"Oh my god, what's wrong with my daughter today? She's so proactive!"

Gao Laoer, who had just left the table and walked not far away, happened to hear his daughter's words. He was worried and happy. He was happy that his daughter finally had this idea.

He was worried that his daughter might be taken away by a big white pig.

Even if this pig is a little whiter and fatter, it is still a big white pig.

He just had an idea to introduce Lin Dong to his daughter.

It turned out that this time it was a turtle and a mung bean, and his daughter fell in love with him. It turned out that this girl likes this kind of thing.

"Then let's add prestige? We can find time to have dinner together."

Lin Dong smiled heartily, and was also generous and without any pretense.

Although he cooked big banquets, he would always have a few days free in a month, and his family was originally in Longjiang City. If the two wanted to contact each other, there would still be many opportunities.

"That's fine."

The two took out their phones and added each other on WeChat.

As for the phone number, since they were not that close yet, Lin Dong naturally did not ask.

"By the way, are you handing out flyers? I'll help you hand them out. It's a good time to walk back and forth, so I can help digest my food."

Gao Hongling's face was filled with smiles, like a blazing blooming flower.

She knew very well that when she met someone she was interested in and had feelings for, she had to seize the opportunity.

If two people just added each other's WeChat, there might not be any sparks in the conversation later.

Because communication on the Internet is actually very boring, especially for some people who are not good at creating topics.

This is no longer the era when Penguin was first released.

At that time, everyone used a 2G web page to chat about daily life. They could chat with netizens until late at night and were full of motivation.

What's more exaggerated is that they could chat by texting dozens or even hundreds of text messages in one night.

At that time, it was all passion, without routine.

But now, if you chat with an unfamiliar person, they will probably just ask you what you did today and what you are doing now.

You may feel embarrassed and boring sending these messages yourself.

And the other party will probably just reply to you, I'm going to take a shower, I'm sleepy, I have something to do outside....

There is another possibility that the other person will not reply at all.

This is true for both men and women.

We are all people in the era of the Internet explosion.

As for some routine chat methods, for some people who have seen too many online jokes, it is even more awkward.

People will not find you interesting, but only greasy.

The best way is actually to get to know each other offline.

"Ah, thank you so much, we just happen to be a little short of staff."

Lin Dong understood instantly and handed some business cards and menus to Gao Hongling.

The two looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

Love is a two-way journey.

A strange sweet feeling quietly grew in their hearts.

It was heart-throb, and the bad eyes could not hide.......

"Then I'll go hand out business cards first."


Gao Hongling felt panicky, her cheeks flushed unnaturally, and she turned and left.

Gao Laoer saw this scene, smiled foolishly, and didn't say anything to Lin Dong.

Just wait for them to develop naturally, but he felt that there was hope!

"Dongzi, what were you talking about with my cousin just now? I remember you two didn't know each other at all!

Gao Wu walked over here, touching his stomach, and couldn't help burping. It seemed that he was very full.

"I was handing out flyers to your cousin just now. Maybe she saw that I was a bit handsome and liked me, and she also thought that I was working hard, so she helped me hand out flyers?"

Lin Dong shamelessly fooled Gao Wu.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!!"

Gao Wu knew his cousin's character.

Money could not buy her willingness. In the past year, countless young men working in government agencies and relevant departments had pursued her.

Even more, some sons of business celebrities in Longjiang City had pursued her.

In the end, they all came back empty-handed, and no one succeeded.

He even almost thought that his cousin had a problem with her sexual orientation.

As a result, the cousin who had always been capable and aloof actually took the initiative to help this guy distribute flyers?

It was incredible!

"What's impossible?"

""Brother, you wanted to introduce me to your junior sister so that I could call you brother. Now your sister and I have a crush on each other. You can just wait to call me brother-in-law in the future."

Lin Dong joked with him with a smile.

"Damn it, I treat you as a brother, but you actually want to be my brother-in-law!"

Gao Wu was shocked and wanted to kill this guy.

"No, I have to ask my sister what's wrong with her."It's not that

Gao Wu couldn't accept this. After all, Lin Dong was a nice guy with good character, and he was a good cook.

He was just curious about how his cousin changed so suddenly.

""Sister, are you and Dongzi in love?"

Gao Wu ran over and muttered in front of Gao Hongling.

"What do you mean by"eye-catching"? It's like we're like a turtle and a mung bean.

Gao Hongling glared at Gao Wu in dissatisfaction.

"Um, that's not what I meant. What I meant was, are you interested in him?"

Gao Wu asked with a confused mind.

"It's not that I'm a little interested, but at present, all aspects of him are within my aesthetic range, so I can get in touch with him. Maybe after getting close to him, he won't satisfy me? These are not certain!"

Gao Hongling looked at this objectively, looking at Gao Wu with a strange look on her face.

"What? Is there something wrong with him? Why do you seem to be a little resistant?"

Gao Hongling knew that Gao Wu and Lin Dong were college classmates.

But Lin Dong was not much younger than her.

As the old saying goes, a woman three years older than a man will bring him wealth. She was not even three years older than Lin Dong, so it didn't affect anything at all.

"What's wrong with him? He just got by just fine in college. He was a blockhead and would just hang out in his dorm playing games when he had free time."

"Many girls asked him out, do you know what he did?

Gao Wu laughed and said,"He said girls would only affect his speed in getting heads, so he declined the girls' requests."

"I guess this guy might have fallen in love for the first time after graduation?"

"Otherwise, he would not contact you if this explanation does not make sense."

Gao Wu was also a little puzzled.

"Then can't it be that I, your sister, am more charming?"

"After reading so many books for so many years, my emotional intelligence has become as low as a dog's"

""Go away, don't disturb me while I'm working."

Gao Hongling was actually quite satisfied with what she heard.

Although in this era, it is inevitable that some young people have had several relationships, and some people's sexual life experiences can even be published in a book.

But if you can meet someone who has no experience in love, of course you will be very happy.

Of course, this may also be very tiring. After all, people who have no experience in love may not know how to take care of others, nor understand others.

But she thinks Lin Dong should not have this problem.

Gao Hongling is a well-educated and elegant teacher outside. In front of her own siblings, she is a big sister who kills gods and Buddhas.

Gao Wu is a little scared of her!

"Ah, yes, yes, I am a dog, and a single dog at that. Okay, I really have a partner and forget about my brother. This is too real."

"What bullshit are you talking about? You haven't even started yet. Get out of here and don't block the way here."

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