The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 907 Hai Lan is indeed so squeamish!

Wei Zhijie suddenly said that at this moment, his heart was filled with a strong desire to protect Yun Shan.

Yun Shan looked at him even more moved, her eyes full of infinite gratitude and emotion.

Wei Zhijie even saw the deep love for him in her eyes...

He was shocked. Does Yunshan like him?

Once this speculation comes up, it is difficult to suppress it. Wei Zhijie felt very complicated in his heart, and even...there was a slight surprise.

Then suddenly, Yunshan hugged his body tightly and started crying sadly.

"Brother Zhijie, how can you be so nice to me? Why are you so nice to me! You shouldn't be so nice to me. You are my sister. If you are so nice to me, I won't be able to control myself. I don’t want to like you, I really don’t, but what should I do? The thought of not being able to like you makes me so sad, so sad that I want to die...Brother Zhijie, what should I do? I’m so sad..."

Wei Zhijie was even more shocked!

Yunshan really likes him, and she likes him so much!

Various emotions flashed through Wei Zhijie's heart. Shock, pity, happiness and discomfort.

Because he found that he also liked Yunshan, but... he couldn't let go of Hai Lan, and he couldn't let Hai Lan go.

Hailan has become like this now. He can't abandon Hailan and make her sad.

However, he couldn't bear to make Yunshan sad.

Hailan, Yunshan...who should he choose and who should he give up?

Both of these women were so pitiful, and they both liked him so much. He didn't want to feel sorry for them, and he didn't want them to be sad.

God, what should he do to make these two women happy?

What should be done to protect them?

Wei Zhijie felt that this was an arduous and great task, and for a while, he fell into deep thinking.

Wei Zhijie finally came to the hospital to visit Hailan.

Because Yunshan is so kind, she insists that he come to visit Hailan, otherwise Hailan will be sad.

Wei Zhijie felt Yunshan was beautiful and lovely more and more.

Then he came to the hospital and saw that Hailan was in good spirits and had a rosy face. When nothing happened, he felt that Hailan had gone too far!

It was clear that nothing was wrong, yet he still came to the hospital for hospitalization. Why is she so squeamish?

"Hai Lan, are you okay? I've heard what happened. I was so worried about you that I rushed to see you right away." Wei Zhijie sat beside the bed and asked Hai Lan gently.

Hailan smiled and said: "I'm fine, don't worry. It's just that my father was afraid that my scar would be infected, so he sent me to the hospital for observation for a few days. It's unfortunate that you came, I had asked them to go back to take care of Yunshan, and you just missed it. "

Wei Zhijie had already preconceived the idea that Yunshan was the most pitiful person.

So no matter what Hailan said, he would never think that they were really good to Yunshan.

But he didn't show anything, "Is your face okay? What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said there shouldn't be any problem, but I guess there won't be any problem at all."

There was no problem at all and yet she came to the hospital. Hai Lan was really squeamish!

Yes, she has become a big star in recent years, so she has already made herself very valuable.

I feel sorry for Yunshan, she is so sad, but no one cares about her mood.

Wei Zhijie thought about this secretly. He didn't hear what Hailan said.

"Zhijie, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking about?" Hailan asked him doubtfully.

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