The final South Mountain should have been pure.

But now, the earth is shaking, shattering the tranquility here.

Ye Qianren took a deep breath, his eyes flashing: “Is it finally here?” ”

“Here it is. That’s 10,000 iron horses. It seems that the Yuan Dynasty is angry this time and has to strangle me and so on. “Dongfang Bai is very calm, as if it is not 10,000 iron horses, just a few people.

“Or let’s escape. The realm of the southern part is huge, and there are only a few of us hiding in the depths of the southern realm. These Tartary iron horses also have nothing to do with us! Yang Bing’s little girl was panicked now. After all, no matter how high the martial arts are, it is difficult to fight against so many iron horses.

“Little girl, no need to panic. Just 10,000 iron horses is nothing. Ren Yingying felt funny, but she also knew. People in the rivers and lakes are good at assassinations and sneak attacks. It can deal with the imperial court iron horse, it is absolutely difficult to resist.

But Ye Yanren is different. The cultivation method is strong, and the qi and blood are sufficient. Once single-handedly killed the entire Fuso. Now dealing with 10,000 iron horses is nothing at all.

“Okay, you guys can watch with peace of mind. I’ll kill the enemy first. Ye Qianren didn’t wear armor or hold a weapon, so he walked over with his bare hands.

These days, except for redeeming all kinds of cheats. Ye Qianren also participated in the fist method and cultivated the Great Voldemonic Fist. If you have an understanding in your heart, you can try it.


Ye Qianren jumped in a few times, and came to the bottom of the Ultimate South Mountain, looking at the iron horse that roared in the distance and killed.

Who the leading general is, Ye Qianren is not very clear. But Ye Qingren faced the iron horse and rushed away.

Ye Yanren rushed to kill, and the enemy also found it, shouting: “Find the enemy, kill me!” Destroy this rebellion! ”

“Kill me? Just your 10,000 iron rides, how dare to think! Ye Yanren said so, and the iron horse that faced the charge was a punch.

“Great Voldemort Fist!” Ye Yanren landed on the charging cavalry with a punch.

Both the war horse and the cavalry felt the shock, and then the terrifying force swept through, causing even the men and horses to soar and fall into the charge, crushing many cavalry.

Then he saw that Ye Qianren rushed into the cavalry and began to show killing.

“Bang, bang…”

The cavalry brandished his spear and wanted to pierce Ye Qianren. Unfortunately, it fell on Ye Qianren, and only a few sparks were splashed.

Cultivating Vajra is not bad divine skills, and cultivating the golden bell hood. Ye Qianren’s flesh was already invulnerable, and water and fire were inviolable.

Ye Qianren punched out again, still the Great Voldemort Fist. This fist is just to the yang, which better seems to contain a killing intent, which is incomparably suitable for Ye Yiren.

With a “boom”, the people turned on their backs, and more than a dozen war horses were bombarded by their fists.

Not only that, but the strong fist is wrapped in the fist. Instantly burst these war horses.

Blood and flesh spilled, and Ye Yanren was stained with blood, like a demon god.

Ye Yanren looked up to the sky and roared: “Roar..”

In an instant, the vibrating True Qi set off a wave of qi. The eardrums of many cavalry soldiers burst, and they couldn’t help but howl.

Immediately, Ye Qianren poured out the Great Voldemonic Fist, wrapping the killing artistic conception.

At that moment, it was as if a demon god appeared behind Ye Qianren. Killing the enemy is like a mountain of corpses spreading in a sea of blood.

One punch to kill, how the cavalry in front of you can resist.

The explosion of “boom” is the smashing of more than ten cavalrymen.

Ye Yanren was like a raging divine dragon, killing into it and crushing everyone.

For a time, people turned on their backs, and countless wails.

The 10,000 iron horses who came forward, their expressions changed and they were extremely frightened. They didn’t see such a horrible person.

Their weapons could not kill him at all. On the contrary, when Ye Yanren fell, he could see more than ten cavalry die tragically.

This war of one man and ten thousand iron horses. turned into a man and slaughtered 10,000 iron horsemen.

“No, it can’t be. How could there be such a monster? ”

“What kind of flesh is this, our weapon, he has nothing to do with it!”

“What a terrifying force. What exactly is that breath released? Our armor is like paper paste. ”


They cry, they wail.

Their charge, their spear, it was difficult to hurt Ye Qianren’s flesh and qi at all.

Ye Yanren now seems to be practicing boxing, and what he is practicing is the Great Voldemonic Fist. In the Jinwu series, there are too few boxing techniques. The Great Voldemort Fist is also a very famous boxing technique.

Ye Qianren practiced this boxing technique to kill people and practice boxing.

A hundred, a hundred, a thousand….

Over time, the number of fallen cavalry has reached more than six thousand.

Especially every punch of Ye Qianren wrapped the killing mood. It turned into a killing fist, which made many cavalrymen collapse and it was difficult to fight at all.

Countless cavalry were eager to escape. The generals who are not enough to lead the troops have some skills after all: “Kill me all.” This person does not die, and I will never have peace. In addition, people in martial arts rely on true qi, which is difficult to last. Kill him for me…”

The cavalry general roared, but it was of some use.

But Ye Yanren’s killing continued, and it did not weaken in the slightest. On the contrary, the fist became more and more fierce, and the speed of killing became faster and faster.

Especially with the killing, Ye Yanren’s fist method changed. From the Great Voldemort Fist, to the Great King Kong Fist, or the Broken Jade Fist…

In short, the boxing techniques that Ye Qianren had practiced were now on display.

As it unfolded, there were faint signs of fusion.

Ye Qianren fell into a kind of realization. However, the cavalry died too much, and the Lord shouted, “Shoot him for me.” Archer, shoot him for me….”

Immediately, an endless rain of arrows appeared.

Many arrows rained down like rain.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Ye Yanren let these arrows rain down. Wrapped in qi, the flesh is strong. I can only see that the rain of arrows is broken like tofu.

In the end, even Ye Qianren’s clothes were not broken.

Ye Qianren just faced the rain of arrows to kill the enemy.

Five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand…

By the time it reached seven thousand, all the cavalry completely collapsed.

“Retreat, hurry up.”

“This guy is not a man, he is a devil.”

“Let’s run!”

The remnants of the cavalry receded like a tide.

Ye Qianren sneered and shouted, “Did I make you guys run?” ”

The operation is light, like lightning. Ye Qianren galloped extremely fast and killed the enemy.

Today’s Tatar iron riders can’t wait to grow a few legs and flee madly.

Ye Qianren chased and killed all the way, and killed more than a thousand people. In the end, only a few hundred escaped.

After killing so many people, Ye Qianren was covered in blood, like a devil who came out of hell.

The bloody qi that was stained all over his body, accompanied by killing intent, looked into the distance.

In the distance there was a group of people, dressed differently. They looked at each other and looked at Ye Qianren, as if looking at a god and demon.


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