The Demon King, who arrived in a nearby city on Cerberus, decided his name was Arya.

The names in the Demon Realm were too long and difficult for humans to pronounce.

“Change your look.”

It is difficult to get around freely if you go into the city with a horse. At the words of the Demon King, Cerberus turned into an eagle.

“No, not like that. smaller.”

The Demon King pointed to his pocket. Cerberus sighed once and turned into a little mouse and went inside.

“I’m hungry.”

[Then let's go to the restaurant.]

There was no need to ask passers-by. I moved along with the delicious smell.

I desperately wanted to sit down and eat, so I went to a pub rather than a street vendor.

“Little child, did your parents come on an errand?”

One of the men sitting at the entrance to the tavern giggled.

[Such cheeky! If you allow me, I'll definitely buy it... .]

The Demon King saw Cerberus and pressed his pocket on the door telling him to be quiet.

‘I thought he was a child.’

If it was the Demon Realm, he would have killed the cheeky human and entered the tavern proudly.

If you go in and order a drink and ignore them as children, they will all be killed as well.

That was the character of the Demon King who walked the path.

乂乂; 之; 之 I


But not this time.

If you did that in Middle-earth, the guards would come, if you killed the guards, the knights would come, and if you killed the knights, there would be an army.

And there is no doubt that a warrior will appear.

‘I don’t do stupid things like the previous demon kings.’

The bloody slaughter was done enough in the Demon Realm. Here, if you did the same thing with the intention of conquering the world, there would be no difference between the Demon Realm and the Intermediate Scheme.


[You are wonderful, as always.]

The problem is that it's incredibly beautiful. Cerberus did not point it out.

The Demon King is a noble being.

It was only natural for him to change into a beautiful figure. Even if there was an argument, there was no problem because he had the strength.

again and again.

The clothes have also changed.

It was the dress I liked to wear in the demon world.

She headed back to the bar and the men standing at the entrance were startled and missed the bottle.

jewels flow.

Beauty, which is not simply pretty, but has been thoroughly maintained, cannot be achieved unless you are a high-ranking aristocrat or royalty.

Because the maintenance cost is high.

The men, dismayed at the sight, moved away from the entrance.

It was because he was afraid that the knights who had simply touched it were beautiful and would soon arrive.


I opened the door and went in.

I'm in a pub to the sound of high heels

The men turned their backs and looked at the Demon King.

The women look envious.

The men had ecstatic expressions on their faces.

“Bring the most expensive and delicious food here.”

"Yes? Yes… .”

Naturally, I sat in the best spot in the center of the tavern and crossed my legs.People only glanced at them, but no one spoke to them.

“Now, the next song will be an elf slave’s harp.”

It's not an ordinary pub.

There was a stage in front, and the singing slaves were replaced.

“Ah, hello.”

The golden-haired half-elf looked at the people with a puzzled expression.

His body had signs of being beaten, and his clothes were torn in several places.


The music was sad.

It had the power to make the listener cry as if to express their feelings.

“Hey Mr. Lee! I’m here for a drink, so I’m in the mood!”

Someone threw a bottle of wine.

There was no intention to hit him, and he flew away and fell, but that alone was enough to stop the half elf from playing.

"iced coffee… .”

The hand that stopped the harp trembled softly as if he was not resistant to violence. The Demon King looked at the man who threw the bottle, apparently unhappy that the performance had stopped.

He slammed his head into the table. When other people see you, you fall asleep drunk

As it may seem, he died on the spot.

“The meal has arrived.”

A red-haired girl with freckles came with her legs bent and food.

It's not a luxurious meal, but it was full of various salads and breads, starting with duck meat.


The sound of an elf swallowing saliva could be heard even from the crowds of people.

Looking back, I must have starved so much that the ribs were exposed on my stomach.


“Come here.”

The devil beckoned.

It is an ordinary sound texture that does not show any magical power. The elf looked into his eyes.


The owner of the pub, looking outside from the kitchen beckoned to go. It seemed that he was monitoring the situation with the appearance of an unusual guest.

"what brings you here… .”

The elf crouched and approached.

For a moment, the tavern became as quiet as a mouse. People who drink are curious

He looked at the two with a young expression.


The one who beckoned and called by the Demon King was the employee who was serving.

“Please do me a favor.”

He said something in a whisper.

The red-haired woman ran to her boss with a bewildered expression and told the situation.

"now! Everyone please go out! Sales are over!”

"what? I started eating. What do you mean?”

“I will hand out gold coins at the entrance. I will give it to the number of people, so please stand and look around.”


Only then did people realize what had happened. A woman who looked like a lady borrowed her money for one day.

“Are you giving me gold coins? What if I just leave?”

more than one year's salary

People swear by the woman's wealth, and you and I went out of the tavern to get gold coins.

"uh… .”

The noisy tavern quieted down in an instant. The elf looked at the Demon King with a bewildered expression.

“My name is Arya. you r

“I, I am Raphael.”

[jackanapes! Your words are short!]

“La, my name is Raphael!”

Raphael's words surprised both the Demon King and Cerberus. Perhaps he did not know how to understand telepathy.


The demon king kneaded the head of Cerberus in his pocket, which had intervened in the conversation without permission.

he pressed

[Yo, forgive me... .]

Instead of simply pressing it, he pressed it with enough pressure to crush the iron beads.

“Where is this coming from?”

Raphael was too busy to look around his elongated body because the sound of Cerberus sounded like a sky lantern in his head.

“Stop looking around and eat.”


“Aren’t you hungry?”

He didn't say it twice.

The Demon King quietly grabbed a fork and knife and began to slice and eat meat.

U. ”

that… .

When the Demon King became annoyed that the elves kept not touching the food, he learned an important fact.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I tell you to eat without a tableware?”

Cerberus was startled by the demon king's apple and took a deep breath. The Demon King he knew was not a great person to apologize to anyone.

“This is a bowl, a fork and a knife.”

A man rushes out of the kitchen

And Raphael put the tableware down in front of him and walked away.

“I’m too hungry, so I’ll eat without hesitation.”

The hand that was carrying the food trembled from how hungry he was. Nevertheless, Raphael did not eat in a hurry and chewed slowly and firmly.

At this time, he was well aware that eating in a hurry will make you sick.

‘The more I look at it, the more I like it.’

The Demon King hates people who eat skinny skin. Depending on her age and her region, her culture is different, but for her,

This is because the long meal was an important time to look into one's thoughts.

“I ate well, thank you.”

When the meal was over, the elf bowed his head and said hello. It's a slave's greeting.

“You are tainted by human society.”

Raphael, noticing the meaning of the demon king's words, blushed.


“No sorry. meaningless

I hate to hear apologies."

"sorry… synthesis!"

Raphael hurriedly covered her mouth with his hand.

“When I'm full, I want to hear the harp again. no."

Raphael, who was about to stand up to play, stopped stumbling.

“I’m hungry now, so let’s sit down and talk for a while to digest.”

"Yes… .”

unusual woman.

It was the figure of the Demon King that Raphael was looking at.

‘It must be a day of entertainment for a wealthy aristocrat.’

This is not a scale that an ordinary nobleman can do. If she catches her eyes, she might be sold into a former slave.

But Rafale Elo began to clear her mind as her stomach was full after a long time.

“Are you wondering why I came all the way here?”“You are quick-witted.”

A gun stood in Raphael's eyes. The Demon King motioned towards his kitchen as if to clear his table.

“Come on, get it out.”

The men in the kitchen at the boss's orders

He came out and cleaned the dishes.

"Ah… .”

Those who beat themselves up are moved by a woman's gestures and words.

It's also for a woman I'm seeing for the first time today.

“I was an elf who lived in the Eleng Highlands, deep in the Beast Forest.”

Half-elves are born between humans and elves. Therefore, it is normal to grow up and grow up in human society, but Raphael was different.

“Her mother, who went out to human society and returned after giving birth to her, is in an elf village.

She was bullied. That's why I said that as soon as her mother died of illness, she left the village.”

was naive

With their innocent, childlike appearance, humans wore masks on their faces to show them favors, and Raphael knew nothing of the location of the elf's village.

“If you think about it, the day her mother died. The problem was that she ran away before the village elves knew. If I had tried to talk and come out, even if they hated me, I would have given them at least common sense for the village.”

The village elves lined up and were captured. Humans thanked Raphael and even gave him silver coins.

“I had no magic, no spirits, no swordsmanship to save the elves. I just came out of town listening to the cursed words.”

“Did the villagers let you go?”

The demon king's gaze went down from the elf's head to his toes. The gaze that scans his whole body is familiar.

“I know what you are thinking, but I am a man.”


The Demon King was startled and widened his eyes.

“The men in the village took me to the warehouse to quench my lust, but as you can see, I am a man… .”

His muscles are so small that it is difficult to use it as a worker. When it comes to doing chores, I have no business and no clue.

“I thought I wouldn’t be mistaken if I cut that long hair, right?”

“My deceased mother cut my hair mostly while she was alive. Someone cut my hair after death

He hated touching, let alone giving.”

“Hmm, that’s interesting.”

She talked about the death of her mother. When I said that it was interesting, even though he was a cowardly Raphael, he was moved and raised his head to look at the Demon King.

"I… .”


The door to the tavern opened and three men entered. The boss who was in the kitchen ran up to me and told me that it was closed today.

“No, I’m asking you to come in.”

Soon-won, Jihee, and Hurin, who were invited, sat at the table next to the Demon King and Raphael.

“I was having an important conversation right now, can I have a conversation with that person after this conversation?”

Soon-won nodded his head.

“Go on. How did you come to this tavern?”

Raphael's explanation continued.

The naive elf was deceived and deceived by lies, and even now deceived and devoured a seasoned human.

“… In the end, I was sold here because of gambling debt.”

“In just five years, I have had a lot of experience.”

The demon king had a look full of joy.

He had more stories to tell about the five years Raphael went through than the 500 years he had.

‘That’s the good thing about Middle-earth.’

The Demon Realm is a place ruled by power.

Just by feeling the magic, you know who is stronger. Much less the demon king exists at the top of all beings, so it cannot happen only when an event has to happen.

"then… .”

The Demon King turned around and turned to Soon-won.

“What stories will you tell me to entertain you?”

(Continued on next page)

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