The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 955: Skin them

"You all go away, where is the security guard? The security guard..." Wei Zhijie yelled while protecting Yun Shan, and the scene became chaotic.

Several elders of the Wei family, Hai family, and Yun family looked at this out-of-control scene in astonishment and forgot to react.

They really didn't expect these reporters to be so scary.

Everyone is moving towards Hailan... Hailan's influence is so terrifying.

Father Wei and Mother Wei, as well as Father Yun and Yun Mu, were all frightened because they had a premonition that their son and daughter were doomed.

The Hai family members were very happy, Wei Zhijie and Yun Shan deserved this!

But none of them knew that these reporters were almost all arranged by Dongfang Yu and Wen Jingheng.

Naturally, they will cling to Wei Zhijie and Yun Shan.

I will never give up until I peel off their skin today!

Just when Wei Zhijie and Yun Shan were on the verge of collapse when they were attacked by crazy reporters, Hai Lan suddenly took the microphone and spoke out.

"Friends from the news media, please listen to me."

Suddenly hearing Hailan's pleasant, gentle, yet sad voice, everyone fell silent.

Hai Lan stood on the stage with her back straight. Even though she was heartbroken now, she was still so elegant and beautiful.

"Everyone, this joke was made today, which made you and all the audience friends across the country laugh." Hailan forced a smile and tried to speak calmly.

"Actually, I know you are all fighting for me, but what I feel in my heart is not anger, but heartache... My fiancé and my most beloved sister betrayed me, and I can no longer use words to describe the feeling I have at this moment. mood. Maybe they really love each other, but they should have told me earlier, and I would help them... They should not keep deceiving me. But fortunately, God took care of me and let me know the truth before I could save it. So today I am both unfortunate and lucky. For this luck, I don’t want to pursue anything anymore, I will fulfill them. But from now on, I no longer have anything to do with them! I really appreciate everyone’s support today Come, but now I am too tired, I hope everyone can understand how I feel at the moment..."

After speaking with tears in his eyes, Hailan handed the microphone to a staff member, turned around and left in pain.

From beginning to end, she did not yell like Wei Zhijie and Yun Shan, nor did she cry sadly like Yun Shan, as if she had suffered great grievances.

But the more forbearing and strong she is, the more heartache she feels.

No one stopped her or disturbed her. They all watched her leave in silence, and no one could bear to make her too sad.

As much as everyone sympathized with Hai Lan, they hated Wei Zhijie and Yun Shan.

When Hai Lan left, they continued to besiege the two people...

No matter how much the two of them defended how much they loved each other and how passionate they were, no one sympathized with them.

Then Wei Zhijie had to push the reporter away fiercely, and left in embarrassment with Yunshan regardless of his image.

But Hailan doesn't even have the heart to look at these!

Her goal has been achieved. Wei Zhijie and Yun Shan will be notorious. As for the rest, she will not care.

As soon as Hai Lan got in the car, the car left quickly!

"Miss Hai, where are you going now?" the driver asked.

Hai Lan was about to answer when he received a call from Hai Xiaotang.

"Hai Lan, come to my house now and let's celebrate!" Hai Xiaotang said excitedly on the other end of the phone.


Let me tell you some good news. Updates will be released in two days. Let me tell you some bad news. I don’t think I can save 100,000 manuscripts. There are too many. My writing will collapse, so I have to break my promise. I’m sorry everyone~ Woohoo~

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