The Birth of the 9th Circle Wizard

Chapter 221 another reality (2)

“I was too hasty.”

Seyeon nodded at Jihee's words.

“•••It was rushed.”

Players who were accustomed to reigning like gods in their own worldview suddenly became human, so it was natural to try to recover what was stolen.

“Once there was a shortage of skilled magicians.


Seyeon tilted her head at Jihee's words.

Among the wizards around the world, the most elite, Nanda Ginda, gathered, but it was not understood that there was a shortage of skilled wizards.

“As you know, this virtual reality game Utopia is based on reality, but it's not perfect. About 96% of the magic implementation.”

That 4% difference was huge.

Real magic and game magic are subtly different. Start with the movement of mana

From the flow of western mana and consumption, everything was different, but he rushed in hastily.

“That’s why there was so little firepower. On the other hand, Ambassador Kunlun’s men were terribly powerful.”

And there was one crucial difference.

“People know they don't die. That can be seen as an advantage when fighting, but there are also parts that act as a disadvantage.”

It's just the lack of prudence.

In the end, Ji-hee said that it can't be like this.

The thought turned the troops back.

“Even if you fight 100 times, you will lose 100 times. It can’t be this way.”

“What do you think?”

Ji-hee nodded at Se-yeon's question.

“We need new wizards.”

“Are you a new wizard?”

“Who do you think wizards are?”

“The smartest people in the world?”

“Yeah, you become a wizard with your SAT scores. But where are you? It’s a virtual reality game.”

It was a look that Seyeon didn't understand yet. Jihee took out a piece of paper from her arms.

“Roughly, I just grabbed the sketch.”

"What is this?"

“Battle Wizard Academy.”

“Is it similar to the University of Magic?”

“It’s wrong, there is a place to approach magic as a science, but this is a place to approach it as a game. So, not the students who are good at studying… .”

“Is this a place for students who are good at games to enter?”

“You got it right.”

Seyeon hurriedly read the paper on the table and went down. She seemed scribbled, but it was written in great detail.

“Is this good?”

“Then can we start?”

"sure. I will start today.”Thus, the Battle Wizard Academy began to be established in Korea.

A professional wizard that everyone envy. It is a profession that can bring wealth, fame, and power.

Therefore, the establishment of the Battle Wizard Academy drew a lot of attention from people.

"Hey! did you hear A new wizard academy is coming?”

“There is no age limit!”

“There was no age limit, no magic college.”

“I heard you don’t get into the entrance exam with grades?”

Being a wizard means being a doctor or a judge

It was much more difficult than becoming a teacher, so ordinary people cannot even dare to do it.

But this time it was different.

It was a hagwon, not a university, and it was done through an aptitude test, not an exam.

Naturally, many people watched.

[I would like to inform you that Suhyun Jung has passed the Battle Wizard Academy.]

This is Soon-won's new identity.

His appearance also changed. He is the face of a 20 year old handsome male.

Soon-won recalled a conversation with AI Joy a few days ago.

“You lied about your name and identity?”

"That's right. It must not be found out, not only by family members, but also by anyone on the planet. That is Jung Soon-won, the condition for you to be active in this game.”

This is the condition promised with AI Joy.

“You also have to go to the academy. Your undercover identity is Jung Soo-hyun. He is an orphan. It will be easy to pass the wizard academy test because of the high mana sensitivity.”

If you give up your identity as Jung Soon-won and live as a different person, your cause to unite wizards around the world will disappear.

AI Joy was able to notice roughly what she wanted.

“It’s an academy made by SW Company. If you run into family members, you might be caught in the middle of the conversation.”

“If your identity is discovered, even if you didn’t do it on purpose, you will be forcibly logged out of the game due to breach of contract, and you will never be able to access Utopia again.”

“Well, okay… .”

Instead, if he kills Master Kunlun, all restrictions will be removed and he will return to his original form with the condition that he will meet with his family.

‘Besides, Shinjoy couldn’t take away my power.’

In fact, if I had the strength right now, I was confident that I would immediately rip and kill Kunlun when he met him.

The problem is I don't know where he is.

He decided to wait.

* * *

Since Soon-won was an orphan without a home, he was assigned a dormitory the day before the entrance ceremony.

Since he had a single room with no roommates, he went to the restaurant alone to eat.

There were some students eating alone like Soon-won, but they didn't approach first, and they didn't come first either.

Soon-won, who spent his first day alone, participated in the orientation held in the auditorium the next day.

[The dean enters.]

At the voice of the moderator, 100 freshmen looked at the pulpit. It was a familiar face.

The wizard Han Ji-hee?”

people murmured

The commotion subsided as the teachers standing under the platform calmed him down.

"nice to meet you. This is Han Ji-hee.”

She grabbed her microphone and continued her speech.

“First of all, I want to say congratulations on your admission. Those of you who have broken through the competition of tens of thousands of jobs will receive intensive training for the next year or so.”

If this was a typical entrance ceremony, the students' faces would be full of pride, but the reality was different.

No one was proud of entering the school.

“As you all know each other, for some reason, people in their 20s before entering virtual reality showed high mana sensitivity in the adaptive test. That said, the qualities to be a great wizard in this game... .”

Jihee couldn't finish her words.

Because one student raised his hand.

"I have a question."

In reality, the dean is talking at the entrance ceremony, but the student cuts off his words and asks questions.

It is impossible to do it, but this place is in virtual reality.

All the people gathered here are people who have lived more than 10,000 years.

There was no one who crouched because of his high status.

“Is it really possible to get everything back to normal if we just remove Kunlun?”

“If reverting to the original state means returning to each person’s worldview. Yes, that's right. You can go back.”

"Oh oh!"

With those words, for the first time, the students’ faces

joy appeared.

“Is that the end of the question?”

“There is one more. I would like to hear why Ambassador Kunlun’s raid failed and why they chose us.”

A teacher stepped forward to the question.

“Things like that later in class… .”

"no. Let me explain now.”

Jihee raised her hand saying it was okay to the teacher.

“As you know, many wizards, including myself, who were wizards before virtual reality, are almost identical to reality.

Naturally, he could use magic in the world. So, as soon as the troops gathered, we established a strategy, conducted raids, and fought.”

The students swallowed their saliva at a story that was not even covered by the media and focused on her story.

“However, it was not a world where all the laws of physics were perfectly applied in reality, so there was a subtle difference in magic control, and I think that was the biggest factor in the failure.”

“The academy course is a one-year course, and it is more efficient to teach existing wizards than we learn magic.

Isn't it?"

Compared to the magic college that required at least 12 years of training, the academy had a huge difference in duration.

“That too is going on, but we are in virtual reality. Just like real magic, you do not need to understand the laws of physics, feel and move, and you can do this only by calibrating the system. That’s why it’s been tested for mana sensitivity, and you who have the highest score are standing here.”

Jihee looked around the students.

“Any other questions?”

No students asked questions.

After a brief introduction to the academy, Jihee went out through the back door of the pulpit, followed by the introduction of the teachers.

After the boring time, the orientation was over.

Soon-won went back to the dormitory to sleep, and classes started the next day.Wake up at 5 am, stretch, canter, and eat. boarding

It's been two days since I joined the company, but I still haven't made any friends.

It was the same for other students. They avoided getting close to each other.

‘It’s not too much.’

When you live in your own worldview, if you want to get to know someone you like, you can increase your attractiveness index.

Then the other party will be shown kindness indefinitely. But now in a world where such cheats are impossible.

People who forgot how to build bonds with other people

It was difficult to narrow the gap.

“As you know, Daishi Kunlun was killed by the wizard Jung Soon-won 5.6 billion years ago, but was resurrected and succeeded in stealing the source code from Shinjoy.”

Soon-won, who didn't know his name would appear in his class, was startled.

The teacher's explanation continued.

“Because of that, I don’t know what happened between Shijoi and Kunlun, but the world was united and we lost everything we enjoyed as players and became ordinary people.”

"I have a question!"

One student raised his hand.


“What is the goal of Ambassador Kunlun?”

Originally, Master Kunlun's goal was to revive the demons and eliminate angels. However, it was not accomplished by Soon-won and he had a long fight with Di Namis.

When Soon-won also joined there, he split his soul and ran away, and when 11 of his souls were destroyed, he removed the remaining one by himself.

‘Was that for today?’

Not a single academy teacher could have known what Soon-won didn't know.

He shook his head.

“That’s what I want to know.”

After that, it was a boring history class. It was a class that everyone was not interested in, and it was only in the afternoon that the class that everyone was interested in started.

“This class is a process to learn magic and know your own abilities.”

The reason why the Academy was able to be established, and why it was founded. That's the item the wizards got after fighting with Kunlun's subordinates.

When you kill a monster, marbles fall, and when you break the marbles, you gain skills.


“Come out one by one and take it.”

“What powers does this red marble have?”

“We don't know that. You have to break it to absorb the ability and open the status window to find out.”

Everyone took the marbles one by one in the hope that they would have good abilities.

“I will give each one another marble when they are able to use their abilities skillfully.”

The students broke the marbles.

Fire or ice coming out of your hand

had students.

Soon-won broke his marble with anticipation.

[The skill 'Massage' has been acquired.]


I gained an unexpected skill.

(Continued on next page)

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