The Big Guy Who Wears Fast is Crazy Again

Chapter 809: Grass, Wei Lian deliberately

Lieutenant General Li can even be sure that this repeating crossbow of Wei Jun has better accuracy, longer range and stronger lethality than the repeating crossbow recorded in the book!

Could it be that this Wei Lian was one step ahead of their lord, found the descendants of Huang Yue, got the design blueprint of the crossbow, and improved it?

Lieutenant General Li suddenly realized.

No wonder this Wei Lian has no fear, and only sent a mere ten thousand people to guard the city!

No wonder!

Xiaotang scratched the hair on his face with his little claws and cut it.

What is a repeating crossbow? Combined with the scientific knowledge of the future, the crossbows created by the kite kite can shoot several arrows in a row. They can also standardize multiple directions at the same time, and manually adjust the range of distance, and they are more portable. Women and children, the whole family can use it.

At that time, the people of Ancheng will come together, and the soldiers guarding the city will not be ten thousand, but one hundred thousand!

Even if the Marquis of Xuan Ping had 100,000 more troops, An Cheng would not be afraid, hehe.

"There's nothing to see next." Nan Yuan got up, put her hands on her back, and paced out leisurely.

Erya brought a new batch of crossbows this time, and she went to pick them up.

"Yuanyuan, your red sleeve Tianxiang is also here." Xiaotang reminded.

Because Shen Shuxue served several times, he was called Hongxiu Tianxiang by Xiaotang.

After Xiaotang finished speaking, she looked at her family's Yuanyuan's man's skin and sighed, how could Yuanyuan adapt so well as a man?

Take a look at this man's pace, when he is slow, he is leisurely and leisurely, and when he is fast, he strides with great strides.

Yuanyuan, she is the master!

No wonder Hongxiu Tianxiang fell in love with Yuanyuan, but it could also be because Hongxiu Tianxiang hasn't met the lucky hero yet?

When Nan Yuan heard Xiaotang's words, her footsteps paused slightly, "Shu Xue is here too?"

"Come on, come here. Before I came, I deliberately wore a beautiful red jacket and walked with Erya. The picture was too beautiful."


On the Ancheng side, the battle was fierce.

The crossbow bows were placed in rows on the city wall, and the cavalrymen who had not yet evacuated were shot by the crossbow arrows.

"Master Hou, be careful!" Lieutenant General Li saw a crossbow arrow aimed at the Marquis of Xuanping and rushed over, but he was hit by the crossbow arrow and fell to the ground.

"Master Hou, retreat quickly—" At this time, Lieutenant General Li did not forget to remind Xuanping Hou.

However, Xuanping Hou, who survived the disaster, didn't even look at Lieutenant General Li, and hurriedly drove away.

He only cared about his own retreat, but did not let the other cavalry retreat. He was still stubborn: "This crossbow is complicated to make, and the arrows must be matched. This Marquis dares to conclude that their crossbow will not last long!"

Lieutenant General Li felt a chill in his heart. He knew that Marquis Xuanping was not a good master, but he did not expect Marquis Xuanping to let his soldiers die in vain because of his personal feud with Wei Lian.

Even if they have an army of 300,000 people, how much will they be left with in the end?

That's all, he is destined to die here today, and today he successfully protects Marquis Xuanping to retreat, and Marquis Xuanping will be able to keep his wife and children safe for life after returning.

Lieutenant General Li thought like this, but he saw that something was thrown down on the city wall, and more and more were thrown.

It was only when a mass of that thing fell on his side that he realized that it was actually a bale of hay!

Small stones were tied to the hay, so that Wei Jun could throw them far away with only his hands.

Lieutenant General Li immediately thought of something after seeing the hay.

Before the battle, the soldiers had a full meal, but the war horses went to the battlefield hungry. After a fierce battle, the soldiers were too hungry, let alone the war horses.

Now that they see food, how can these war horses move.

Just now, the cavalry can withdraw but not withdraw, and now I am afraid that they can't withdraw even if they want to withdraw!

Sure enough, the horses of the cavalry saw the hay thrown over, and they all began to eat regardless of their master's orders.

Even Marquis Xuanping's mount, who had already gone far, returned, stopped in front of a bale of hay and chewed it with relish.

This made Xuanping Hou annoyed, "You bastard! The Japanese Hou has treated you badly? Now you can't walk when you see food? Go, go!"

The urging was fruitless, Xuanping Hou raised the whip in his hand and swiped it fiercely at the horse's butt.

The warhorse under him whimpered a few times, and at a certain moment, he suddenly began to shake his body and threw Xuanping Marquis out.

When Xuanping Marquis fell, the golden crown on his head was dropped, his long hair shawls, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

The two confidants immediately set up the disheveled Marquis Xuanping to evacuate. Even so, a crossbow arrow took the opportunity to hit Marquis Xuanping in the arm.

"Don't worry about the horses, retreat! Retreat all!" Another lieutenant commanded.

The crossbow made the enemy so terrified that they ignored the horses and the rest of the wounded soldiers, so they hurriedly protected the Marquis of Xuanping and left.

Li, who was seriously injured, watched his loyal master and subordinates go away, and all kinds of feelings came to his heart.

Lieutenant General Li thought that closing his eyes would be eternity, but he did not expect that he would wake up one day.

After learning what Wei Jun had done, Lieutenant General Li had a very complicated mood.

Those wounded soldiers abandoned by the Marquis of Xuanping were all carried back to the city for treatment by the Wei army, and the brothers who died on the battlefield were also buried by the Wei army.

If it were Xuanping Marquis, Xuanping Marquis would never be like this.

The living enemy prisoners will be sent by him to do the hardest and most tiring work, and the half-dead prisoners will be thrown directly into the mass graves by him. After all, in this chaotic world, people are injured in every war. The medicinal materials became more and more precious.

What surprised Lieutenant most was that the magistrate of Ancheng came to visit him in person.

"I am Wu Zhicheng, magistrate of Ancheng County. I dare to ask if your Excellency is General Li Yingzhuo?"

The man in front of him looked gentle, but he seemed to have an inexhaustible drive, and his drive was comparable to that of many strong soldiers in the army.

So this is the rumored grain merchant who was promoted by Wei Lian to the county magistrate of Ancheng?

When Li Yingzhuo first heard about this, he thought it was absurd, but now that he has seen the real person, Fang feels that this person is really suitable to be the county magistrate.

However, Wu Zhicheng's words made Li Yingzhuo vigilant, "It's right here."

Although Wei Jun saved his life, he would rather die in battle than betray the original owner and join Wei Lian's banner.

Not only because he has been serving Xuanping Hou, but also because Jiang Zuo where Xuanping Hou is located is his hometown, and he does not want to betray his hometown.

Li Yingzhuo expected that the county magistrate of Ancheng would persuade him to surrender to the Wei army, and was ready to reject the other party and die, but the other party said: "Brother Li's family, the Lord has already arranged, you will go to reunite with them. Well, I have prepared the carriage and the entanglement for Brother Li."


When Li Yingzhuo carried the burden, got on the carriage, and went to the road to reunite with his wife and children, he was still a little confused.

Wei Jun just let him go?

How could Wei Lian be able to predict that he would be taken captive and bring his wife and children out of his hometown?

How could he repay such a great favor...

and many more!

Li Yingzhuo suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He never thought of betraying Xuanping Hou!

Although he did not join the Wei army now, but Wei Lian sent someone to transfer his wife and children in his hometown, didn't he tell Xuanping Marquis that he was guilty of being a thief?


This Wei Lian must be intentional!

On the bright side, letting him live and reuniting his family actually completely eliminated the possibility of him continuing to serve Marquis Xuanping!

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