Chapter 299 Three-tailed fox girl, three lives love, in order to burn!!

“Looking for an opportunity? That’s true, too. In our Qingyun Gate, after the disciples have cultivated to the third level of Yuqing, they can go to the outside world to find opportunities. It is also normal to travel with your current cultivation. However, a few years later, it was the Seven Veins Meeting Martial Arts. When the time comes, you must return. ”

Tian Buyi is very happy, since Ye Yanren came to Dazhu Peak, Zhenge Dazhu Peak has been exceptionally smooth.

Now, all of his disciples have achieved success in cultivation.

The eldest disciple Song Daren has reached the ninth weight of Yuqing.

The mana power is extremely pure, and the power of various sword techniques is endless.

The rest of the disciples are also at least Yuqing Sixfold.

This cultivation, Dazhu Peak has been a rare existence throughout the ages.

Treat Ye Qianren, the person who brought changes to Dazhufeng.

Tian Buyi is naturally grateful and grateful.

Ye Qianren smiled and left, knowing that when the seven veins would martial arts, he would definitely go back to bed.

Ye Qianren just left.

He seemed to walk quietly, as if he didn’t care.

Maybe this is the influence of the will of the Immortal World, or maybe it is the cultivation of the world, which is so peaceful.

Today, Ye Yiren flies to one place.

Koike Town! In the original book, the three small towns appeared.

This town is Ye Qianren’s first target this time.

Outside Koike Town, there is a special wood. People in their town, there is no problem getting into the woods.

But outsiders will disappear inexplicably when they enter it, and now, Ye Qianren came here.

He knew that outside this small pond town, there was a Heavenly Fox clan.

Ye Qianren saw from the texts in the Qingyun Gate that the Heavenly Fox clan measured the level of strength by the number of tails. And the strongest is the nine-tailed fox.

Outside Koike Town, there are two foxes.

One is three-tailed and the other is six-tailed.

Compare Tai Chi Qingxuan Dao.

The three tails are at most comparable to the realm of Yuqing, and the six tails are comparable to the Shangqing.

And Ye Qianren’s current cultivation has been tempered for a year. The fighting qi in the body also completely turned into mana. After the mana transformation was formed, Ye Qianren also polished the mana and continued to temper it by relying on the Great Fanguruo.

When it is difficult to temper, it breaks through the realm of Shangqing.

With such cultivation, there is no scruple at all.

Walking into this wood, a crisp song came, with that special demagogic sound.

In that song, the low groaning is gentle, mournful and sad, as if very tempting.

“Good singing. If this three-tailed fox looks good, Gongzi can stay and be a singer! ”

Cai Feng thought thoughtfully, and looked at Tu Qianren, Ye Qianren smiled awkwardly, and did not refute what Cai Feng’s words.

When he was fighting in the continent, Ye Qianren first accepted the snake woman of Caiscale, and then accepted Ziyan, the dragon girl, who had such an appetite, how could he care and accept a fox girl.

But this time I came to Xiaochi Town not to subdue this fox girl.

But for Xuanhuojian!

In the original work, the artifact in the Van Xiang Valley.

It is the spirit of ten thousand fires in itself, and the magic weapon of the witch of southern Xinjiang.

Such an artifact with flames naturally attracted Ye Yanren, who cultivated and burned.

That is why, why did Ye Qianren go out from Qingyunmen and go to bed.

However, Xuanhuojian was never found.

On the contrary, he was the first to see the ancient well of the three lives in the original work.

According to the rumors in the original work, this ancient well that can illuminate the green of the three lives seems to really be able to see each other’s love.

Ye Qianren was also curious, and walked forward, but was covered by many psychedelic phantom arrays.

But Ye Qianren was shocked, and the endless faith behind him sang praises, and the Martial Emperor Divine Kingdom emerged.

Disperse many phantom arrays.

Ye Qianren walked into it like this and looked at Gujing.

Many of these changes are like mirrors.

Ye Qianren couldn’t see the green of love, he could only see endless chaos.

They also walked forward, looked at each other, and said one after another: “We see Gongzi.” ”

“See me? But I couldn’t see anything. It seems that my fate, my love, is unpredictable. Little fox, are you in a similar situation? ”

Ye Yanren didn’t think about it, and with sharp eyes, he looked at a woman next to the ancient well.

This woman is charming, and every move exudes a kind of confusion.

It seems that people will be immersed in it at a glance.

This person is not as beautiful as words, but also beautiful and shocking.

No wonder throughout the ages, it is the fox women who have brought calamity to the country and the people.

“Why is Gongzi laughing? In this ancient well, it can take care of anyone’s love. How can I not see your love. Isn’t Gongzi worried that the women around him will be jealous, so he hides it and doesn’t say it? ”

The fox girl was funny, playful eyes, looking at the woman next to Ye Qianren.

“This kind of thing has never happened to me. Little fox, you better be honest. ”

The special martial soul of the Martial Emperor Divine Kingdom, with Ye Qianren’s cultivation and the nourishment of mana, actually underwent different changes.

It was as if it had turned from an illusory martial soul into a substantial thing.

Condensed into a special substance, locking onto this little fox.

The Martial Emperor Divine Kingdom contains the Martial Soul World, the power of endless belief, and the power of endless killing.

Now that a special world is suppressing here, how can this fox girl resist.

The breath of confinement, seal it off.

She looked terrified, feeling the crisis of life and death, especially looking at Ye Qianren, feeling that life and death seemed to be under control: “You! ”

“Be nice, and I won’t hurt you. I’m here just for Xuanhuojian! ”

Ye Yanren did not shy away from what he wanted.

Ten Thousand Fire Essence Xuanhuo Jian, this special flame has a special help for Ye Yanren’s cultivation and incineration.

Walking forward, under the suppression of the Martial Emperor Divine Kingdom.

This little fox also turned into a prototype.

Caught by Ye Yiren, he walked towards the Black Stone Cave.

Inside the black stone cave, the hot breath rolls in, and the hot lava emits the ultimate fire.

That kind of fire gas is definitely better than the temperature of Rong Yan in the Douqi Continent.

Ye Qianren also felt that there was an active and rich fire aura here.

In the lava, lies a white-haired fox that looks like a hill.

This fox had a pair of bloody red eyes, looking at Ye Qianren who walked into it, and the three-tailed fox who was forbidden, flashing with anger.

Unfortunately, he was difficult to move, and the pain all over his body made him constantly twitch: “You, who are you?” ”

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