Facing the enthusiasm of Aunt Juhua and Aunt Guihua, Lin Dong was somewhat helpless.

I am only in my twenties, why do I need a wife?

Then those who are in their thirties and still unmarried, shouldn’t they just find a piece of tofu to kill themselves?

But he was not timid, and came to the table and sat down openly.

Now it was not a formal dinner, so they were eating together, sitting wherever there were empty seats, but most of those who liked to drink would sit at the same table.

If it was a big dinner tomorrow afternoon, as a kitchen helper, he would wait until the guests had finished eating.

They would set up a few other tables and eat at the end.

Lin Dong greeted everyone present.

"Brother Dongzi."

Aunt Guihua's daughter is called Lin Miaomiao, and Lin Dong also knows her, but after junior high school, Lin Dong studied in the city, so they didn't have much interaction.

Moreover, Lin Miaomiao studied in another province, and now they can only say that they know each other, not that they are very familiar with each other.

"Hey, Miaomiao, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you live streaming?"

Nowadays, whether it's college students or high school and junior high school students, there are far more girls who live stream than boys.

Lin Dong also filmed Douyin and other things in college, but he saw many people on the Internet who accidentally became popular and gained hundreds of thousands or millions of fans overnight.

He filmed some works in college, but even dogs didn't watch them, so he naturally gave up.

College life is good, how cool it is to lie down in the dormitory and play games

"Yes, when I was in college, I often posted some daily life at school, and I accumulated some fans."

Lin Miaomiao smiled and explained.

She didn't talk to the people in the live broadcast room.

After all, this is a rural area and it's at the dinner table. If she talked to herself on the phone, who knows what others at the table would say about her when they got home.

She is not stupid and knows how to deal with these things.

"This time when I went home for a banquet, many people in the city wanted to see what the big banquet in our countryside was like, so I boldly started a live broadcast."

In fact, live broadcasting in public, especially in the countryside, requires a lot of mental strength.

Lin Miaomiao was able to live broadcast while eating, and her mentality was extremely strong.

Lin Dong didn't ask Lin Miaomiao how many fans she had, or how popular her live broadcast room was.

What if there were no people in her live broadcast room? How embarrassing

"Indeed, many city dwellers think that the big seats in our rural areas are dirty and messy, but in fact, this is not the case in many places."

"Yes, for example, the dishes you cooked, Dongzi, I have been eating banquets for so many years, but I have never seen dishes cooked so well. And Dongzi, you can also arrange the dishes. Just looking at the appearance, there is no difference from some big hotels."

Lin Miaomiao is very talkative, with a pair of watery eyes, and it seems that she often takes care of her skin, not like a country girl.

"Oh, you two seem to get along well.

Aunt Guihua was a little happy to see this. This was a good opportunity.

Although his family also had the surname Lin, they actually moved here from other places during the old man's generation.

So they had no blood relationship with the people in Linjia Village. That's why Aunt Guihua wanted to introduce her daughter to Dongzi.

"Miaomiao, don't just talk about it, you have to try it. I tell you, the dish made by Dongzi is absolutely delicious. I have eaten banquets for so many years, but I have never tasted a banquet like this. It is delicious."

"Hey, Dongzi, what is this dish? Why are there strings hanging on it? Why does it look a bit like potato cubes?

Aunt Guihua looked at the candied apple on the plate and said,

"Auntie, this is a candied apple, would you like to try it? Oh, there is half a bowl of water on the table. When you pick up the apple, touch the chopsticks to the water to avoid sticking to them."

"Dongzi is amazing. He can even make a dish out of apples. I have only seen people make dishes out of watermelon rinds before. You are so strong. Let me try it first."

Aunt Guihua took a piece of the candied apple and put it in her mouth. Soon her eyes lit up.

""Oh, this candied apple is delicious, sweet and crispy, and it's crunchy when you bite it. Children will definitely like it."

Aunt Guihua said, picking up a piece for her daughter and picking up another piece for herself.

"Miaomiao, you should try it too. You didn't come this morning, so you don't know how Dongzi's pig offal tastes. They were eaten up by everyone, and even the soup was eaten up by those animals.

Lin Miaomiao tasted it and her eyes lit up.

"Hmm, this tastes good. I had it in a hotel when I was having a party with my classmates. It was said that it was made by a chef. The taste can't be compared with the candied apple made by Dongzi. It's delicious. I'll have another piece."

Crack, another piece of candied apple went into Lin Miaomiao's mouth.

"I said, you two are taking advantage of this opportunity to eat some of the food. Damn it, you guys ate up half of the food before I even started eating.

"Well, Aunt Guihua is right. This candied apple is really good. It is sweet and crispy, and not greasy at all. It is definitely chef-quality."

"Tsk, the candied apples are for you guys, but the cold-mixed pig ears are mine. The taste is simply amazing. You must have half a pound of wine to go with it. It goes really well with rice."

"Tsk, this braised fish is absolutely amazing, the flavor is all over every piece of meat, one bite can actually feel the three flavors of sour, sweet and spicy in the mouth at the same time, wow, I won’t say anything more, I want to eat more!"

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