After Lin Jiang and the others had eaten and drunk their fill, they helped Lin Dong clean the pots and pans.

They each took a takeaway box and filled it with some dragon and phoenix soup, ready to take some back home for their families.

Lin Dong also left himself a bowl of dragon and phoenix soup, plus some meat.

Lin Jiang drank a can of beer in the middle, but it didn't affect him at all in driving the van to take them back.

Yang Fan came here by bicycle, so it wasn't a big problem.

Lin Hai and Lin Da Kui were from the same village, so there was even less trouble.

While they were chatting, Lin Dong suddenly saw a little kid standing outside the door looking anxiously.

"Huzi, what are you doing?"

Huzi is the kid from Linjia Village who was lying on the ground after eating.

"I, I, I just smelled the fragrance and I followed it all the way here."

Hu Zi headed towards Lin Dong's room with his eyes wide open.

"Uncle Dongzi, what are you eating?"

Seeing Lin Dong looking at him strangely, Hu Zi immediately put his hands behind his back and said with a straight face:"Well, Uncle Dongzi, I'm just curious about what delicious food you made, but I don't want to eat your food."

"My grandma said that we can’t just eat at other people’s houses. If we play at other people’s houses and see them start cooking, we should prepare to go home.

This little thing looks so serious and cute.

"Did you really come here by smelling the smell just now?"

He thought it was unlikely, because Huzi's home was quite far from his own.

Even if he was playing nearby, he was cooking in the backyard.

This little thing was able to follow the smell to find the door, which was considered a talent.

It must be a dog's nose!

"Yes, I was playing over there just now, and I smelled something delicious here, so I quickly left my friends behind and came over here."

Hu Zi tilted his head and said,"So, Uncle Dong Zi, what delicious food did you make?"

"Um, the dragon and phoenix soup is made by stewing chicken and snake together. It is very delicious. Just smelling the taste will make your mouth water."

"It tastes better than the banquet I cooked last time."

As soon as these words came out, Hu Zi's face couldn't hold back anymore, and he almost drooled.

"Can I go and smell it? I promise I won't eat it."

Hu Zi looked up at Lin Dong nervously, afraid that he would not let him smell it.

"You little thing, do you really think I don't know what's in your head?"

"Come with me, I just happen to have one bowl left, you can take it back later. Walk slowly and don’t spill it, okay?"

"After you finish eating, remember to return the bowl to your uncle Dongzi."

Hu Zi's head immediately pecked at the rice like a chicken, and his nose was full of joy.

""Okay, okay, Uncle Dongzi, don't worry."

Although he said he would put it in a bowl, Lin Dong found a portable lunch box.

He poured all the dragon and phoenix soup into it and asked the little guy Hu Zi to carry it back slowly.

"Remember to return the lunch box to me when the time comes, okay?"

"I see, Uncle Dongzi, you can give me such delicious food, you are even closer to me than my own father."

Lin Dong:"......"

This kid really values filial piety. He is so filial.

"Dongzi, I think this kid has a pretty good sense of smell."

Lin Jiang, who was standing by, pinched his chin and smacked his lips.

"Well, he does seem to be a bit gifted. Don’t be fooled by his tiger-like appearance, but he is actually very smart.

Lin Dong talked to everyone about Hu Zi again.

"Fishing in the evening is an activity for you young people. I won't participate. I have something else to do in the evening."

Lin Da Kui saw that everyone had finished talking, and said seriously:

"Hey, Uncle Da Kui, you have to take it easy tonight, this thing has a strong aftereffect!"

Lin Jiang has already sat in the driver's seat of the van, ready to drive some people back

""Get lost!"

Lin Da Kui scolded him with a smile, and took the dragon and phoenix soup back to his wife in a disposable bowl.

"Dongzi, I'll send them back first, and then I'll get some tools. Maybe we can have a grilled fish or something in the evening!"


Lin Dong naturally had no objection.

In recent years, with the emergence of problems such as water pollution, there are fewer fish than when I was a child.

You know, in the early years.

In the small rivers in the countryside, people would use pesticides to kill fish every now and then, but the number of fish was still very large.

When it was busy, people from several villages could go to the river to catch fish.

Even so, the fish in the river will recover quickly, and the number will basically not decrease.

On the other hand, now no one goes to fish with pesticides. On the contrary, the various species of fish are gradually decreasing.

Lin Jiang sent them back first and would bring them back later.

As for Zhang Wenjing, she said that she was a little tired and wanted to go to bed early in the evening, so she didn't plan to come.

Everyone naturally understood that they were a group of men, and what was the matter with bringing a girl in the evening.

Hu Zi also came home with a lunch box at this time.

His father went back to the city to be busy again. As for Hu Zi's mother, although she was pregnant.

But it was still in the early stages, and she could help Hu Zi's father with some things, so she didn't stay in the village.

"Grandma, Uncle Dongzi prepared something delicious for me."

Huzi ran into the house with his legs stomping and shouted to the old lady who was preparing to cook.

The old lady said with a straight face:"Why did you go to Dongzi's house to eat for free? What did I teach you before?"

Huzi said with a straight face:"Grandma, I didn't go to eat for free. I just passed by Uncle Dongzi's house, and Uncle Dongzi stuffed this Dongzi into my hand and asked me to return the lunch box later."

These words made the old lady look at her grandson carefully.

"Okay, I'll trust you for once. Come, I'll open it for you and see what it is."

"Uncle Dongzi said it was dragon and phoenix soup, and it was very delicious!"

Huzi stood on tiptoe and tried hard to watch grandma open the lunch box.

When the lunch box lid was opened, a faint fragrance immediately spread out, and the old lady couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

"Good boy, your uncle Dongzi really loves you, Huzi. When you grow up, you must buy your uncle Dongzi some good wine."


Hu Zi didn't know when he had brought two bowls over and looked at his grandmother eagerly.

"Eat, eat, eat. You only know how to eat. There is no hope for you."

The old lady glared at her grandson, but still gave him a full bowl of dragon and phoenix soup.

""Yeah, yeah, if there's such delicious food every day, there's no hope."

Hu Zi was completely addicted to the Dragon and Phoenix Soup.

The old lady had a headache.

This eldest grandson was already useless.

Fortunately, her son and his friends were preparing to practice a trumpet.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Jiang and his group had gathered together.

Everyone had a flashlight in their hands.

Lin Dong and Lin Jiang also had a few spear guns in their hands.

This thing is simple to make, and many people played with it in their childhood.

"I packed some oil and salt, nothing else is needed, it's completely dark, let's go."

Linjia Village is built on the hillside and beside the water, there is a river below the village.

The river is winding, some places are very shallow.

Some places form backwaters, and the water is very deep.

Some backwaters can be three or four meters deep.

Lin Dong and his friends all grew up in the countryside, so they naturally know how to find the location of fish at night.

Generally, you have to find places with backwaters.

Including some ponds with relatively slow and still water flow. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Dong and his group separated, two people in a group, looking for traces of small fish in the river

""Dongzi, there's one here, you go get it."

Lin Hai, who was following Lin Dong, suddenly shouted in a low voice.

Lin Dong looked in the direction of his flashlight and indeed saw a large crucian carp.

This one was probably about 300 grams, which was already quite large.[]

The flashlight shone brightly on the crucian carp, which had not yet realized the danger.

Lin Dong's spear gun was ready to fire.

The spear tip entered the water, less than an inch away from the crucian carp.

He suddenly pressed the switch, and the spear needle shot in instantly, piercing into the crucian carp's body with a"puff".

The crucian carp struggled frantically but to no avail.

"Well done."

Lin Hai reached out and took the crucian carp off the gun needle and threw it into the bamboo basket.

There were quite a lot of fish in this river, and from time to time, the sound of several people coming and going could be heard.

"Wow, I also caught a crucian carp, this one is quite big"

"What you shot is nothing. I shot a slippery yellow catfish. It's not small. It's probably about 200 grams."

"I caught a catfish weighing almost 150 grams. If it was bigger, it could be stewed."

After an hour or so, everyone had a good harvest. It was estimated that they weighed several kilograms.

After another half an hour, the fish they shot were almost 150 to 180 kilograms.

I can only say that the resources here are really good.

If some air force guys saw it, they would probably drool with envy.

"That's about it. If there are more, it will be very troublesome to deal with them."

Seeing that everyone was still enthusiastic, Lin Dong couldn't help but say

"Well, that’s almost it. Wait, hey, Jiangzi, is there a yellow eel in the water?"

"This yellow eel seems to be quite big. I think it may be about one kilogram!!"

Zhao Dazhu was waving a flashlight over there.

0Seeking flowers0 0Lin

Dong was also standing near them. At this moment, he turned his head and looked over.

He saw that in the not-so-shallow water, a yellow eel suddenly surfaced and swam quickly in the water.

"Damn, Da Zhuang, what are you looking at? Can a yellow eel have a tattoo? This thing is a water snake!"

""Swirl, swirl, hurry up and get out of here. What if it's poisonous?"

The crowd of onlookers ran away, stirring up the surging river water, soaking all their clothes.

They were all wearing sandals, which made it inconvenient to move.

The water snake was as fast as a horse in the water.

At this moment, both the people and the snake were very panicked.

After running for more than ten meters, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the water snake did not catch up.

"Damn it, Da Zhuang, can you please take a closer look? If that water snake is poisonous, we will have to invite Dongzi to have a big feast."

"It's risky to go down the river at night, so I guess I should just take it easy."

""Well, it's not that my eyesight is not very good."

Da Zhuang said with a guilty conscience.

But no one took him seriously.

It would be strange if you didn't encounter any water snakes when fishing in the river at night.

Lin Dong and his friends cut open the stomachs of all the fish they caught by the river, removed the internal organs, and threw them into the water.

There will still be many fish that will eat these internal organs.

As for the fish scales, since they are all small fish, there is no need to scrape them off.

Lin Jiang and his friends found a place by the river, cleaned it up a little, and found some firewood and sticks.

They quickly lit the fire and put a lot of thicker sticks on it to burn.

The flames rose and the sticks burned quickly. It was almost done.

There was only a pile of charcoal with almost no smoke, red in color, and extremely hot, which was very suitable for grilling.

Lin Dong and his friends then skewered the fish from head to tail onto the spear gun needle, which served as a steel skewer for the grill.

A spear gun needle was only enough to skewer a few fish, which was far from enough.

So they got a few clean wooden sticks to skewer the fish.

After finishing all these, they grilled them all on the charcoal fire.

They had to turn them around to prevent the small fish from being burnt.

Because the temperature was extremely high and the fish was not big.

Soon, the aroma of fish slowly wafted out.

"Well, it's time to brush some oil on it!"

Lin Dong brought out lard this time.

In summer, lard is melted and liquid when left outside.

Brush a layer of lard on all the fish.

The aroma becomes stronger, and the people who have been busy for two hours suddenly have a strong appetite.

"I haven't grilled fish outside in years."

"Everyone is saying the same thing. This thing is really delicious. It is completely different from the grilled fish in the barbecue restaurant. The grilled fish in the barbecue restaurant is so oily and has too many other spices. You can hardly taste the fish flavor at all. But this grilled fish, without adding anything else, you can still smell the aroma of fish. My mouth is watering."

"Dongzi, these fish���Is it cooked now?

The fish meat was slightly oily.

The skin was already roasted to a golden brown.

"Almost done, sprinkle some salt on it and grill it for a while before eating."

Lin Dong also had a strong appetite.

This kind of grilled fish is so delicious that you can eat one at a time. No matter how much you eat, it is not enough.

He took out the salt and sprinkled it on the front and back of all the fish.

Soon, the fragrance became stronger!

The lard also seeped into the fish meat.

"It's all cooked and ready to eat."

Lin Jiang heard this and immediately picked up the small wooden stick, bit a fish with his teeth, and chewed it slowly.

"Wow, it smells so good, the taste is so amazing, exactly the same as when I was a child. I feel that if I grilled these small fish like this and sold them in the city, I guess a lot of people would buy them!"

"Anyway, if I see it, I will definitely buy a few to try."

"Two more skewers, please."

They didn't grill a lot of fish at once, and they were all big guys, so they quickly finished the grilled fish.

"Bake some more. This is not enough."

"OK, I'll go get some more firewood. Let's grill more at once this time. Grill all the bigger fish. The bigger ones will taste better when eaten."

Everyone was busy and talking. They grilled for more than an hour. When it was almost twelve o'clock, they were done for the night.

As for the remaining fish, Lin Dong didn't want it.

He was full and too lazy to go home to deal with it. As for who took it home, he didn't know.

"If there is no financial pressure, living in the countryside is really comfortable and the pace is slow. This is what it feels like to live!!"

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