Hu Zi was beaten by his grandmother and cried loudly. He went back to the house with his ears pulled, which made everyone smile.

Lin Dong also took the time to clean the house.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, he went to the town to sell some candles, liquor, incense, yellow paper, a piece of knife-head meat, etc.

Today is the anniversary of his grandfather Lin Jiadong's death. He has to go to the old man's grave to burn some paper, talk, and kowtow.

When Lin Dong went back to his hometown at first, he wanted to live there for a while. After the anniversary of his grandfather's death, he would go back to Longjiang City to find a job and a class.

Unexpectedly, during this period, the system was activated.

"Maybe this is the blessing from heaven, old man."

Lin Dong found a backpack and put some things in it.

Lin Zhengxiong also called back in the morning.

"Dongzi, today is your grandfather's death anniversary, but since you are at home, buy some things and visit the grave."

"Your mother and I will just burn some paper in the city tonight and won't be back."

"Xiaoxi originally wanted to come back, but you drove the car back and she was too lazy to take the bus, so she didn't come back."

"In the past few years, I have been busy making money and have little time to accompany the old man. Fortunately, you have always been with him, otherwise I would really be ashamed......."

Lin Zheng talked for a while.

Lin Dong listened patiently.

His father never talked to him about anything.

If he talked a lot, it was probably because he really wanted to talk.

When parents were alive, there was still a way forward. After parents passed away, there was only a way back.

His own father must also miss his father.

"Got it. I've bought all the things. I'll go to visit the old man's grave later."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Dong took his lighter, put on his backpack, changed into work clothes, and put a sickle in the backpack. He held a weeding hoe in his hand.

The old man was buried in a piece of land on the mountain where Lin Dong lived.

Now this land has been given to the villagers to plant.

No money is charged for the whole year, as long as people don't let the land go uncultivated.

After walking for half an hour, Dong arrived at the old man's grave without blushing or panting.

He first used a sickle to cut off the grass on and around the grave, revealing a bare grave.

The grass around the grave was also cut to reveal the outline of the entire grave.

Then use a hoe to hoe the ground around the grave to prevent the grass from growing too fast and covering the grave.

After doing all this, even though his physique had been upgraded, Lin Dong couldn't help but breathe heavily.

His right hand was slightly red from the force.

"If this had been done to my body, my palms would have blistered soon after I returned!"

Lin Dong muttered a few words, and took out the prepared meat, fruits, incense, yellow paper, candles, etc. and arranged them. As for the wine, he poured a total of five small cups into those small white porcelain cups and placed them neatly in front of the old man's tombstone.

He lit the yellow paper and burned three piles in front of the grave.

After the incense was lit, it was inserted on the edge of the tombstone.

Lin Dong knelt down and kowtowed three times.

"Grandpa, I was at school during the Qingming Festival and couldn't come to visit your grave, but I dreamed of you that night. Did you secretly send me a message in my dream?"

"I have good news for you. My dear grandson has graduated from college and is now a real adult."

"It's a pity that you didn't see this day, old man."

Lin Dong babbled. He was raised by the old man.

When he was seven or eight years old, his parents were very busy with work. In addition, Lin Xi was born at that time, so they really didn't have much energy to take care of him. He always followed the old man around the village. Every time the old man held a banquet, he would swing his legs and run with the old man for a whole day without complaining about being tired.

"Also, you always said that I was talented in cooking and hoped that I could take over your job and carry forward our rural banquet."

Lin Dong couldn't help but smile as he said this.

"At that time, you were still worried that after I went to college and interacted more with city people, I would look down on our rural barbecue."

"Old man, I can only tell you that you are wrong about this. I, your grandson, will really take over your job."

"Don't worry, I will promote the rural banquet and let people know that rural banquets are no worse than those in big restaurants."

Lin Dong said, his voice was a little bitter.

"Old man, I have something else to tell you. I may have found a girl I like. She might become your granddaughter-in-law in the future."

"After I confirm my relationship with her, I will bring her here to burn paper for you."

"Come, let's have a toast."

Lin Dong poured all the wine from the four small porcelain cups onto the yellow paper that was almost completely burned.

Flames suddenly rose on the embers of the yellow paper.

He drank the wine in the last small porcelain cup himself.

After waiting for a long time, the candles and incense were also burned out.

Lin Dong began to check whether there was still fire on the yellow paper.

If the fire was not completely extinguished, he would stomp on it a few times with a hoe to avoid causing a disaster of burning the mountain.

After finishing all this, it was already afternoon. At noon, Lin Dong went home and ate something casually.

He was lying at home playing with his mobile phone and roughly searched for vans and the like.

As a result, WeChat prompted that he was pulled into a group.

The name was - Shaoxi Family.

Lin Dong:"I have to say, this name is really rustic."

Zhang Wenjing:"(Cute), is this our official work group from now on?"

Fan Hong:"Jiangzi, have you decided with Li Wu's family on the 16th about the ingredients and other things?"

Lin Jiang:"It's settled. When we go to pick up the goods in the evening, I'll talk to the boss about the price. We still have to buy ingredients for a hundred tables. Haizi, you can come with me then."

Lin Hai said:"Okay, I've learned a lot from you during this period."

Lin Dong and Lin Jiang:"I'm going to buy more.���A van is convenient for us to transport people, and it is also convenient for me to drive home. It is not very convenient to drive my dad's car now."

Lin Jiang and Lin Dong:"This matter is easy to say. A van can be solved for 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. I strongly recommend last year's Wuling Hongguang microvan. The landing price of the top configuration is just over 60,000 yuan. If you drive it on weekdays, it is actually not bad. There are seven seats. [Picture]"

Lin Dong:"I just looked at it for a while and I also think this car is practical. Then I will buy this car. I will go to the car shop in the afternoon to see if there is a real car. If there is, I will pick it up directly."

Lin Jiang:"Boss, you are generous. I know someone here. I will ask for you."

After a moment, Lin Jiang and Lin Dong:"The person I know has a car in stock. If you want, you can pick it up directly. The location is xxxx, and the contact number is xxxxx."

Lin Dong:"Thanks, brother."

Lin Jiang:"You're welcome [grin】"

Since Lin Jiang has connections,

Lin Dong was too lazy to go to each store one by one. In the afternoon, he went directly to the city to pick up a white car, and took care of insurance and license issues.

He got a temporary license first.

As for the formal license, he would do it in the next few days. After getting the car, Lin Dong took two photos and sent them to the group.

He also stated that if everyone is free in the future, they can drive this car to the banquet.

If not, they can drive Lin Jiang's car, and the team will reimburse the gas.

Lin Jiang certainly had no objection. It is not good to park the car for too long. It needs to be driven frequently.

Of course, Lin Dong also sent a red envelope of 200 yuan to the group. Everyone was very happy to grab it and said that the boss was generous.

This made Lin Dong grin.

Wow, he is also a boss?

In the afternoon, Lin Dong actually received a call from his university class teacher.

"Lin Dong, are you employed now?" the head teacher asked.

Is the school counting the employment rate?

It's too early!

"Teacher, I should be employed now, right?"

Lin Dong replied with gritted teeth.

After graduation, the university classmates group seemed to have suddenly died.

Suddenly, there were not many people chatting.

"Um, what do you mean? What do you mean by employed?"

""Teacher, as a college graduate, is cooking banquets in the countryside considered employment?"

Lin Dong was a little embarrassed.

His classmates were all college students, and most of them would be working in offices, but why did he feel a little weird going to the countryside to cook banquets?

The head teacher's voice suddenly became louder:"Are you kidding me? Are you serious about going to the countryside to cook banquets?"

Lin Dong replied:"Yes, it's true. I have received several orders, and the income is okay."

The teacher was silent for a long time, a little annoyed by Lin Jiang, and hesitated:"Then I will fill in self-employed for you?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Lin Dong smiled and said:"Okay, teacher, if your family has birthdays for the elderly, weddings for your children, etc., you can also ask me to take charge of the banquet. The taste is absolutely great!"

The head teacher laughed and said:"Speaking of marriage, my family really has such a thing. How about your cooking skills?"

"Those who ate said it was good, and those who ate wanted to eat more. In any case, most people at the table left the table with their stomachs groped."

Lin Dong answered confidently.

When he was in school, he didn't dare to chat with his teacher so openly.[]

"OK, I'll think about it. If I need anything, I'll contact you then."


Lin Dong chatted with his university class teacher for a few words and then hung up the phone.

"Marriage at home? Could it be that the class teacher got married himself?"

Lin Dong, the class teacher, came to the school to teach after graduating from a master's degree. Now he is almost forty years old and still unmarried.

It is said that he had a girlfriend before graduation, but no one knows how she is doing now.

"If the class teacher asks me to prepare a banquet for his wedding, it will be a bit funny."

Lin Dong almost laughed out loud when he thought about the scene of those classmates begging him to give them more food.

That evening, Lin Jiang took Lin Hai and Zhao Dazhu to the farmer's market to buy goods.

Lin Dong also drove back to Linjia Village and helped them deal with the ingredients.

In the middle, Li Wu called to remind Lin Dong once, asking them not to forget the banquet tomorrow.

"Don't worry, we have everything ready and will come to your house early tomorrow morning."

"OK, then I'll be waiting for you."

Tomorrow, which is the 16th, Li Wu's family will hold a wedding banquet.

So there are still many ingredients to be processed tonight.

Chicken, duck, fish, lamb feet, pork belly, etc., all have to be processed in advance.

If it is winter, they can process it directly in broad daylight, and it will be fine if they leave it for a while.

But in summer, they can't process it too long in advance.

Otherwise, it will easily go bad and affect the taste of the ingredients.

They can only rush to process it at night.

Fortunately, they have handled it before, and now they are used to it.

Even Zhang Wenjing took the initiative to participate.

Nonsense, every time you get so much money, if you don't take the initiative to do something, how can you stay in this team!

Everyone is busy It was eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening. They talked and laughed, and were not too tired.

In the middle, Lin Dong even fried a few side dishes for them, and finished the work happily.

Early the next morning, Lin Dong drove the newly bought van.

Zhao Dazhu drove a truck with goods to the address of Li Wu's home.

Although Li Wu's home is in the city.

This time the banquet was held in a village on the edge of the city, called Lijia Village.

Let's call it a village in the city.

With the urbanization process of Longjiang City, this village will be included in it sooner or later.

A cement road has been built in Lijia Village.

The road is quite flat, there are not many vehicles, and it is close to the city center.

If you have a car at home, this is simply a good place to live.

"Hey, Master Lin, you are finally here."

At about five in the morning, Li Si received a call from Lin Dong and hurried over to greet him.

"My brother and his family went to pick up the bride early in the morning. Master Lin, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

"I'm sorry to bother you with the morning meal."For a big banquet like theirs in the countryside, they usually have to pack two meals.

One in the morning and one in the afternoon.

But the morning meal is basically enough to fill people up, and the dishes are not very particular.

In addition, there are not many people eating at the banquet, so the cost is actually not much, just a little effort from everyone.

"It's not a big problem."

Lin Dong discussed with Li Si about where to set up the table and build the stove.

At six o'clock in the morning, all preparations were completed.

"Dongzi, there should be quite a few people at the wedding banquet this morning."

After Lin Jiang finished his work, he took the time to light a cigarette.

"There will be no less. There will be 20 to 30 people to send the bride off, plus some young people who will join in the fun. There may be more than 10 tables. We don't think we will make much money this time."

Lin Jiang was worried.

Lin Dong nodded and said,"It won't be too much, but it won't be a loss."

Not long after he finished discussing with Li Si, he came to his senses.

Eight hundred per table is indeed a bit cheap. After all, the morning meal also takes a lot of effort.

Materials and labor are both expensive.

Later, Lin Dong prepared some menus by himself.

The prices of some banquets were raised.

For example, if lunch is included, how much money should be added.

If lunch is not included, how much money should be added? There are detailed regulations.

It can only be said that every failure makes a wiser person.

Starting a business is a process of improvement and progress.

Even if there is a system, he is only a college graduate. It's hard to avoid making mistakes.

When Lin Dong distributes flyers next time, he doesn't plan to send out the flyer for 500 yuan per table.

The main reason is that Lin Dong knows what's going on.

With his cooking skills

, it would be a waste to charge 500 yuan per table. Moreover, raising the standards will make some small banquets with 10 to 20 tables give up.

In addition, they focus on high-priced banquets.

In this way, they can have more free time every month.

Making money is for a good life in the future.

But now there is no shortage of money, so just enjoy life first.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone!

"I originally prepared a big banquet to make money, so there is nothing wrong with doing this." After comforting himself, Lin Dong let out a long breath and began to prepare all kinds of dishes for the morning.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the bride's car lined up outside and slowly drove into Lijia Village.

The sound of firecrackers continued to roar.

""Dongzi, Wenjing, Dazhuang, don't be scared later, let's squeeze up and grab the red envelopes! It's for good luck, understand?"

Lin Jiang was very familiar with this routine, with a cigarette in his mouth.

Lin Dong was cutting vegetables while watching with a smile, thinking it was quite interesting.

The scene was quite lively.

No matter if they were relatives of Li Wu's family or not.

Neighbors, children in the village, etc., all gathered around to join in the fun.

In the city, it is rare to see such a scene except at banquets.

At most, everyone will gather at the newlyweds' home.

But how many people can that small three-bedroom and one-living room accommodate?

Even if relatives and friends want to play mahjong, they can't set up a few tables.

Soon, the door of the first car opened.

Li Wu, who was in the lead, was wearing a suit and took the bride covered with a red headscarf.���From the car into the house.

A moment later, Li Wu appeared on the third floor.

From upstairs, countless red envelopes were thrown down.

A group of neighbors and the woman's relatives crowded downstairs to grab the red envelopes.

"Hey, kid, you dare to bend down to pick up the red envelope on the ground, aren't you afraid of being stepped on to death?"

""Please move aside, if you keep pushing me, I will just lie on the ground." Those who were scrambling for the red envelopes included children aged five or six, elderly people aged sixty or seventy, and young men in their thirties and forties. It was like a fight.

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