The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 499 All I think about is you

"We must be careful to guard against him in the future!" Hai Xiaotang has already listed Dongfang Hen as his number one enemy in his heart, "No matter what he does in the future, we must be careful."

At the same time, Hai Xiaotang was a little angry and scared.

"This time he captured me and tempted me in various ways. Fortunately, I didn't fall for it. Fortunately, I didn't agree to him even to the death!"

Then as soon as she finished speaking, she found Dongfang Yu looking at her deeply with deep eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Hai Xiaotang asked in confusion, "Was what I just said wrong?"

Dongfang Yu said in a low voice, "No, you are right!"

Caressing her face, Dongfang Yu was filled with emotion and joy, "Xiaotang, I'm glad that I fell in love with you again in this life. I'm glad that the person I fell in love with in this life is you and not someone else."

Hai Xiaotang immediately thought of Lin Xiner.

Her eyes flickered and she asked tentatively: "Are you sad that she betrayed you in your last life?"

Dongfang Yu shook his head, "It's not sad, it's disappointing. I didn't expect her to be that kind of person. But you know, when I was dying, all I thought about was you..."

Hai Xiaotang was slightly stunned.

"I was thinking if I could go see you after I die. I thought at that time, when I see you, I must tell you that I love you very much and miss you very much. But I also know that you will never forgive me again. I... But I still pray deeply, hoping that God will allow me to see you again. Unexpectedly, I really have a chance to see you again. You don’t know how grateful I am to God for giving me this chance again. .”

Hai Xiaotang was moved when she heard this. She really didn't expect that Dongfang Yu thought so.

Hai Xiaotang couldn't help but laugh, "Dongfang Yu, whether this is an opportunity given to you by God or to me. In short, this is an opportunity for all of us. In this life, we will be fine and no one will leave. !”

A flash of darkness flashed across Dongfang Yu's eyes for an instant, but Hai Xiaotang didn't see it.

He raised his lips and smiled slightly: "You are right, none of us will leave."

As he spoke, he kissed her lips and murmured: "And I will never leave you again."

Even if I die, my soul will always protect you...

But at this tender moment, Hai Xiaotang suddenly asked irrelevantly: "So what did you dream about you and Lin Xiner doing in your dream that time?"

Dongfang Yu was stunned——

Hai Xiaotang pushed him away, stared at him and said directly: "The day you came back, you called her name in your dream."

Dongfang Yu suddenly realized why she was angry that day.

He deliberately said with a straight face: "It turned out to be because of this, but you lied to me and said it was because of my fart!"

Hai Xiaotang burst out laughing, "I didn't know how to ask you at the time, so I said that on purpose. What on earth did you dream about?"

Dongfang Yu didn't blink: "Forgot."

"Forgot?" Hai Xiaotang glared, "How could you forget? You even called her by her name! Even if you forget, you probably still have the impression, right?"

Dongfang Yu stared at her and asked summarily: "You mind this very much, are you jealous?"

Hai Xiaotang sneered, "Am I jealous? Who can be jealous of me, not Lin Xiner! Let me tell you, Lin Xiner is nothing in my eyes, because she is jealous, and I feel like I have lost my identity! "

Dongfang Yu suppressed his laughter and asked again, "In that case, why do you care so much about me dreaming about her?"

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