In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed.

Today’s Ye Qianren looks unchanged, as if he is eternally young. But Ye Qianren also knew that Shouyuan would gradually pass after all. After crossing several times, Ye Qianren is definitely over forty years old.

In this regard, Ye Qianren did not hesitate. Year after year, no one can stop time.

However, in the past three years, the entire Yitian World has completely changed qualitatively. Reiki is revived, and the beast becomes stronger. All the people have three or four out of ten, and they have all entered the blood coagulation realm.

Such so many blood coagulation realms have completely led to qualitative changes.

On that day, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the earth surged with golden lotuses. There is a faint glow, like the sound of heaven and earth.

Where the end south was, there was a statue of Ye Yanren who was cultivating here.

In the glow, you can see a lotus blooming, and it is like seeing a sacred tree planted.

The divine tree shrouded Ye Qianren, causing Ye Qianren’s wisdom to ignite, and countless martial arts in his heart crossed. Vaguely comprehended, faintly comprehended. Like all martial arts, Ye Qianren will understand it when he sees it.

The many martial arts accumulated before seemed to bloom at this moment. It seems that at this moment, they were integrated by Ye Qianren.

Ye Qianren felt the ignition of wisdom and knew that this was an opportunity and a short-lived opportunity. Therefore, concentrate on relying on wisdom and comprehend the inner spiritual method. At that moment, Ye Qianren felt that countless internal strength heart methods turned into words and merged into Ye Qianren’s heart.

In addition, the countless classics that Ye Qianren had read, including hundreds of families, were now integrated into them.

With the enlightenment, the light shrouded, which also helped Ye Qianren’s qi to transform, and also nourished Ye Qianren’s flesh and blood.

Not only Ye Yanren, but also the East of the Southern Realm, Ren Yingying, Zhang Sanfeng, and Yang Bing were all accompanied by metamorphosis.


This transformation lasted for a day and a night.

The whole world is faintly shaking, faintly changing.

When the light dissipated, Ye Qianren gradually sobered up.

At that moment, Ye Qianren felt the changes in his body and became much younger. Bone changes, as if returning to eighteen years old. Or rather, the body returns to the age of eighteen. Feel the age of the bones, feel the flesh and blood, feel the vigorous body, and know that you are rejuvenated.

The bone age of more than forty years old turned into eighteen years old. It can be said that excluding Ye Qianren’s memory and soul, Ye Qianren is eighteen years old.

As I became younger, my qi also changed, my mental method also changed, and my cultivation improved.

“Name: Ye Yanren!

Realm: Three flowers gather at the top!

Flesh: Qi and blood like a dragon!

Artistic conception: Killing artistic conception!

Anger: Too vain!

Core exercises of qi training: congenital too void determination (seven turns, perfection, deducable).

The rest: slightly…”

Ye Qianren looked at the panel today, and clearly knew that he had stepped into the realm of three flowers gathering tops.

In addition, the mental method cultivated has also degenerated into a congenital too vain. This method is also the wisdom that Ye Yanren has given by absorbing what he has seen and heard, melting each other, and interweaving the heavenly world to ascend, so that it can be transformed into a seven-turn martial art.

The heart method has changed, and the qi has also changed. From yin and yang qi, it turned into too empty qi.

Too illusory to talk about quality, far beyond what it used to be.

Such a transformation simply made Ye Qianren change into a person.

“Haha…” Ye Qianren felt the change in himself and laughed up to the sky. After so many years, it really is not easy.

Painstakingly pursue the world’s upgrading. Now it’s finally successful, it’s finally succeeding.

Relying on the sky to ascend to the rank has brought so many benefits to Ye Yanren. The wisdom endowed made Ye Qianren quickly comprehend and create the Seven Turns of Heart Method. This time it is not to consume the origin point deduction, but to rely on Ye Qianren to create himself.

Metamorphosis. This transformation of Qi is not because of the method of cultivation, but depends on the transformation brought about by the upgrading of the world.

Ye Qianren was very excited, knowing very well that such a transformed qi was all-encompassing and powerful.

Ye Qianren laughed loudly, and the sound of laughter spread throughout the south.


After a long time, looking at the same transformed Dongfang, and Ren Yingying.

The two help Ye Qianren the most. So there are no less benefits to gain. Now all of them are outside the realm.

“Gongzi, I also received gifts. Now cultivation has reached the outer realm! “Dongfang was surprised, the running qi, extremely red, extremely fast.

Yingying is the same, the running qi turns into a brilliance: “I have only stepped into the peak of the inner gang realm.” However, cultivating the innate Taiyin Gong turned into Taiyin Qi. ”

“Very good! You have all transformed, and the many plans are finally worth it. Next, there is no need for the world to stay. Fix it up, let’s go back. Ye Qianren also knew that after Yitian ascended, there was not much use value in this world.

The revival of Aura is also difficult to compare with the Spiritual Qi of the Sect Leader World. The three realms of refining that had just reproduced did not usher in qualitative changes after all.

In addition, the wisdom of this world was also obtained by Ye Yiren. So there is no need to stay any longer.

For this, after taking care of some trifles, it’s time to go back.


In just a few months, Ye Qianren handled many trivial matters.

I wanted to take Zhang Sanfeng with me. However, now Zhang Sanfeng has also become the core of the Heavenly World, and he is bound by the entire Heavenly World, and he can’t take it away at all. Zhang Sanfeng himself was not willing to go.

For this reason, Ye Qianren could only take Yang Bing, Zhou Zhiruo, and Zhao Min.

The rest of them are not worth much at all, and they are not worth carrying Ye Yanren. Even if there are many beautiful women, they are all vases that are not useful, and they are useless.

“Okay, it’s time for us to go. Return…..,” Ye Yanren said, and the whole person turned into a streamer.

Immediately, everyone followed, turning into streamers and disappearing.

At the same time, the firmament changed and a ladder emerged. Greeting Ye Qianren and his group, he disappeared into the sky.

Countless people watched, one by one, like a miracle, kneeling to worship.

Zhang Sanfeng is also young now, looking at such a scene, he sighed with emotion: “Soaring? This is Ascension? Lao Dao was fortunate to see such a scene, and he also died without regrets. ”

“It’s a pity that I have a lot of responsibility. Being fused by the spirits of this world led me to the direction of the world. I can only stop. Alas…”

Zhang Sanfeng’s emotion is also the same. He was born and raised in the heavens, and naturally had to obey the orders of this realm. So stay, deal with many trifles, and guide the development of the world.


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