Chapter 99 Li Canghai came, dedicated everything, and pursued martial arts!!

Countless resources were brought back to Taihu Lake by Ye Yanren.

Of course, the biggest gain this time is not the true qi of those martial arts people, nor the secret of Shaolin, but the sweeping monks.

This guy who can definitely become a martial arts grandmaster in the world of the sect leader. Whether it is the wisdom of martial arts or the method created by yourself, it is simply amazing.

If he could manipulate such a person, Ye Qianren really wanted to take him away.

Dozens of days later, Ye Yanren and his party returned to Taihu Lake.

But the battle of Shaolin spread throughout the world and shocked the world.

Like the demon god Ye Yanren, like the sweeping monk of the Buddha. and the great battle of tens of thousands of martial arts heroes, which stained Songshan with blood and strewn corpses.

Such a scene shocked the world.

So surprised, everyone knew that it was like a god and demon. Lead Moxia and slaughter the demon god Ye Yiren of martial arts.

In particular, Ye Qianren ordered the slaughter of all those who practiced martial arts.

That endless killing made the entire Great Song, Daliao, and Western Xia extremely chaotic.

Everyone who practiced martial arts was hunted down. Blood stained the world, everywhere in the world, also ready to be strangled.

But as soon as they gave the order, they were slaughtered. After all, today, except for Boss Wu, the rest of the strong people were all killed by Ye Qianren.

Secondly, the rights of the imperial dynasty were gradually restrained with the spread of martial arts. The time of the sect has come.

As countless martial arts practitioners were slaughtered, endless True Qi also poured into Ye Qianren. Heaven and earth also gradually changed with the sacrifices of many people.

From spring to autumn, Ye Qianren, who still relies on many classics to wash away the killing qi, is an understatement, like a son.

Now Ye Yanren has finally digested the gains of this battle.

“Old monk, do you really not know the whereabouts of Xiaoyaozi?”

Ye Qianren played chess with the old monk, which was also to test him.

“Michi Yako traveled to the Far North in search of the Ascending Method. Until now, it has not been located. However, if it is upgraded today, the aura is gradually revived. If you feel it, you will return. ”

The sweeping monk dropped the chess pieces, and his mind was very flat.

“Hard! Reiki revival erupted from the Central Plains. The farther away from the Central Plains, the more imperceptible it became. It seems that this Xiaoyaozi, I can hardly see. ”

Ye Qianren sighed, and his heart was also helpless.

“Maybe. However, this time, Ye Yanren Xiaoyou also gained a lot. ”

The sweeping monk seemed to be well aware of this.

“You’re not the same. Nan sacrificed himself and was definitely rewarded by heaven and earth. When the time comes, it is only natural to restore cultivation and youth. ”

Ye Qianren also knew what the sweeping monk would gain this time.

“That being said. But I yearn for the place where Ye Qianren’s little friend is. If you can enter that martial arts world, it is worth dying. ”

The sweeping monk is also a temptation.

“Don’t think much about the old monk. You were born in this heaven and earth, but how can you abandon this heaven and earth and go? ”

Ye Yanwei also shook his head and dismissed it.

The sweeping monk was silent, and there was no way. What you desire is also difficult to do.

In the midst of such a conversation, Mrs. Wang came slowly.

Now she is like a still bird, surrounding Ye Qianren: “Gongzi.”

Mother ordered me to inform you that the person you were waiting for was coming. ”

“Who am I waiting for? Getaway? ”

Ye Qianren was stunned when he heard this, and his mind changed, and he realized here: “No, it’s not Xiaoyaozi?” Could it be Li Canghai? ”

Ye Qianren turned around and disappeared here, looking for Li Qiushui.

Today, it is a banquet room in Mandol Villa.

Wu Xingyun and Li Qiushui are all here. At the same time, a beautiful woman with a similar demeanor to Li Qiushui, but more perfect than Li Qiushui.

This person’s aura changed, and his body was filled with five qi, which was obviously the five qi dynasty. However, this five-qi dynasty yuan is slightly inadequate. It is obviously the realm of self-realization.

“Li Canghai?”

Ye Qianren stepped over and asked her.

“I am Li Canghai. Your Excellency is the Demon God Ye Yanren? As soon as I entered the Central Plains, I heard of your prestige. I also see that you spread the cultivation system, which really made me understand. ”

Li Canghai is dressed in light tulle, beautiful and cold.

“Good, good… Ever since I came to this world, I have wanted to find Xiaoyaozi and you. But now, Xiaoyaozi did not find it, but found you Li Canghai. ”

Ye Yanren looked at her, his heart was excited, and he also expressed joy.

“If you want to find a family teacher, it is probably impossible. The family master has already soared. ”

Li Canghai’s sudden voice made Ye Qianren stunned.

“Feathering Ascension?”

Ye Yanren crossed through the golden finger and had never experienced the feathering ascension.

“Good… The family master searched the world, and finally found a spiritual vein from the far north. Relying on the crippled aura in it, the self can be qualitatively changed, and finally break through and ascend. ”

“When the teacher ascended, I was there to watch. It is a pity that that spiritual vein can only maintain the ascension of the master. ”

“So over the years, I have traveled the world looking for another spiritual vein. It’s a pity that after searching for many years, there is no trace of the spiritual vein. However, after getting close to the Central Plains, I felt that the aura here was revived. So I’ll go back and take a look. ”

“Unexpectedly, it was brought by His Excellency Ye Qianren.”

Li Canghai’s deep eyes were like stars. Elegant and cold temperament, like a god immortal.

Ye Qianren was now in deep thought, and he didn’t expect that the small Heavenly Dragon World could really be related to Ascension.

I didn’t expect that Xiaoyaozi really soared.

Well, what can Ye Qianren say. They are all crossers, and there is nothing strange about the ascension of Xiaoyaozi.

In addition to Ye Qianren’s emotion, he also looked at Li Canghai in front of him, and also wanted to see a ascension, so he asked: “With today’s Spiritual Qi recovery speed, can it make you soar.” ”

If I could, I would like to watch. ”

“Hard! Although Reiki is now revived, the speed is too slow. It will take at least 100 years for an environment to flourish. With my current life, I can’t wait. ”

“However, I heard about your existence from Senior Sister. Just guess you’re from the outside world. If you can, I hope you will give me a ride. Willing to give everything, but also loyal Li Canghai stared deeply at Ye Qianren, without thinking, he gave such an answer. ”

“Good. Give me faithfulness and I will give you an infinite future. ”

Ye Qianren made a guarantee that he could take people through the heavens, and who could resist the temptation of such an opportunity.

Li Canghai nodded, pursuing a higher martial path in his heart.

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