The big guy who passed through quickly took the scumbag script

Chapter 745 Senior Brother Kills Online 25 (Two in One)

"Defend the battle, start!"

With an order, people jumped onto the four martial arts platforms.

Sharp swords, knives, guns, whips, hunting hammers... Eighteen kinds of weapons went into battle, and countless cheers erupted from the stands.

Holding a cup of tea in her hand, Xihe heard the roars and screams from the audience, one after another, and the surrounding voices became more and more high-pitched. Everyone danced and danced, almost piercing the eardrums.

"Which sect is the black-clothed disciple with the short sword? He's so mighty!"

"Fuck! Another person was kicked!"

"Won't he be tired? This is the tenth game, right?"

After the fierce melee, it was the ring battle. One person guarded the ring and the others challenged. The loser stepped down and the winner became the ring leader. It was very rough!

And on the four arenas, from the start of the defending battle, the black-clothed disciple with the short sword didn't go down even once.

The blood-stained black clothes, with fierce eyebrows and eyes, make people feel terrified!

He shot neatly, and everyone who went up was kicked off the ring within a few minutes, ranging from spitting blood at the mouth, to breaking arms and legs at worst, extremely brutal.

"This... seems to be someone from Luoyun Villa?"

"Ah? What nonsense are you talking about? The people from Luoyun Villa haven't stepped down yet!"

Buzzing discussions, people with clear ears can't help but look in the direction of Luoyun Villa, carefully watching the expressions of He Yu's brothers and sisters, He Yu can't see his thoughts with his eyes downcast, He Wei has already turned his face away in fear , frowning slightly.

Ah, I can't see it.

Everyone couldn't help looking at that man, and his attacks became more and more brutal. Several disciples from various sects had already fallen into his hands.

Fuck! It actually broke a human vein! Destroy the foundation of people!

"Stop! Heroes will be based on their experience, why are you so vicious!"

A big bearded man jumped onto the ring, pointed at the man and cursed, roared, and rushed up with a big knife! Then he was kicked out of the ring!


Hit the ground, dust everywhere!


Everyone stood up involuntarily, with a look of shock and anger.

The man flicked his robe, and his gaze swept across the crowd, and when he glanced at He Yu, he slightly cupped his hands.

Everyone:? ? ?

Everyone in Luoyun Villa: ...

With a hammer in hand, they don't know him at all, okay!

"Young master!"

Looking anxiously at He Yu,

Where did this insanity come from, to pretend to be someone from Luoyun Villa for them! The shot is still so brutal. It was simply tarnishing the reputation of their Luoyun Villa.

He Yu frowned and said nothing.


Master Fomen stood up and bowed to He Yu: "He benefactor, since it is a discussion, it would be unethical to make such a move."

"That's right, I know that Luoyun Mountain Villa has the formula for ascending to immortals, which is superior to me, but you don't have to be so vicious. Destroying a person's foundation is like killing someone's life. Mr. He, are you going to drive and kill all the people in my martial arts?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What is the formula for ascending to the immortal! He is not from my Luoyun Villa at all."

"It's not from your Luoyun Villa, why are you holding your identity badge? Why do you pay respects to Mr. He alone?"


The people from the Tianshan School stunned the little disciple into speechless, unable to refute.

Everyone was in an uproar: "Ascending Immortal Art!"

His gaze suddenly became wild.

Everyone in Luoyun Villa: ...

"Ruthless boy, let me, Lao Jiang, come up to meet you!"

A thin old man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks rushed to the ring like a bat. His face was black and blue, and his hands were like sharp claws, grabbing straight at the man's face.

The man stood still, waited for someone to get close, and slashed forward with the dagger!

As fast as lightning, as fast as a tiger and leopard.


Blood splashes.


The old man threw himself on the ring, his eyes wide open, blood oozing from the middle of his face.


Deathly silence.

Everyone was shocked by this man's brutal and ruthless approach.

Xihe suddenly turned her head, and at that moment, she actually felt the fluctuation of spiritual power!

He Yu's face gradually became gloomy, with his hands on his waist, his eyes fixed on the person on the stage who was slowly wiping his dagger: "Who are you? Why are you pretending to be from Luoyun Villa!"

In the auditorium, people from all sects stood up.

The man put the dagger on his waist and slowly raised his head: "Young master, I am Luoyun, have you forgotten?"

"Don't people all over the world want to know if Luoyun Villa has a formula for ascending to immortality? Today, I came here to tell the world that although Luoyun Villa does not have a formula for ascending to immortality, it does have the art of falling into the devil."

"I am that demon."

He grinned and looked at everyone: "Everyone, are you satisfied with what you see?"

The black clothes on his body twisted slowly, and turned into a blood-red gown under the horrified eyes of everyone. The stench came from his body, and the lines on his face twisted, which was extremely terrifying.

Xihe: ...

This guy thinks too highly of himself.

It's just a person who accidentally cultivated magic skills, or the lowest, disordered skills.

But... why does this thing appear in a world of low martial arts? Before the original owner's martial arts were destroyed, she also practiced magic skills, but those were taught to her by the demons, and they were also martial arts skills, completely different from the current one.

He Yu narrowed his eyes gradually: "What do you want to do?"

Luoyun, he did meet him once in the back mountain when he was a child, but the existence of this person is definitely not what his foster father meant.

The so-called Fallen Demon Art is even more out of the question.

Everyone couldn't help but tightly grasped the weapons in their hands and stared at Luoyun with fear and fanaticism. It didn't matter if he was the Fallen Demon Art or not. Once such a powerful technique was completed, the whole world would still be his own?

Luo Yun smiled slightly, and looked at the crowd: "It's better to be alone than to be happy."

"Everyone, the Fallen Demon Art is here, come and get it if you want it!"

Tianji suddenly looked up.

A small booklet was held in the air, Luoyun shook it, and threw it out!


Everyone rushed up.

Xihe frowned and sat on the seat, holding the handle tightly with her hands, and the noise was all around her ears.

Buddhism, Tianshan School, Jade Girl School, all the big and small schools rushed up, there was a sound of beating and killing, she stretched out her hand to touch the side, Tianji grasped her hand, and said with a teasing voice: "Is Xiao Chengxi worried about me? "

Xihe felt relieved: "This thing is harmful, don't believe it."

Evil kung fu is just evil kung fu. Once practiced, empathy and sex change are mild, but in severe cases, they lose their minds and destroy their humanity. Do you want to live forever? Want to soar? Don't be stupid, it's fine if the thunder doesn't strike you to death.

Tianji hooked the corner of his mouth, casually: "Really."

Xihe nodded: "Yes."

He Yu kicked away an attacker, turned around to see this scene, and felt sore in her heart. She was not worried about him, so she became even more merciless in her attacks.

Xihe:? ? ?

He is a person who has cultivated into a god long ago, so he still needs such a thing?

Suddenly, Xihe felt kindness in her heart, and there was a faint voice asking her to destroy the booklet... Xihe raised her head subconsciously, good guy, is the way of heaven so agile? As soon as the accident happened, I knew I needed her help to settle it!

However, if you ask for help, you should have the attitude of asking for help. Can you help her get her legs back up?

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