“Old way here, there are two things!”

“First, what many martial arts colleagues want. I hope to talk to Emperor Wu and see if I can release the heads of the imprisoned factions, as well as the core disciples. ”

“Second, I came for my apprentice Zhang Wuji. He had cold poison in his body and was difficult to cure. I want to ask Emperor Wu if there is a way to solve this cold poison. ”

Zhang Zhenren did not hesitate, just said it casually. Looking at the disciples of the various factions who followed, he also looked at the blue-faced apprentice Sun Zhang Wuji.

Ye Qianren also looked at the disciples of various sects, one by one. No way, Ye Qianren single-handedly subdued them, they didn’t dare to mess around.

Seeing Zhang Wuji, his blue look also knew that he suffered from cold poison. It seems that many plots have not changed, and Zhang Wuji has not escaped the suffering of cold poison.

Ye Qianren thought slightly, but said: “Zhang Zhenren came in person, I naturally want to sell you a face.” A group of disciples who have been abolished and squeezed out of value, as well as disciples of the sect, are no longer of much use, and the release is also released. However, I believe in equivalent exchange. If you want to exchange their freedom, then ask the various factions to pay a sufficient price. ”

“In addition, Zhang Zhenren’s apprentice Zhang Wuji, I have a way to save it. But there is no such thing as a free lunch. I can save this child, but Zhang Zhenren must serve me for ten years!” ”

“Ten years?” Such a remark made Zhang Sanfeng slightly stunned. Turning to wonder: “Emperor Wu wants me to serve for ten years?” This surprised Lao Dao. ”

Zhang Sanfeng was surprised, and the disciples of the various factions who came this time were also surprised. This is even more true of the Wudang disciples, who are faintly angry.

The same is true of the little Zhang Wuji, with a little unbearability, pulling Zhang Sanfeng. You know, Zhang Zhenren is their belief in Wudang, and it is also the core of Wudang. Wudang with Zhang Sanfeng and Wudang without Zhang Sanfeng are completely different things.

If in order to save him, his own master was imprisoned for ten years, he said that he would not agree, and many disciples of Wudang would not agree.

Ye Qianren looked at him, and then said: “Zhang Zhenren rest assured, the reason why I made you serve for ten years is not to make you fight and kill, but to borrow your martial arts wisdom. After all, in today’s martial arts, Zhang Zhenren’s martial arts wisdom is definitely one of the best. If you have more background, it is enough to Zen Dharma. ”

“I invite you this time in the hope that you will look through all the martial arts texts treasured in the ancient tomb to see if you can create new martial arts from them. After all, martial arts were originally created by people. ”

“Today, the schools are stuck to the rules, making it difficult for cheats to circulate and creating new texts. The martial arts line has also gradually declined. ”

“Therefore, I spread martial arts in an alternative way, in addition to expelling Tatars, I also hope to rely on the wisdom of the people of the world to perfect and create martial arts.”

When Zhang Zhenren heard this, his expression changed, but he was faintly moved. After all, for any martial arts person, endless martial arts classics are definitely a dream.

Zhang Zhenren, Wudang disciples, and disciples of various sects are also the same.

If it were them. They are also willing. It’s a pity that Ye Qianren can’t look at them.

When Zhang Zhenren heard this, he also sighed now: “I didn’t expect that Lao Dao was so valued by Emperor Wu.” But after all, this matter must be thought about carefully. ”

“It should. During this time, Zhang Zhenren was asked to live here temporarily. “Ye Yanren treats valuable people with absolute courtesy.


After some exchanges, Ye Qianren also left.

Ye Qianren valued Zhang Sanfeng’s martial arts wisdom the most, which was an existence comparable to Dharma. Give him enough foundation, enough classics, and definitely create more martial arts.

Such martial arts wisdom is what Ye Qianren needs. It was in this way that Ye Qianren invited Zhang Sanfeng in this way.

In other words, the rest of them, Ye Qianren had already imprisoned his sect and coerced and used them.

Ye Qianren waited for Zhang Sanfeng’s choice, but the arrival of a secret book made Ye Qianren forget about it.

“Gongzi, found it. The Nine Yang True Sutra you need has finally been found. Dongfang Bai was a little tired. Since she was in charge of this matter, she had been in Kunlun for a long time.

Today, I have finally found the Nine Yang True Sutra. Ye Qianren looked at the canon handed over, and even came with a few cheats.

Ye Qianren looked at the secret code, and there were many moves: “Nine Yang True Sutra, One Yang Finger…….. You robbed Zhu Wu Lianhuan Zhuang? ”

“Yes, snatch the secret code of Zhuwu Lianhuan Zhuang! The men among them became Sunflower Wei, and the women were now brought and could be incorporated into the group of handmaids of the prince. In addition, they all took the Three Corpse Brain God Pills. Dongfang Bai said very casually, not taking these people in his eyes at all.

Ye Qianren didn’t care about this, but looked at the texts, and joy rose in his heart: “It seems that I can finally go further.” Give me a protector, I want to retreat. ”

Without thinking about it, Ye Qianren went to retreat and cultivate. After all, Ye Yanren had accumulated for so long and was finally able to break through.

Entering the retreat room, Ye Qianren flipped through the Nine Yang True Sutra and read it again. Just consume Origin Points.

“Consume thirty Origin Points, and the Nine Yang True Sutra is upgraded to entry.”

“Consume ninety Origin Points, and the Nine Yang True Sutra has been elevated to mastery!”

“Consume two hundred and seventy origin points, and the Nine Yang True Sutra is upgraded to Xiaocheng!”

A series of promotions, which soon brought it to completion.

Ye Qianren looked at the Qi Cultivation Heart Method, and the Nine Yin True Sutra and the Nine Yang True Sutra that had been extra were already produced, and without thinking about it, he drank low: “Give me the ‘Innate Purple Yang Gong’, and merge the Nine Yin and Nine Yangs!” ”

“Consume 80,000 Origin Points, consume the Perfection Nine Yin Divine Skill, consume the Perfection Nine Yang Divine Skill, deduce new exercises…….. Take the purity of the innate purple yang gong, take the supreme yin to softness of the nine yin divine gong, and take the supreme yin to the yang of the nine yang divine gong…….”

Ye Qianren watched the origin points consume rapidly, and he was not distressed. The origin points accumulated over the years can finally be used.

Speaking of which, over the years, I have also encountered a lot of martial arts. But many Ye Qianren didn’t want to cultivate. At most, he cultivated on his own, and did not rely on Origin Points to add points of cultivation.

In this way, it is to accumulate the origin points to deduce martial arts.

After a long time, the panel changed.


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