The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 979 Falling in love with this family

You will never be wronged if you are with him. If he dares to make you suffer, just tell me and I will help you teach him a lesson! "

"Auntie, thank you for your love, but Jingheng is really nice, I shouldn't be wronged." Hai Lan said generously with a smile.

Mother Wen laughed happily, "I like your girl's character. I have already told you that you are a good girl. If you watch the TV shows you play, all the characters are good people, so I know you are a good person!"

Hai Lan suddenly felt that the old lady was so cute.

How could she be defined as a good person so easily?

Well, actually she is really a good person... Hai Lan thought without being modest at all.

"When you and Jing Heng get married, I can show off to those old men and women. You don't know, they all like you. In the past, several of them wanted to ask you to be their daughter-in-law, haha, but I didn't expect that I would My son got there first! If they knew, they would definitely envy me!"

Mother Wen's words made Hailan smile even happier.

She knew that a family like the Wen family would not easily accept the marriage of a woman who was an artist. She was prepared to be embarrassed by them. She didn't expect them to like her so much. She was very touched and heart-warming.

Wen Jingheng saw Hai Lan smiling happily, and felt very happy in his heart.

He leaned into her ear and whispered, "I'm right..."

Hailan glanced at him and smiled softly. Wen Jingheng's eyes suddenly darkened, and it seemed that only her presence was left in his eyes.

Wen's mother and Wen's father were very happy to see Wen Jingheng like this.

They had been worried that Wen Jingheng would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Because he seems to have no interest in women in the world.

Now that he finally has someone he likes, their hearts are relieved.

What's more important is that the woman he chose is very good, her eyes are straight and her behavior is clear that she is a good girl, which makes them even happier.

So how satisfied are the two of them with Hailan?

"Lan Lan, you will stay here tonight and have fun for two days before going back." Wen's mother said decisively, and then she stepped on Wen's father's foot secretly for fear that they would not agree.

"Ahem..." Father Wen covered his cough and said in a low voice, "That's right. I have something to discuss with Jing Heng tonight."

Father Wen said this, so Hailan naturally didn't dare not stay.

Wen Jingheng knew that his father had nothing to do with him, but he still agreed, "Okay, we will go back at noon tomorrow. I have work the day after tomorrow."

"Then go back at noon tomorrow!" Mother Wen suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes.

Hai Lan is also happy to stay because she really likes this family.

After dinner, Wen Jingheng was going to take Hai Lan for a walk around the area.

This is a military compound, and the environment is very safe. No reporters can sneak in, and no one will take photos and publish them.

So he took Hai Lan out for a walk with peace of mind, and also introduced her to the environment where he grew up.

Along the way, they met many people who lived here.

They were all surprised to see Wen Jingheng holding a woman's hand.

"Hey, Xiaoheng, is this your girlfriend?" An old man passed by them and asked jokingly.

Wen Jingheng introduced politely: "Uncle Zhou, long time no see. This is my girlfriend, Hailan."

"Hello, Uncle Zhou." Hai Lan immediately greeted him. .

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