When Tian Congyun sword slashed down, all the colors in the sky and the earth faded at the same time. The white dust escape and the dragon with wings spread were frozen in the air at the same time. Even Tuying and Jia Jiada were affected, and their reactions became extremely slow. Only black and white are left to wander.

The next moment, the sword of time erupted with full force, and all visible and intangible ninjutsu dissipated, and the first generation of Tukage and Jia Jiada were shocked.

Time returned to normal, the first generation of Tukage and Jiajiada looked at him with difficulty, their eyes were full of horror, and they wanted to say something, but they couldn't say it after all.

Chapter 709: The End of the War

The strength of the first generation of Tukage and Jiajiada is definitely not weak. Even in this era, they are still the strongest players who can be ranked. ℡Magazine v Magazine v Worm ℡Even if they faced Senshou Hashirama, they would not lose so easily.

It's a pity that they faced Xuan, and it was Xuan who cut out the sword of time as soon as he made a move. With this move, no one could survive except Otsutsuki Yumura back then.

The Tiancongyun sword in Xuan's hand dissipated, the kaleidoscope in his right eye rotated, a vortex in space appeared, and his figure gradually became blurred.

Behind them, the first generation of Tuying and Jiajiada aged in a few seconds, and the skin was wrinkled, as if looking at thousands of years, and finally turned into dust and drifted away, leaving no corpses behind.


In the fog hidden battlefield, the shadow clone left by Xuan left the camp for any reason, and after exchanging with Xuan's deity in a secret place, he returned swaggeringly.

As soon as he came back, Xuan said coldly: "Where is Elder Zhan, let him come to see me, and also, send a message that all elite ninjas and above come to my tent to prepare for the battle meeting."

Now that the matter has developed, Xuan has no intention of delaying it any longer, and it is time for him to end the Wuyin Battlefield.

As for Yan Yin, whether Yan Yin, who has lost Tukage, has the strength to break through Konoha's defense line is not what he cares about.

Within ten minutes, all the elite jounin and above came to Xuan's big tent, everyone was gearing up, excited for the next attack, they had endured it for too long.

Xuan also did not disappoint them, and said coldly: "The time is ripe, we will launch a general attack on the Kirigakure ninjas, now I will divide the offensive tasks, the Uchiha battle, you are responsible for leading the most elite troops to the front... "

The plan that had been planned long ago was ordered by Xuan in an orderly manner, the combat tasks were quickly assigned, and within two hours, all the troops were assembled.

Then, of course, it was an all-out attack on Kirigakure. Xuan didn't hold back this time, and personally shot to disperse the dense fog, so that Kirigakure's camp was exposed in front of everyone.

Facing the sudden attack from Xuan's side, Kirigakure's reaction was very quick, and the masters led the ninjas to resist tenaciously.

Even though they have lived in peace for so long, Kirigakure will not naively think that they can't do anything, so they are always on guard so that they can react when they are suddenly attacked.

But in reality, it's of no use.

Xuan is determined to end the war, and unless someone of his level appears, no one can stop it.

The first generation of Mizukage appeared and wanted to stop Uchiha Gen, but was seriously injured by Quan Taisusa. Fortunately, his strength is not weak, and his secret technique is also unique in life-saving, so he did not die in battle.

However, in front of the god-like complete body Susa, Kirigakure was soon defeated.

Seeing that the situation of the first Mizukage was gone, he decisively ordered to retreat, and then turned around and ran away with his cronies. At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that he would never provoke Konoha again in his lifetime.

Wu Yin hangs alone overseas, and there are very few exchanges with major countries. Although this time he fought against Konoha because of the tailed beast, he would not feel distressed if he really wanted to retreat. Anyway, the boundless sea is a natural barrier. The same goes for living by yourself behind closed doors.

So, after paying nearly half of the ninja's statement, Kirigakure's troops all withdrew from the land of the land of fire, and Xuan did not order the pursuit. It would be too time-consuming and unnecessary to chase into the land of the land of water.

After returning to the camp, everyone held a big celebration banquet. During the period, Uchiha Zhan even toasted Xuan frequently with a wine glass, boasting while toasting, saying that the deputy chief is really wise. An actual one-hit kill.

All kinds of words made Xuandu a little embarrassed.

But no matter what, among the four battlefields, the Hidden Fog Battlefield is indeed the first one to end.

Afterwards, the Xuanpai intelligence ninjas inquired about the situation in the other three battlefields, informed them of the situation on their side, and asked which side needed support.


The intelligence ninja's speed is not slow, but the time required to cross the entire Fire Nation is still not short, and in the few days they were on their way, other battlefields have undergone obvious changes.

For example, on the battlefield of Yanyin Village, due to Tuying's plan and preparations, the battle line was in jeopardy after losing the Qianshoubeijian.

Even if the patriarch Inuzuka resisted desperately, he still felt that he was alone. After all, Iwain was a big village, and he was attacking with the strength of the whole village. The number of masters alone far exceeded the number of Konoha people here.

After resisting with difficulty for a long time, the frontline camp was breached while Yanyin chanted the slogan of dividing the tailed beasts equally, and then they led the remnants and fled towards the interior of the country of fire.

However, the Patriarch Inuzuka felt sad and angry at that time. Once this pass was lost, the rest would be plains, and Iwagakushi could directly threaten the village.

In addition to what Sarutobi and Shimura clan chief said, they were ambushed by Tsuchikage, and after being cut off in the Senju door, their whereabouts are still unknown. This makes him even more gloomy, if there is no Tobima, he can imagine the anger of Hokage.

Perhaps it was his luck, or some other reason, just when he thought things would go in the worst direction, he ran into Senshou Bashirama who was rushing this way with Tobima.

At that moment, the patriarch Inuzuka really suspected that he was delusional.

Needless to say, what happened next is that under Mu Dun in Qianshou Zhujian, he not only killed all the pursuers, but also counterattacked back in one go. Under his strong personal strength, Yan Yin, who lost Tuying, could not even organize Decent resistance, can only retreat backwards frantically.

Although Qianshou Feijian was resurrected, he was still extremely weak, and there were many doubts that he hadn't clarified.

Just as they were securing their line of defense, Inokacho came to support with Konoha's ninjas the next day, but they seemed to have gone through a fierce battle, and their bodies were damaged everywhere.

Seeing that Hokage was also on the Iwagakure battlefield, the Nara patriarch expressed his surprise, and Hashirama could only explain it to him again.

Later, the Nara patriarch also told him the news that he was blocked.

After hearing this, Qianshou Zhujian was silent for a long time, and said firmly: "This war must end as soon as possible, and this organization hiding in the dark must be found out."

Chapter 710

The End of the First Ninja War

Senjujuma's words basically swear that the first ninja world war is coming to a later stage. ∽Miscellaneous﹥Zhi﹥Insect∽He did show the arrogance corresponding to these words, personally led the team, and attacked the Yanyin army again without stopping.

Yan Yin, who was originally retired, suffered heavy losses in this wave, and because the first generation Tukage did not return, he had no choice but to withdraw from the Land of Fire.

But this time, Hashirama did not know what medicine he had taken wrongly, and kept chasing them, and drove them all the way to the Land of Wind with Nara and other patriarchs.

Under the leadership of Hokage, Konoha was like a broken bamboo, and drove back Iwagakure's troops in a panic.


Half a month later, the barrier of Yanyin Village was breached, and the first generation of Tuying still hadn't returned. In desperation, Yanyin, under the leadership of Wu, threw them all in. The first treaty after the establishment of the village was signed, the contract of wood and soil.

This is a one-sided alliance under the city. Yanyin Village has paid a terrible price. It has to pay Konoha nearly 100 million in war losses, and has given up the three most important minerals, which will belong to Konoha for use within 20 years. Give one copy to the Konoha Profound Truth-level Tudun, three copies to the S-level Tudun, and there are countless other small terms. Seriously searched Yanyin Village inside and out three times.

During the attack on Yanyin, Zhujian also received information from Xuan that the end of the Wuyin battlefield was overjoyed, and he immediately ordered Xuan to support the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind.

Because of Hashirama's departure there, the first generation of Kazekage brought people back to counterattack, seeing that the defense line was in jeopardy.

Xuan didn't delay, he was in Konoha when he received the letter from Hashirama, and he rushed back to rest after the Kirin battlefield was over.

This time, he didn't bring too many people with him when he fought against the Wind Country, but he and a few of Uchiha's cronies went straight to the battlefield.

Needless to say, what happened afterwards, when a ninja like Xuan made a move, Sa Yin was naturally defeated again.

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