What's more, the two of them have been together behind her back for a long time.

And they are ridiculous, asking her to quit to fulfill their love...

Hai Lan sat up blankly, unable to understand why he had such a ridiculous dream.

But everything in the dream is so real!

Could it be that all of that really happened...but that she was reborn later?

Hai Lan is an actor himself and has also acted in rebirth-type movies.

So soon she thought of rebirth...

Is she really reborn?

All this... is simply incredible!

But Hailan was still a little skeptical. After all, rebirth was such a ridiculous thing, how could it really happen.

However, at this moment, her cell phone suddenly rang.

The call was from Hai Xiaotang...

Hailan answered the call a little uneasily, "Hey..."

"Hai Lan, are you watching the meteor shower? We are watching the meteor shower at home. Do you want to come over and watch it together?" Hai Xiaotang asked happily.

On the other end of the phone, the voices of Hao Hao and Chen Chen seemed to be heard.

"Wow, there are so many meteor showers, so beautiful..."

Hearing the child's voice, Hailan was in a daze, and his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

Sure enough, the next second, I heard the child cheering: "Oh, there are so many shooting stars, I want to make 1,000 wishes! No, ten thousand!"

"Haha..." Hai Xiaotang laughed suddenly, laughing at the child's childish words.

Hai Lan asked hurriedly: "Why are you laughing? I seemed to hear Chen Chen's voice."

Hai Xiaotang replied: "Chen Chen said he would make ten thousand wishes."

Isn't this... something that happened in a dream?

Hailan asked unconsciously: "Ask Chenchen if you want to give me a wish." She also asked this in her dream.

If Chen Chen's answer is the same as in the dream...

"Chen Chen said he could give it to you and give you a wish to have a little sister." Hai Xiaotang replied with a smile.

The mobile phone in Hai Lan's hand suddenly fell to the ground.

Yes, Chen Chen in the dream also answered like this.

He gave her a wish to have a sister...

Later she got pregnant, and Chen Chen kept saying she was his sister, but the child was lost because of Yun Shan.

Hai Lan suddenly covered his face and started crying.

It turns out that everything in the dream is true, and it turns out that she will really be betrayed by the two closest people!

They would actually do this to her!

Hailan's whole body was trembling in pain for a moment, and he was also trembling with anger.

"Hai Lan, Hai Lan?" Hai Xiaotang's voice came from the mobile phone.

Hai Lan raised his head and picked up the phone again...

"Hai Lan, are you okay? What happened just now? I thought I heard you crying." Hai Xiaotang asked with concern.

Hailan wiped away her tears and smiled as if nothing happened, "I'm fine, I just accidentally bit my tongue."

Hai Xiaotang laughed, "Why are you so careless? You must have been frightened by Chen Chen's words."

"Haha, it has nothing to do with Chen Chen, it's just me being careless. Okay, I won't interrupt you to watch the meteor shower. I have something else to do, so I won't talk anymore."


The two hung up the phone at the same time.

After Hailan hung up the phone, he kept staring at a certain point in the room.

She figured out many things that she couldn't figure out, and now she remembered many details that she had ignored before.

Wei Zhijie and Yun Shan, these two people must have betrayed her a long time ago...

Hailan's guess was not wrong, they had indeed betrayed her.

"Brother Zhijie, do you know, I made 100 wishes. Do you know what wishes I made?"

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