The Big Landlord

Chapter 118: It ranks first among the 9 immortal grasses

To Hua Xiang, this business was like picking it up on the roadside. It took no effort at all. Regardless of whether he was a customer or a member of the same country, he was willing to treat him as a half-landlord due to circumstances and reasons. Invite Wang Ben to stay in North America for a while, visit the scenic spots and historic sites here, and fully experience the local exotic customs.

It was a rare trip, and Wang Ben also wanted to play for a few days. But he had a lot of things to do at home, and he couldn't worry about Linglong being alone at home, so he had to politely decline. He didn't feel it was a pity. Once the helicopter was available, Linglong could go abroad. , it’s not about where you want to go at that time.

I wandered around for a long time and bought some things that Linglong liked. Before I left, the little girl specially told me not to forget.

It was another long-distance flight for most of the day. After three days of traveling back and forth and using all kinds of transportation, we finally made it back to Xiushui Bay at noon.

"Brother Benzi!"

As if Linglong hadn't seen her for half a year, she shouted sweetly from afar and rushed over quickly, rubbing her head against her, holding her little hands tightly and twisting her arms.

After not seeing her for a few days, the little girl was still neatly dressed and in high spirits, just like when he was at home. Wang Ben was very pleased and couldn't help but curiously asked: "How have you been spending these days?"

"The teacher made lunch. In the evening, I cooked and slept by myself. Sister Wu came and asked me to go to her place, but I didn't even go!" Linglong tilted her head and said with a proud smile.

"Then you're not afraid at night?"

"Well...a little bit, but thinking about Brother Benzi, I'm not afraid anymore."

Wang Ben was delighted when he heard this, and he couldn't help but stretched out his hand, preparing to scrape the bridge of his nose as usual. Suddenly he remembered the little girl's instructions a few days ago, and pinched his little face gently with one finger.

"By the way," Linglong suddenly remembered something and said seriously, "Someone calls every day, saying that he sells seedlings, saying that the iron sheet and stone seedlings have arrived and asking you to go to the city to drag them back."

That's right, Wang Ben slapped his forehead twice. During this period, he was only focused on buying a helicopter and forgot about Dendrobium officinale. That was the source of wealth.

"What is that thing? Can seedlings grow on iron sheets and stones?" Linglong frowned and asked in confusion, unable to figure it out.

"Little fool, it's not a stone of iron, it's called Dendrobium officinale. It's the first of the nine Chinese immortal grasses," Wang Ben explained patiently, fearing that Linglong didn't recognize the word "Dendrobium", so he wrote it down on the paper.

"What does it look like?"

"The little purple flowers and plants are very beautiful. You'll know when you get them back," Wang Ben said with a vague understanding.

"Oh," Linglong raised her head and thought for a while, and seemed to have an impression. She suddenly realized it and continued to ask shamelessly, "What are the nine immortal grasses?"

Well, after this girl's interest in learning was developed, her thirst for knowledge was too strong. Wang Ben scratched his head and found it difficult. If he explained it, he might have to explain it in detail one by one.

"Ask Teacher Li, she knows a lot more than my brother." After a little thought, he simply pushed the question to the teacher. He didn't know much about those fairy herbs, so as not to mislead his children.

After finally sending Linglong away, Wang Ben thought about the Dendrobium candidum again. If he didn't reply to the seedling dealer, he might think that he didn't want it anymore. But with so many seedlings brought back, how to plant them? He couldn't find them at all. People help.

After pondering for a while, I called the seedling dealer, and heard a very urgent voice from the other side: "Boss Wang, it's been two days since the domesticated Dendrobium officinale seedlings arrived.


"I'm sorry, I had to go out for something these days," Wang Ben apologized sincerely.

"Then when can you come and get it?"

"Well..." Wang En pretended to think, and after a pause he said, "I can't find anyone to help me plant the seeds, so I'm afraid I have no choice but to give up."

"Hey, you can't do this!" The seedling dealer immediately panicked and said in a panic. Although he had paid a deposit for those seedlings, the bulk was at the back. There were too many. Now that the medicinal seed market was sluggish, he couldn't sell them at all, and the seedlings couldn't be stored like other seeds.

"Then what do you think I should do? I can't plant so many crops on my own, and the terrain here is very steep," Wang Ben said helplessly.

"..." The seedling dealer was speechless, so he had to think of a way to help, "Okay, I'll help you find someone, but you have to pay the labor."

"That's a good idea. Don't worry, I'll give you three times the salary." Wang Ben succeeded in his trick and said with a proud smile. He really couldn't find anyone, so he had no choice but to do this. As long as he didn't treat those workers badly, everyone would be happy.

Early the next morning, the seedling dealers couldn't wait to bring in workers and delivered domesticated seedlings. There were 90,000 clumps in total, each clump containing about 5 seedlings. Don't look at this little thing like a weed, it is not cheap and needs to be cultivated. 5 yuan a bunch, no work done, 450,000 out.

After transporting all the seedlings to the courtyard, he ordered the workers to plant them again tomorrow. He had to take advantage of the night to secretly soak all the domesticated seedlings in space nutrients to fully absorb them.

According to the natural growth time, it takes two years from planting to the first harvest of Dendrobium officinale. From now on, it can be harvested once a year, for a total of five or six seasons, and the output will increase year by year.

After previous tests, it was found that the acceleration effect of space nutrients on this medicinal herb is not great, only about doubled. It takes a year to mature for the first time, and can be harvested every six months in the future.

Although it has taken a long time, it is good to have more varieties, and this kind of plant is called the "Giant Panda of the Medicine World" by the international medicinal plant community and the "life-saving fairy grass" by the people. It has anti-aging and improves health. Dendrobium officinale, which has many functions such as immunity, promoting body fluids and nourishing the stomach, nourishing yin and clearing heat, moistening the lungs and kidneys, improving eyesight and strengthening the waist, is also very expensive, which is the main reason why Wang Ben chose to plant it.

At dawn, a group of workers arrived as promised, carrying loads of light seedlings on their shoulders. They walked up the steps of Daqing Mountain with shouts and shouts.

Arriving halfway up the mountain, according to Wang Ben's established position, he began to plant in full swing.

Separate the clumps of domesticated seedlings, and use cloth strips and ropes to gently tie them one by one around the big tree. Each tree is tied several times from top to bottom. Dendrobium officinale is an epiphytic plant that grows in all seasons. The trunks of large trees with green leaves and acidic rock crevices are most suitable for their growth. It only takes a while for them to take root and completely grow on the trunks.

While the workers were busy, Wang Ben left the crowd alone and went into the jungle alone.

It was a rare trip to the mountain, so he took advantage of today's opportunity to look around to see if there was any Qinan Agarwood that was really expensive.

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