The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 921 Going out on dates every day

At that time, fortunately, you helped take care of Yunshan, which relieved a lot of our burden. "

Yes, Yunshan was almost brought up by her.

The sister she raised single-handedly is finally beginning to repay her...

If Hailan hated Wei Zhijie, she actually hated Yunshan even more.

She devoted more affection to Yunshan than Wei Zhijie.

But now it is Yunshan who hurts her the most...

But it doesn't matter, she will pay back the harm they gave her little by little!

"Mom, Yunshan seems to be quite busy recently?" Hailan asked casually.

Yun Mu smiled and said: "She is very busy. She leaves early and comes back late. I can hardly see anyone. When she wanted to open a store, I was opposed to it because I was afraid she wouldn't do it well. Now that she is working so hard, I feel relieved."

"I didn't expect Yunshan to work so hard. Mom, since I have nothing to do anyway, why don't we go deliver food to her today and go shopping by the way?" Hailan suggested.

Yun Mu immediately happily agreed.

The two soon set off to Yunshan's coffee shop.

The name of the coffee shop is 'Yunge Coffee Shop'. Hailan didn't understand what Yunge meant until now.

Yun represents Yunshan.

The song actually means ‘brother’ and represents Wei Zhijie.

Yunshan always called him brother, so she used these two words as the name of the store.

She was so stupid that she didn't see anything was wrong until now.

Hailan walked into the coffee shop with Yunmu, but did not see Yunshan.

"Hey, where are the people?" Yunmu was confused. A clerk recognized them and ran over immediately, "Auntie, Sister Hailan, are you here to see the boss?"

Hailan wore a mask and sunglasses and asked with a smile: "Yes, is Yunshan here? We brought her lunch."

"The boss is not here, she seems to be on a date."

Yun Yu was surprised, "A date?!"

"Does Yunshan really have a boyfriend?" Hai Lan asked back.

The clerk nodded, "Yes, the boss must have a boyfriend. She has been going out on dates every day these days. With that look, you can tell she has a boyfriend at a glance. Why, don't you know?"

Yun Yu's face darkened, and she also noticed something was wrong. Recently, Yunshan looks happy every day. Ask her why she is so happy, but she won't tell.

It seems that they are really in love.

So if you go out early and come back late every day, you are actually going on a date. You are not working seriously at all.

It was break time at this time, so logically there should be many customers in the coffee shop.

Mica glanced over and saw that there were no customers at all in the store.

"Is business good recently?" she asked shrewdly.

The clerk was an honest little girl and told the truth directly, "It's not very good, and there aren't many customers. Sometimes there aren't even a few customers a day."

"Does Yun Shan know about the bad business?" Yun Mu asked again.

The girl finally realized that she had said the wrong thing, and she said with a guilty conscience, "You should know, the boss will probably find a way..."

Oh, let’s find a way to fall in love!

In fact, Yun Mu is not opposed to Yun Shan falling in love, but she should not waste her business for love.

It was a coffee shop that she insisted on opening, but she didn't know how to cherish it and manage it well.

She knew that whatever she did was only hot for three minutes!

Thinking that the coffee shop would lose so much money if it closed down, Yun Mu became very angry.

Yun Yu didn't want to go shopping anymore and went home angrily.

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