The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 944 The tragic and pitiful heroine

However, what she didn't know was...Hai Lan no longer cared about Wei Zhijie!


There are still ten days left before Hai Lan and Wei Zhijie get engaged.

As the day gets closer, Hailan's mood becomes better. People who didn't know about it thought she was happy because she was getting engaged.

Only people with knowledge of the matter knew that she was happy because she would be able to get rid of Wei Zhijie soon.

Contrary to her situation, both Wei Zhijie and Yunshan are becoming increasingly unhappy.

Wei Zhijie discovered that things had reached an irreversible point.

If he cancels his engagement with Hailan now, he will definitely be reviled by people all over the world.

His reputation and everything about him will be affected.

Yunshan also discovered this, but could she just watch the two of them really get engaged?

Yunshan complained that Wei Zhijie didn't love her enough, otherwise why didn't he cancel his engagement with Hailan.

Wei Zhijie complained in his heart that Yunshan shouldn't be so generous.

If she didn't want to hurt Hailan, if she wasn't too kind and didn't ask for anything, he would have broken up with Hailan long ago.

But at least Yunshan was kind, so Wei Zhijie just complained in his heart and didn't show anything.

Yunshan buries everything in her heart, and then magnifies her sadness infinitely, complaining about herself every day, as if she is a tragic and pitiful heroine.

As if he was afraid that he would not stimulate them enough, Hailan ran to Yun's house every day and acted very happy every day.

The happier she is, the sadder Yunshan becomes.

Then she was originally 22 years old, young and beautiful, but because she had been immersed in her own fictitious sadness for a long time, she had become quite haggard.

She used to look as lively as an elf, but now she is like a pearl covered in dust, much dimmed.

Both Yun's father and Yun Mu thought that Yunshan was tired from work, so they felt sorry for her every day and cooked delicious food for her in various ways.

But Yunshan couldn't see any of this. She only knew that every time Hailan came, her parents were very happy, and they only revolved around her.

So every time Hailan came, Yunshan would find an excuse to go upstairs to avoid it.

As soon as Yunshan returned to the room, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" She opened the door in confusion. Seeing Hailan standing outside the door, Yunshan was a little surprised, "Sister, what can I do for you?"

"Yunshan, you seem to be in a bad mood recently. Are you too tired from work?" Hai Lan asked with concern.

"Ah, yes..." Yunshan nodded, and could only find this excuse to explain her listlessness.

Hailan smiled and teased her, "Business is so good, you should be happy. If you are really too tired, just leave it to the people below. You are still young, so don't exhaust yourself."

However, Yunshan felt that Hailan now had a condescending and alms-giving attitude.

Yes, the coffee shop's business is so good now, it's all thanks to Hai Lan.

If it weren't for her, how would her coffee shop make money?

Look, she is so useless, she can't even run a coffee shop, and she still needs Hailan to bring good luck.

No wonder everyone only likes her...

Fortunately, brother Zhijie likes her!

This is Yunshan's only self-comfort every day.

But I still feel so sad, so pitiful...

Yun Shan thought about this, and the look in her eyes became darker and darker.

Hailan asked doubtfully, "Yunshan, what's wrong with you? I think you seem to be in a bad mood. Is there something on your mind?"

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