With one hand together, the red portal in the sky fell with a rumbling sound, and the speed exceeded the limit of human reaction.

With a bang, the five portals fell on top of each other, suppressing Xuan directly below.

For the first time, Xuan felt the power of the immortal magic that could suppress the ten tails. It was really vast, and the extremely huge immortal chakra was crushed down for no reason at all, as if it could crush everything into pieces.

"Thousands of hands should be dead, there is no need to fight against the crazy Hashirama, let's go now." The thought in my mind turned slightly, the ability of the mysterious kaleidoscope was activated, and ripples suddenly appeared in the space, trying to absorb him .

Mingshenmen is very strong and can completely suppress the Tailed Beast, but for Xuan, it is just some troublesome ninjutsu, at most it can slow down the speed of his departure.

The vortex was getting deeper and deeper, but at this moment, Qianshou Zhujian had rushed towards him like a meteor, his eyes were full of crazy anger.

He shot with all his strength without reservation, and at no time did Senshou Zhuma really want to kill someone.

"Immortal method, the technique of true transformation into Buddha, dragon bite!"

Xuan didn't know what it would be like for Qianshou Zhujian to explode completely in immortal mode, but now he knows.

The sky and the earth were dim at the same time at this moment, the dark clouds gathered, but no sound came out, the forest wind blew, but it couldn't lift a leaf, and even the sound chose to hide at this moment, as if terrified of the next scene.

The figure of Mutun Buddha rises from behind Qianshouzhujian. Unlike the Thousand-handed Buddha, this Buddha statue is not big, only twice as big as Qianshouzhujian.

But the pressure is no less than that of the Thousand-handed Buddha. Under the chakra of the fairy art, the Buddha seems to be infected with a different kind of divinity. It is really like the gods and Buddhas enshrined by the world, aloof and detached from all living beings.

Just looking at the Buddha, a sense of the majesty of the treasure emerges spontaneously. On the right arm of the Buddha, a two-meter-long wooden dragon hovers, and its whole body is golden. Bi Lu, the fierce feeling of killing with one blow.

The next moment, the Buddha's right arm shot out directly, and the golden wooden dragon roared, and rushed towards Xuan who was under Mingshen's gate.

If Qianshou Buddha plus top Huahong is the trump card of Qianshou in terms of large-scale, then this technique of Zhenhua Buddha plus dragon bite is the ultimate single-target attack.

The reason why he didn't use Dingshang Huahong was because in that case the large area would be completely destroyed. Now he just saw that Tokaima fell, and the life and death had not yet been checked. into pieces.

The golden dragon rushed out, cutting through the space like an ancient dragon. In an instant, everything returned, the dark clouds continued to roll, and the roar came from it. The strong wind blew up countless leaves, and the sound also returned.

But where the golden dragon passed, the space was distorted irregularly, and endless oppressive force emanated from it.

"This guy, Hashirama, really took out the things at the bottom of the box." Xuan's pupils shrank sharply, and then the kaleidoscope of his right eye spun wildly, directly turning into an eternal kaleidoscope. Under the powerful pupil power, the space vortex suddenly strengthened , his figure suddenly blurred, and the next moment, he completely disappeared.


The golden dragon slammed into the Mingshen gate and devoured everything. This was a force that surpassed the limit of a ninja. A little black light emerged from the golden dragon, and then it became bigger and bigger, opening a crack in space...

Following the crack, the golden dragon roared and chased after it.


In the space, Xuan appeared in a black robe, took a deep breath, and then let out a long breath. The move of Qianshou Zhujian made him feel a real threat. If he was hit head-on, he might even No residue will remain.

"Generally speaking, the goal has been achieved. At least the thousand-handed Feijian was killed." Xuan whispered, he knew that blow at that time, it definitely pierced into Feijian's heart. He was a man of destiny.

At the moment when he relaxed a little, a crack in space suddenly appeared in the distance, and with a dragon roar, the golden wooden dragon came across the space, attacking him with the aura of destroying everything.

Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and he almost yelled loudly, Qianshou Zhujian's berserk move actually tore apart the space, chasing directly into the Shenwei space.

The golden dragon's speed was extremely fast, reaching his side within a second, and under the huge destructive force, the platforms in the space turned into nothingness one after another.

Xuan's pupils were blood red, here, he doesn't need to hide his strength, some moves can be used with all his strength.

The eternal kaleidoscope in the left eye rotates crazily, and in an instant, the entire space slows down, time delays infinitely, and even has a tendency to stand still for 1.5.

An illusory long sword appeared in his hand, the power of Yin Yang Dun exploded with all his strength, and the sword slashed down with all his strength, as if it was the first light that broke through the world.

All time starts from here.

Xuan's figure appeared on another high platform in the distance, the wooden dragon froze in mid-air, Xuan let go, and the illusory sword turned into light and dissipated.

The golden dragon also split open at the same time, revealing a vicissitudes of life, and instantly disappeared into the purest Chakra.

"Is Zhujian's single-body strongest move, good job." Xuan sighed and turned around, the black robe on his body was instantly torn apart, and the whirlpool mask was also shattered with a click.

Chapter 707 Hashirama's Determination

The mask continued to shatter, and a stream of blood spilled from the temples. /Magazine ∧ Magazine ∧worm/The injury is very minor, just scratched the skin, no matter what Senju Zhuma said, he is also the number one person in the ninja world on the bright side.

"The plan is complete. The next step is to let the guy from the first generation of Tsuchikage understand the fate of talking too much. I hope he hasn't returned to the front line."

Whispering to himself, Xuan Sui took out a black robe and put it on in the space next to him, and put the new whirlpool mask on his face again.


"Between the door!"

Seeing Jinlong tearing apart the space and chasing after him, Zhujian didn't have time to care whether the opponent was dead or not, so he hurriedly turned around and rushed towards Feijian, pulling him up.

The residual heat in the body was dissipating continuously, and the pulse was already very weak and was continuously weakening.

At the heart, there was a very deep Kunai wound, from which blood kept overflowing.

Hashirama's eyes were low, panic, despair, constantly appearing in his pupils, never for a moment, his mood was so desperate, as if the whole world was shrouded in darkness.

"Feijian, wake up, don't scare me, wake up." He kept yelling, and the wooden chakra with vitality kept entering his body.

But it doesn't help. He is an immortal, but it doesn't mean he can really save a person.

The heart in the door was cut, and it was on the verge of being seriously injured and dying, no, because it should be said that it was already dead, not even in its dying state.

"Bastard, bastard..." Hashirama roared crazily, clenched his fist with one hand and kept hitting the ground, the whole forest shook under his fist.

I thought I had fulfilled my dream, could hold peace firmly in my hands, and could protect all important people.

But now it seems that it was a dream after all, peace did not come, the war broke out in a bigger form, and even the only remaining younger brother died before his own eyes, a failure like himself, what qualifications do you have to talk about dreams , What qualifications do you have to be Hokage?

Zhu Jian stared blankly at the corpse in Fei Jian's arms, even doubting his own life.

"It's useless for you to transport Chakra like this. His heart has stopped beating, and his vitality is also passing away. In your words, it is hopeless."

Suddenly a voice sounded, Zhu Jian suddenly turned his head, and saw a ninja with a cat face mask coming, it was "Yan" who led him here.

Zhu Jian's gaze became sharper, but he didn't speak. He didn't see this ninja named "Yan" when he started fighting just now, but now he suddenly appeared again.

"Yan" ignored him, came to Qianshou Feijian and knelt down, stretched out a hand to cover his forehead, and closed his eyes, as if using Chakra to sense the changes in his body.

"The wound on the heart is very deep, the body is bleeding profusely, and the cell activity is still reserved because of the Qianshou clan's physique, but it doesn't help. In various senses, he is dead."

His voice was flat, as if he were an outsider who had nothing to do with it, talking about a trivial matter.

"You guy." Zhu Jian gritted his teeth, he couldn't stand his attitude, and there were still many doubts about him, maybe he was not a root person at all.

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