The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 597 Fainted because of sadness

The scene of her fainting happened to be seen by Tao Yi, who had just returned from a mission and was about to return to the army!

Tao Yi was looking out the window casually, but he couldn't help but think of Hai Xiaotang.

Although he has chosen to give up on her since he knew that there was no possibility for him and her anymore, and he has been trying to forget her!

However, every time he returns to this city, he can't help but think of her.

So when he saw Hai Xiaotang, he recognized her at a glance!

Then, he saw her fainting and fell to the ground...

"Stop!" Tao Yi shouted immediately, and the well-trained soldiers stopped the car instantly. Almost as soon as he stopped, Tao Yi rushed out of the car and ran towards Hai Xiaotang!

Picking up Hai Xiaotang's body and seeing the tears on her face, Tao Yi frowned. He didn't have time to think about why she fainted, and he didn't want to care so much, so he sent her to the hospital directly!

Fortunately, Hai Xiaotang woke up soon after being unconscious.

Opening her eyes, she found herself lying in the hospital, with the smell of disinfectant in the air...

A man's deep voice also sounded in my ears, "Are you awake?"

Hai Xiaotang turned her head slightly and met Tao Yi's eyes. She was stunned: "Brother Tao..."

Tao Yi said in a low voice: "I happened to see you fainted on the road, so I took you to the hospital!"

Hai Xiaotang suddenly remembered the conversations she had with Wen Ya before she fell into coma. Her heart suddenly became sad, and tears could not control her eyes.

Tao Yi frowned: "What's wrong with you? Xiaotang, did something happen to you?"

Hai Xiaotang shook her head. She tried hard to hold back her tears, propped herself up and said in a low mood: "Brother Tao, thank you for sending me to the hospital. I'm much better..."

"What happened?" Tao Yi asked again in a deep voice, "Is it related to Dongfang Yu?"

As soon as he heard Dongfang Yu's name, something was wrong in Hai Xiaotang's eyes.

Tao Yi confirmed his suspicion and asked angrily: "What did he do to you again?!"

Hai Xiaotang immediately heard the care and concern in his words.

I didn't expect that after so many years, he would still care about her...

But she only regarded him as her brother, and had no feelings for him between men and women at all.

Hai Xiaotang asked instead, "Brother Tao, I haven't seen you in these years. How are you doing?"

Tao Yi's eyes were heavy, "I'm fine! What about you, how are you? How are you doing after being with Dongfang Yu?"

Hai Xiaotang smiled and nodded: "I'm doing very well, really."

"In that case, why did you faint from sadness?! Hai Xiaotang, I thought you would live a good life if you chose him. But after so many years, you are still sad for him! Your choice is really right "?" Tao Yi couldn't help but get angry and asked what was in his heart.

Hai Xiaotang was stunned and said honestly: "Brother Tao, I am very happy with him. This is true."

"Then why are you sad?"

"Because..." Hai Xiaotang didn't know how to answer, but Dongfang Yu suddenly called her!

Taking out her cell phone, Hai Xiaotang felt a pain in her heart when she saw it was him calling!

But she still answered the call with a natural expression, "Hello..."

"Hai Xiaotang, where have you been? There is no one at home. The servant said you went out early in the morning." Dongfang Yu asked with concern on the other end, "Why didn't you call me when you went out? Where are you now? ?”

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