesn't agree, he will sell her!

Dongfang Hen has been involved in the black market since he was a child, and he must know where to sell her, so that Dongfang Yu can't find her for the rest of his life.

And there is no doubt that after she is sold, she will have a tragic and horrific fate in the future.

The woman who was sold might as well be dead!

Hai Xiaotang decided that if Dongfang Hen really wanted to sell her, she would commit suicide!

Although she was very reluctant to leave Dongfang Yu, she did not want to live a miserable life.

After Hai Xiaotang made up his mind, he was not afraid of anything. It's not like she has never died before...

But she knew that if she died this time, she would never be reborn again.

But in this life, she had been loved fiercely, and she had been loved vigorously by others with their lives. That was enough.

While Hai Xiaotang was thinking wildly all the way, the plane finally arrived in France!

However, as soon as he got off the plane, Dongfanghen received bad news.

Dongfang Yu actually kidnapped his mother secretly!

Dongfanghen's mother Duanmu Qiong has been living in France, and no one knows her whereabouts.

How did Dongfang Yu know?

Even if they wanted to investigate, it would be impossible to investigate in such a short period of time, and they even kidnapped the person!

The only explanation is that Dongfang Yu was already acting secretly before he took action.

Dongfang Yu couldn't understand why Dongfang Yu was prepared so early.

Does he really know that he will really attack them?

Even so, he wouldn't threaten him by kidnapping his mother. Because Dongfang Yu is different from him. Dongfang Yu is a person living in a bright society.

If something goes wrong, he will immediately think of finding the police instead of solving it on his own.

Not by illegal means...

Therefore, Dongfang Yu's move made Dongfang Hen very surprised and puzzled.

I thought that by capturing Hai Xiaotang, Dongfang Yu would be under his control, and he would be able to take revenge on Dongfang Yu.

Unexpectedly, Dongfang Yu kidnapped his mother.

After Dongfang Hen confirmed the news, his face was gloomy, because all his plans were disrupted!

Hai Xiaotang didn't know this, and Dongfang hated not telling her anything.

But Hai Xiaotang could feel that Dongfang Hen was in trouble, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten off the plane. After receiving a phone call, his expression suddenly changed.

Hai Xiaotang couldn't help but wonder if Dongfang Yu had done something...

It's quiet at night.

In Dongfanghen's manor, the large study room was still shining brightly.

Dongfang Hen was sitting at his desk. There was an electronic screen hanging on the wall directly opposite, and on the screen, a face very similar to his appeared.

That is Dongfang Yu!

The two of them stared at each other coldly through their electronic devices.

Dongfang Yu threatened coldly: "Dongfang Hen, your mother is in my hands! If you want her life, use Hai Xiaotang in exchange. Remember, if you dare to hurt Hai Xiaotang's hair, I will kill your mother ten times." Give it back twice as much!”

Dongfang curled his lips in disdain, "You are quite capable. You were able to kidnap my mother without anyone noticing."

"I have been making preparations since you appeared. As long as you dare to take action, I will not let her go!" Dongfang Yu said in a very rude and contemptuous tone.

Originally, he didn't want to come to this point, so Dongfang hated him.

Of course, if Dongfang Hen dared to hurt Hai Xiaotang, he wouldn't mind killing him!

Never killing someone is not out of fear, but out of necessity. But now, for Hai Xiaotang, he dares to do anything!

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