The big guy who passed through quickly took the scumbag script

Chapter 757: Bringing Students into the Infinite World 9

"In every game, there is one thing that supports its operation. As long as you find this thing, you can completely destroy the game."

"The game is destroyed, the space wall between the game and the game is destroyed, and it will naturally be involved in another game."

"The first world was too hasty, I didn't have time to explore carefully, so..."

She frowned slightly, with deep annoyance on her face, and the teachers automatically helped her complete the rest of the sentence: So the horror amusement park was not destroyed, and the children were trapped in it... Damn, they were abducted into it .

"Even if these are true, but you push the children into the monster's mouth and let them resist the danger, what do you say?"

You can't push students into the fire pit, is it a last resort?

Xihe's face paled slightly: "It's true that I miscalculated this matter, I didn't expect that something would happen to them..."

"But don't worry!"

Xihe raised her head, her eyes were firm: "I will definitely bring them out intact."

Anyway, it is impossible for her to go to jail, so what the original boss did must be cleared up.

Teachers: "..."

Look carefully at the person in front of you, with thick bangs, big black-rimmed glasses, and an old lady's suit. His taste in dressing is still so bad...

The principal frowned: "Tell me about the two games."

Xihe then explained the game, but omitted Gouzi entering the bottom of the lake and the existence of Liu Yu.

The words were crisp and clear without pausing, and they clearly understood this. The teachers were startled when they heard it, especially after hearing how terrifying those man-eating monsters were, their faces turned pale.

"This, is this true?"

"Lost worlds, cornfields... oh my god, they're all different."

Everyone was in a trance, and couldn't believe that all this was true. It was obviously fine, but why did it suddenly happen.

"Mr. Jian, why do you know this? Why did you get that thing, and, what about that thing? This matter is very serious and must be reported."

"Is it difficult? Don't you watch those movies and games like this?"

Xihe had a strange expression on his face.

Everyone choked suddenly, can movies and games be the same as this thing?

Xihe continued: "As for things, they ran away."

The teachers suddenly exclaimed: "Run away? Such an important thing! It's not a living person, how could it run away?"

More fantasy novels than fantasy novels.

Xihe took a look at the surprised crowd and took it for granted: "It's unscientific for horror games to appear. Isn't it normal to run away? Besides, I think it should be taken away by our own world."

The principal was speechless: "What kind of theory is this?"

Xihe: "Since there is something invading, it means that our world is also protecting us. Now that we are attacked, maybe we are fighting to the death with that thing... we must tell this matter as soon as possible, so that more people can be saved. world."

Everyone: "..."

Either she was crazy or they were.

Xihe spoke nonsense, making everyone stunned for a while, and when he felt that it was almost over, he said: "I hope to report this matter earlier, because I am not sure when I will enter the game."

Her frank words stunned the entire room.

Everyone thought to themselves: If what Jian Shu said is true, then she is now a key person, and she is also a key person to save the world, nothing can happen, and it is even more impossible to arrest people casually.

"Jian Shu, can you guarantee that everything you say is true?"

The principal paused for a moment: "What happened last were just as swearing when you came out."

Several students were forced by her, and none of them believed their words. They all thought it was just a child's prank, and they were all treated with cold eyes by adults.

Xihe pursed her lips: "Principal, the situation at that time did not allow me to say too much."

"At that time, except for a few of us, no one encountered the same situation. If I told the truth like the students, would you believe it? You probably think I'm crazy too."

"Before things are uncertain, when we tell the truth, it will only cause panic. Like now, you look out the window."

The campus was quiet, and many students asked for leave and did not come to class.

The headmaster was speechless.

Xihe took a breath, with tears in his eyes: "I'm usually strict and honest, but have I really hurt anyone? Isn't it to improve students' grades and let them protect themselves!"

"I'm sadder than anyone that they're stuck in there."

Dear teachers: ...

Thinking about it carefully, Teacher Jian seems to have never done anything other than being strict, and the Chinese score of their class is the highest in the whole year, and other subjects are also good.

Ah, so they misunderstood?

The teachers in the office suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Xihe blinked and held back her tears: "But it's okay now, I have a preliminary understanding of this game, and as long as I find the horror amusement park, I can rescue them."

"Principal, without further ado, let's go to the police station."

After listening to her sincere words just now, the headmaster believed what she said in his heart: "Okay, let's go now."

For the remaining four points, let the people above come. He is just a headmaster and lacks ability, but everyone above is a professional. Whether it is true or not, you can definitely tell it at a glance.

The principal quickly stood up, called a few teachers, and the group drove to the police station.

The other teachers couldn't sit still anymore, and went back to make calls one after another, telling everyone to be prepared, and to be prepared in case they were accidentally swept away.

The sun is hot in the sky, the shops on the side of the road are still open, people are coming and going on the street,

Xihe looked at it and smiled. This is what she admired most about Chinese people. No matter what happened, they should eat and drink, and they should not lose their jobs.

Suddenly, her eyes were fixed: fighting and field survival training will make you invincible in the horror world.

Xihe: ...can't help but laugh out loud.

The math teacher turned around: "What are you laughing at?"

Xihe shook her head, pursed her lips and said nothing.

The math teacher glanced at her face, turned away resentfully, and looked out the window.

The police station is very close, and we arrived in a short while. Before coming, the principal called a friend in the police station, so as soon as the car stopped, someone came out of the police station: "Old He."

Looking at Xihe, Xihe smiled at him.

Director Zhang smiled, turned around and led people in. Several staff members came to the police station.

"Jane Shu, right?"


"Tell me about your situation."

Xihe repeated what he had said before, and finally said: "I hope the government can announce this matter. The more people lose their lives, the stronger the power of the invaders will be."

Director Zhang looked at her: "Who are you?"

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