Zhang Zheng looked at Lin Hai. Anyway, his eyes were not eyes, his nose was not a nose, and he was not happy with everything.

Any pig that wants to eat his own cabbage is not a good thing. But because the food was so delicious and it was in someone else's house,

Zhang Zheng held his anger in his stomach and vented it on the food.

"This braised pork is delicious, soft, glutinous and fragrant, and it breaks into pieces when you put it in your mouth"

"Hmm, crayfish is spicy and fragrant, but it makes people feel endless aftertaste when eating it. Various flavors spread on the tip of the tongue. It is more than just refreshing."

Zhang Zheng can no longer think about pigs and cabbage.

Now he is thinking that he must follow Master Lin to cook big banquets.

In this way, he can often eat the big banquets he cooks, which are simply too delicious.

Everyone ate and drank so much that no one spoke for a while.

By the middle of the meal, most of the dishes on the table had been gone.

The spicy crayfish were almost dried up, and the trash can under the table was almost full of lobster shells.

Zhang Wenjing's bowl still had a lot of sweet and sour pork ribs, as well as shredded pork with green peppers!

But she didn't feel any greasy, only one feeling, that is, it was really good.

Eating the dishes cooked by Master Lin again

"Wow, it was such a delicious meal.

Lin Hai was also smiling.

"Now that we have finished eating, how about we discuss something?"

Lin Dong also knew that everyone's mind was on eating before, and it would be a bit too embarrassing to discuss things at that time.

"Master Lin, please speak directly. We are all listening."

"Eating crayfish, drinking wine, and discussing things is simply wonderful."

Lin Hai muttered with a smile

"Do you want me to get you two girls and have a dance or something?"

Zhang Zheng sneered at the side.

"This is of course......"

Lin Hai subconsciously prepared to say something, but suddenly realized that it was his future brother-in-law who was talking.

His face immediately became serious, and he added:"Of course not, I'm a serious person."

Zhang Zheng smiled coldly.

We are all men, and no one can hide anything from anyone else. Why pretend to be so powerful?

Seeing them arguing, Lin Dong didn't say much.

Instead, he carefully explained some of his ideas.

Including cars and other things, Lin Jiang has already started to buy them. He even mentioned the two methods of profit sharing and fixed salary.

Lin Jiang probably told them about these things.

But Lin Hai and Zhang Wenjing didn't know.

So Lin Dong repeated it again.

After saying this, Lin Dong looked at Zhang Wenjing and told her that he wanted to invite her to run a self-media account. He also mentioned Zhang Wenjing's salary method and so on, to see some reactions and choices of Zhang Zheng and others.

There are a total of eight people present now, and if Lin Dong is removed, there are seven people

"Another point is that we currently have two orders to accept, either this month or next month."

"The first order has about 50 to 60 tables. Now it has been confirmed. The price is about 800 per table."

"The other order is not sure yet, but there will probably be 40 or 50 tables. As for the price, it should be around 500 per table."

Say this to reassure these people, to show that their cooking skills can really make money and get orders.

As for the choice, it is up to them.

No one present is a fool. Just the tentative 60 or 70 tables, just count them as 60 tables.

800 per table, everyone knows that the income is 48,000 at the bottom.

Even if the cost is cut in half, there is still 28,000 in income. Lin Dong gets half, so there is still 14,000. If 14,000 is divided among the seven of them, doesn't it mean that each person will have an income of 2,000?

If Zhang Wenjing is not included.

Then everyone else can even get more than 2,300.

One banquet will only take two days at most.

Calculated in this way, at the end of the day, that is equivalent to an income of a thousand yuan.

If you take a few more banquets a month, it will be tens of thousands of yuan every minute.

Everyone's breathing became a little hurried after hearing this

"Well, Master Lin, how about I consider it?"

Zhang Wenjing actually wanted to join this team.

But just now she calculated in her mind that if she joined this time, she would earn two thousand yuan for nothing.

But if she only operated the account, she might not have any performance in the early stage.

In that case, it would be like sharing other people's money for nothing.

After a long time, people would definitely have some ideas.

She was a little worried.

"What are you thinking about, Wenjing? We all know you are thinking about other things, but I don't think you need to think about them at all."

"You just need to run the account that Dongzi mentioned and edit some pictures. Then there will be a lot of people looking for us to host banquets."

Lin Jiang was very thoughtful and saw through some of Zhang Wenjing's ideas in an instant.

"When the time comes, if we want to take orders, we will have to rely on you."

"So you don't have to worry. I think anyone with a long-term vision will not let you collect the salary that Dongzi gives you."

Lin Jiang glanced at the other people.

"You have all tasted the dishes cooked by Dongzi. What do you think, given the reactions of the customers, if Wen Jing had filmed them, edited them and posted them online, wouldn't anyone have placed orders on Douyin and Kuaishou?"

"By then, we may have too many orders to handle."

Originally, Zhao Dazhu and his team definitely didn't want Zhang Wenjing to come in and share some of their money.

After all, Zhang Wenjing's task was just to shoot videos.

He probably wouldn't help them with other things. To put it bluntly, he was just here to eat for free.

They also thought that Zhang Wenjing might not be able to get orders from Douyin or something like that.

But Lin���This made Zhao Dazhu and the others suddenly alert.

What kind of foolishness did they become after eating?

If the reactions of those people who ate the feast were filmed and posted on the Internet, it would definitely cause a sensation.

This is going to happen!

"Haha, why would we have any objection? Wenjing will have to take care of the orders from now on."

"Wenjing, don't refuse. Just follow us for a while."

"I think there is no problem, so let's do it."

"Now that it's settled, let's toast and wish us great fortune in the future."

"Haha, come on and make a fortune!!"

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