The Big Guy Who Wears Fast is Crazy Again

Chapter 803: It's not deep enough

Nan Yuan's words made everyone's blood boil. Needless to say, everyone in the Wei family and Zhang Dazhu and others in the stockade were convinced that everything Wei Lian had done before had convinced them. Even though Wei Lian was young, there was a lot of ink in his stomach. Wisdom is close to the demon, everyone has long assumed that Wei Xiaoba and Wei Lian are their leader.

And a general like Yan Song who only followed Wei Lian later, after getting along with him day by day, after seeing Wei Lian's power with his own eyes, he became more and more dead to him.

As for why there are so many generals around Wei Lian, as soon as Wei Jun's reputation has just emerged and his power is still unstable, those advisers who have not yet chosen a leader will naturally have to wait and see. Second, Wei Lian is resourceful, and his thirst for advisors is not as strong as other people's.

Xiaotang suddenly snorted, "Yuanyuan, how do I remember that when you started shouting for everyone to rebel, you wanted to choose a bright master to take refuge in, why do I see everyone's meaning, and they have already acquiesced you to be the emperor?"

Nan Yuan: "In a world that is so suitable for rebellion, it's impossible to say if you don't rebel. I didn't say it at first, because I was afraid to scare them. In this world, who is more suitable for the position of the king of this country than me?"

Candy:  …

Nan Yuan took another sentence: "As long as you are not stupid, you will embrace me as the master. The people I cultivated are naturally not stupid."

"But Yuanyuan, have you forgotten the heroine of luck again?"

"What about the lucky hero, as long as I'm fast enough, the world will be mine."

Sugar: Yuanyuan is as domineering as ever.

However, there is one very important thing, Xiaotang thinks, it's time to remind Yuanyuan.

"Yuanyuan, you can see that even if the King of Xiliang and the Marquis of Xuanping rebelled, the banner they played would be on the side of the Qingjun. These ancient people had to have a reputation for doing things, otherwise they would not gain popular support.

So Yuanyuan, at this moment, I want to tell you a big secret!

The former emperor was not the emperor's favorite candidate for the crown prince at that time. At that time, the emperor was most optimistic about the crown prince. The crown prince was gentle and humble, and his reputation was far and wide.

It is a pity that the queen made a big mistake and angered the emperor, so that the emperor angered the prince and removed him from the crown. Later, when the first emperor ascended the throne, he sent the abolished prince to guard the imperial mausoleum. As a result, the group of the abolished prince encountered assassins on their way to the imperial mausoleum.

The old department of the abolished prince tried their best to **** the eldest daughter-in-law of the abolished prince, who was pregnant at the time, away, and has disappeared since then.

Dangdang, here comes the point, the one who started his escape career while still in a numb belly is the male protagonist of Qi Luck! "

After Xiaotang finished speaking with emotion, she found that Nan Yuan was not surprised at all, "Yuanyuan, why aren't you surprised? It took me a long time to hold back this secret before I told you."

"I guessed it from the first sentence after you said the big secret." Nan Yuan's tone was light, "I have seen such a world routine, there are no one hundred or eighty."

Sugar: Good. It's just that this method is not deep enough.

"However, your words just reminded me that when I invade the imperial city, all the people in the imperial city will be cleared. I will pull out all of Yu Jiangli's hidden piles."

Xiaotang: Oh, let’s observe a minute’s silence for the male protagonist of Qi Luck. These dark piles in the imperial city will be of great use later.

Although this is what started it, it wasn't intentional.

As soon as the imperial court came to the emissary to leave, Nan Yuan took the words of the imperial edict as bullshit, and led the army to continue to attack Guangyang City.

Guangyang City is the last city in Tongzhou, connecting Cangzhou.

Winning Guangyang City is basically equivalent to opening the gate of Cangzhou.

The main force stopped here before, not because the Wei army was no longer ready to move forward, but because Guangyang City's geographical location was complex, and it was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Nan Yuan needs to plan a battle plan. At the same time, let the army rest for a few days to recharge.

It's night, it's the dead of night.

Above the city wall of Guangyang City, the soldiers guarding the city just completed the handover.

Soldier A in the defense of the city asked the little leader of their team: "Boss, I heard that an envoy was sent to recruit security, this Wei thief should not come to attack the city, right?"

The little leader looked disdainful, "Even if we really attack, we are not afraid. There are a full 50,000 soldiers stationed in Guangyang City. If a city is attacked by force, the number must be three times the number of defenders, not to mention our Guangyang City. Yangcheng is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The Wei army only had 50,000 elite soldiers, and even if a lot of militiamen were recruited later, it would add up to hundreds of thousands. Unless the Wei army planned to break the net, they would not be stupid enough to attack the city. "

Second soldier defending the city: "If you want me to say, it is enough to occupy a large area of ​​Tongzhou. Don't be greedy. Is it possible that this Wei army really wants to kill the imperial city?"

While a few soldiers were chatting, a few dark shadows suddenly passed over their heads.

"Did something go by just now?"

"It seems that a few big birds have flown by?"

"What bird can be that big?"

Nan Yuan took a trained "air force" to steer the giant kite skillfully and crossed the city wall of Guangyang City like this.

Under the leadership of Nan Yuan, a vanguard team dressed in night clothes quietly killed several enemy troops, took off the enemy's clothes and put on, and easily penetrated into the enemy's interior...

"Oh no--"

Guangyang City Shouzheng suddenly woke up from his sleep.

"It's not good, it's not good, my lord! The city is broken! The city is broken-"

Shouzheng grabbed his subordinate's collar and stared, "What did you say? Where is the city broken?"

The subordinate cried: "Sir, it's our Guangyang City! The city gate opened a quarter of an hour ago, and Wei Jun walked through the city gate lightly, and went in like this!"

"How is this possible? Unless I have a traitor in Guangyang City! Say, but there are dogs who eat inside and outside secretly open the city gate, and I want to cut him with a thousand swords!" Shou's face was twisted.

"General, there are no traitors, it was the Wei army who entered the city at some point, killed our patrolling soldiers, and then opened the city gate! My lord, the Wei army is coming in a raging way, and it will come in soon, my lord, run away!"

Shouzheng took a breath and said angrily: "The city is with me, and if the city is lost, I will die! Let everyone bear it for me, and I will go right now!"

When Tong Zhi's subordinates left, Shouzheng, who had vowed to coexist with Guangyang City, turned around to pack his things, and then took his family and sneaked out through the back door...

As we all know, Guangyang City is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even a tiger general who has experienced hundreds of battles will not be able to take it down for a while if he wants to attack by force.

The best way to attack Guangyang City is to fight a protracted war.

Once the city is besieged, even if Guangyang City has a favorable geographical advantage, outside supplies, such as food, ammunition, medicinal materials, etc., cannot come in. The besieged people can always supply these things, but the besieged people have no access, every time they fight. are wearing out.

If this method is used, the day when Guangyang City has no food and no arrows will be the day when the city will be destroyed.

But everyone never expected that Wei Lian would destroy Guangyang City in just one night!

Wei Lian's battle has attracted much attention. After this battle, Wei Lian became famous.

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