"Beat him, beat him, if you dare to do it, I will tell my grandparents about it."

Lin Dong looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

"Well, I am afraid of you. Although the old man is gone, there are still two mountains weighing on my head."

Lin Zhengxiong said, and suddenly added:"I hope they can keep me down for the rest of my life, and live a few more decades, so that I can see you and Xiaoxi get married and have children, and have great-grandchildren."

"Then our grandparents would have to live to be centenarians, right?"

"Haha, being a centenarian is great, how many people want it."

Lin Zhengxiong laughed.

In the past, Lin Dong could never sit still in the store, and it was hard for him to have such a good chat with his father.

After graduation, his mentality seemed to have changed a little, and he could listen to their chatter.

"By the way, aren't your mom and Xiaoxi at home?"

Lin Zhengxiong suddenly asked

"Um, when I got home, they said they went for a walk outside, but from the sound of their voices, I guess they went to the barbecue restaurant."

Lin Dong looked indignant.

"Just get used to it. You have encountered this before, I have encountered it before, and your sister has encountered it before, but your mother has not encountered it before, and she is the protagonist of the barbecue restaurant."

Lin Dong was speechless. His mother was cute and had no brains, but fortunately, she was spoiled by her father, which was also a blessing in life.

The two chatted a lot in the store. Lin Dong shared some recent events of the barbecue with Lin Zhengxiong.

Lin Zhengxiong also told Lin Dong some things that he didn't know in the early years. The father and son chatted speculatively.

The two stayed until after eight o'clock in the evening, and the noodles in the store had been sold out.

""Let's go. Business is good today. All the goods are sold out in advance. Let's go home."

After packing up, the father and son rode their electric scooters home.

At night, the neon lights of the city flickered, the cool breeze blew on the face, and the years were quiet and good.

Early the next morning, my parents went to work.

Lin Xi was still sleeping.

The summer vacation made her live like a fat pig.

But it seemed that she was like this during her previous summer vacations.

That's fine.

Lin Zhengxiong rode his electric scooter again today, so Lin Dong could drive his car out for a stroll again.

When he arrived at the vegetable market, Lin Dong bought a black chicken weighing about three pounds and asked the boss to help him prepare it.

Come again He went to a drugstore and bought some dried tangerine peel, ginger, grass fruit, jujube and other Chinese medicinal materials and other ingredients.

These are all necessary ingredients for medicinal diet.

As for the effect, Lin Dong never doubted it.

Needless to say, the system rewards are so magical.

This is pure cheating!

After buying the things, Lin Dong returned home and started to process.

First, use the kitchen gas flame to roast the fluff off the black chicken.

When all the fluff is roasted off and the skin is slightly golden and oily, wash it again.

Then chop the chicken into appropriate and even pieces.

Lin Dong doesn't like The chicken head and buttocks are eaten, so these things are cut off.

To avoid being too greasy, Lin Dong also processed all the chicken fat.

After soaking for about half an hour, the blood and other things were soaked out.

Because it was a black chicken bought in the market, it was probably from a farm.

Lin Dong blanched the chicken again and slightly removed the foam.

If the chicken is raised in the countryside with grains, it only needs to be soaked out of the blood, and there is no need to blanch it.

Wash the blanched chicken with warm water and drain the water.

As for the several Chinese medicines, Lin Dong had already used enough Soak the chicken in clean water for about half an hour.

There is no need to pour out the water for soaking the medicine, just stew it with the black chicken later.

Of course, the Chinese medicine does not need to be washed, otherwise some of the effective ingredients may be lost as they dissolve in water.

Take care of these.

Lin Dong put the drained chicken into the casserole, and poured enough clean water with the Chinese medicine into the large casserole.

The amount of clean water was sufficient.

Put the casserole on the gas stove and boil it over high heat.

Lin Dong skimmed off the foam in the casserole, then switched to low heat and simmered it.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning.

If it was cooked, it would be around eleven o'clock, just in time.

"There is not much skill to be said about this medicinal food. It is mainly a matter of prescription and heat. It needs constant attention, but the taste should not be bad. After all, it is like drinking chicken soup and eating chicken~."

The stewing process of the medicinal food takes about two hours.

Lin Dong set an alarm on his mobile phone to avoid forgetting it. He took some time to browse Douyin for a while.

On the page of Longjiang City in this city, Lin Dong actually saw a video posted by his small account.

Yes, it was the video that Zhang Wenjing showed him before.

There were more than a hundred comments in the video comment area. The number of likes even reached a terrifying more than 200. (To read the exciting novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He was a little itchy and clicked on the comment area to take a look.

"To be honest, this banquet chef is from Linjia Village, Jiangkou Town. I am from Jiangkou Town. A few days ago, I personally cooked the banquet cooked by Chef Lin. The taste was simply amazing!"

"I feel like this chef is really good at cooking. The food he cooked looks delicious and the kitchen looks very clean."

"I kind of want to eat the feast cooked by Master Lin, but I don't know what it tastes like."

"The video is so good, I don't know if it is reliable or not. It's just a video, it's a bit scary, who would dare to place an order?"[]

Most people can't resist delicious food.

When watching food videos while eating, most people will have a stronger appetite.

"It seems Zhang Wenjing did a good job"

"Once we post more videos and hold a few more events, I think the popularity will pick up, and then people will actually place orders on the short video platform."

"Moreover, the videos edited by Zhang Wenjing seem to have high stickiness, and it will be easy for them to be promoted on short video platforms in the future."

Lin Dong was somewhat happy.

It seemed that he had made the right move.

This matter was left to Zhang Wenjing.

At ten forty, Lin Dong added the jujubes without seeds.

At eleven o'clock, the medicinal food was almost done and exuded a strange medicinal aroma.

The mixture of the medicinal aroma and the aroma of chicken actually gave Lin Dong a hint of appetite.

Finally, salt was added and it was stewed for another five minutes.

Lin Dong poured the medicinal food, which was almost enough for two people, into a stainless steel insulated lunch box and took the bowls and chopsticks.

Before leaving, he told his sister that there was chicken soup in the casserole, so he would not tell her that it was a medicinal food.

Anyway, both men and women can drink this soup.

If you don't want to drink it, you can also heat up the banquet food brought back yesterday.

Lin Xi responded in a daze.

Then Lin Dong carried the things and rushed to Longjiang No. 1 Middle School. At Longjiang No.

1 Middle School, Gao Hongling had just finished her last class of the morning.

But she hadn't left yet. She was sitting in the office, looking a little listless, and rubbing her stomach from time to time.

""Hongling, are you okay?"

Another young female teacher said with some concern.

As a woman, she knew that some people had poor physical constitutions.

When they have menstrual cramps, it feels like someone is stirring their stomachs with a stick. The pain is worse than death.

"It's nothing, just bear with it, I'm used to it." Gao Hongling forced a smile.

The female teacher poured Gao Hongling a cup of hot water and said,"Why don't you go back first? Anyway, you only have one last class in the afternoon, so you can go back early and rest for a while."

"No, a friend will come over at noon, I have to wait a while."

The worry on the female teacher's face instantly disappeared, and a look of gossip instantly appeared on her face. She couldn't help but ask:"Who is coming, a man or a woman?"

"A (good) friend I just met not long ago, a man."

Gao Hongling whispered, she was not shy about this matter.

There is no such thing as a sea king raising fish.

Love should be said out loud, she wanted everyone to know about this.

It's just that they haven't confirmed their relationship yet, so it's not easy to publicize it.

"Male? Just met not long ago?"

The female teacher's voice suddenly became high.

Gao Hongling is a flower in Longjiang No. 1 Middle School.

I don't know how many unmarried male teachers have ideas for her and keep showing their enthusiasm.

As a result, Gao Hongling was unmoved. Some sensible ones backed off.

But there are still a few teachers who are diligent and want to embrace this thorny rose.

As a result, Teacher Gao was suddenly taken by others.

She silently mourned for those male teachers.

At the same time, she was also a little curious. What is the identity of the man that Gao Hongling likes?

Is he a young talent in the establishment? Or is he the son of the president of a corporate group?

It can't be just an ordinary person!

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