Lin Dejiang's family prepared about fifty tables for the banquet this time.

Fortunately, they prepared several more tables, otherwise there might not be enough food!

Because suddenly there were more people who came to eat with gifts, such as Xu Wenzhe and his grandson.

In addition to them, there are some families in the village who have joined the banquet.

There is actually nothing to say about this.

At funerals, people come without invitations, and at weddings, people are forbidden to come without invitations. This principle applies to the whole country.

Gao Wu saw that the guests on a table had already left the table, but the dishes had not been cleared away. He greeted the two people.

"Come to the table quickly. When having a feast in the countryside, all that matters is having a thick skin. If you don't have a thick skin, you won't get any of the delicious food."

"Anyway, no one here knows us, so we should just eat as much as we can without any shame."Jian Yan and Zhao Cheng agreed with this. No one knows us anyway, so what are we afraid of?

Here, Lin Dejiang also insisted on pulling Lin Zhengxiong to the table, thinking of having a drink with him.

Lin Zhengxiong had no choice but to quickly call his wife and daughter to the table.

As for Lin Xi, he took a big piece of rice crust from Lin Dong and ate it very deliciously, looking very happy.

"Firewood rice crust is super delicious"

"Eat less rice crust. If you are hungry later, I wonder how you will enjoy the feast."

"So, I'll help you eat the remaining rice crust."

Yang Yan, who was standing by, glared at her daughter, quickly took the rice crust from her hand and put it in her own hand, then ate it with a grunt.

"Hey, this firewood rice crust is still as delicious as ever. Why are you glaring at me? I'm just worried that you won't have enough food to eat later."

"Mom, but I clearly only ate a few bites. My brother said that there was only this piece of rice crust left in the kitchen, and he specially left it for me. Woo, can you break off a piece for me? We are mother and daughter with a deep affection."

"Oh, I almost forgot that you are my daughter. I will give you another bite.

Yang Yan looked at her daughter warily.

Lin Xi:"??"

The mother-daughter relationship that is stronger than gold is only worth a mouthful of firewood rice crust.

I am tired, I have turned evil, destroy it.

On the other side, Lin Dejiang's brother-in-law Li Si is talking to his younger brother Li Wu.

"Lao Wu, what do you think of this feast?"

Li Si gently rubbed his belly with a smile on his face.

This time he found a reliable cook, and his father would definitely praise him.

"Brother, the chef's cooking skills are simply amazing. The taste of this banquet is absolutely top-notch. I have never eaten such a delicious banquet in my life."

"How about inviting this chef to cook for our wedding?"

Whether it is a funeral or a wedding, it is a great honor for the host family to have a good chef who can cook for the banquet.

For this reason, some families would rather spend more money and be willing to hire a good chef to cook for the banquet.

"That's definitely no problem, but Master Lin is a college graduate, and it's just a coincidence that he cooked for my brother-in-law. If we want to invite him, I'm afraid we have to bring some gifts and go to his house specially."

"Even so, they may not agree."

Li Si and Li Wu discussed it and decided how to tell Master Lin.

Li Wu's fiancée was a little full, so naturally she had no reason to object.

In the countryside, being called a master means that your skills have been recognized.

In the early years, many rural banquets were very delicious and had their own special flavor.

But in recent years, for some reason, many chefs who cook banquets have become a little lax, and the taste is gradually different from before.

But Lin Dong's craftsmanship made them feel again what the banquets of their childhood tasted like, and even better than the master, the taste was simply amazing....

The second table was already set, and the guests who were waiting nearby came to the table one after another. When the eighteen dishes were served, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva. They were so delicious. The kitchen helper handed the chopsticks to the guests.

These hungry and thirsty guests could no longer control their hands and quickly picked up the dishes and put them into their mouths.

Then, there were exclamations one after another.

"Hiss, this taste, why do I feel that it tastes better than the one made by the chefs in the big hotels? And this taste is completely different from that in the hotels. It's not like many chefs who cook banquets in the countryside nowadays, the banquets they make taste exactly the same as those in the hotels. What's the point of that!"

"We must preserve the unique flavor of our countryside. We must not follow the crowd."

Gao Wu's eyes suddenly widened, and his face was full of shock.

"Is this dish really made by Lin Dong?"

Jian Yan tasted a piece of stewed sheep's feet and was shocked.

"Don't be surprised, or you won't have anything to eat. I finally know why the guests in the last round were so full, so I have to eat too."

Zhao Cheng ignored them and started eating.

The boiled shrimp was very tasty, the preserved egg in cold sauce was also delicious, and the turtle soup was too fresh.

Well, the braised pork seemed to melt in the mouth, fat but not greasy, and it was so delicious that it was inhumane.

Various flavors burst out on the taste buds, making them lose the desire to talk.

They only had one idea now, that is to eat a lot. If they ate less, they would regret it for a long time!

For a while, the only sound on the table was everyone eating a lot.

Food is the first thing for people, especially when they come across delicious food, who cares about other messy things.

Filling your stomach first is the kingly way.

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