The Birth of the 9th Circle Wizard

Chapter 87 Forest of Evil Spirits (1)

“Humans have entered the forest.”

“Aren’t these humans coming in to pick mushrooms?”

"no. Knights.”

The village chief showed the marble.

Maronos, the strongest man in the village and Arrow Master, was buoyant and tried to run away immediately.

“I will kill them.”

"wait. If you don't have the key anyway, you won't be able to get to this point, and you'll go round and round in the forest and die naturally."

“Is it necessary to have mercy on the monsters to die?”

“Humans are not stupid. To say that you have sent the army several times before and have come again means that you are confident. Or you found the key.”

“Maybe the Omilie family betrayed me?”

“Humans are short-lived. The grace we bestowed may not have been properly explained to our descendants.”

Omilie's family.

It was the family name of the lord who lived near the Forest of Evil Spirits.

The cause was close to a coincidence.

A dark elf hunting in the Forest of Demons fell off a cliff and was seriously injured, and Omilie, an herbalist from the Fallen Nobility, saw it and healed him.

The dark elf said that she would repay her favor, and after consulting with her villagers, bestowed her blessing on her.

A magic that keeps only the eldest daughter of the family from getting lost in the forest of evil spirits from generation to generation.

will walk

O'Millier and her daughter made money selling all kinds of rare herbs deep in the Forest of Demons, and became lords of the area.

‘After the war, the estate disappeared hundreds of years ago.’

I thought they were all dead. This is because, in the case of magic that is passed down from generation to generation, if you do not manage it regularly, the magic may deteriorate and you may suffer from its side effects.

'I am confident in my steps. Omilie's descendants may be mixed in.'

Had it not been for Omilie's discovery and treatment of her injured ankle, she would have starved to death in that valley.

It just happened to the village chief hundreds of years ago.

'I don't know if I came alone. It wouldn't be a good thing if he came with an army.'

The mayor made a decision.

“When the entrance is open, go ahead and prepare for a concentrated attack!”

“I’ve been waiting for that!”

Maronos ran out of the village chief's house as if flying.

'Ttt, I don't like humans that much.'

His fiancee said she wanted to visit the human world more than 100 years ago, and she disguised herself as she went out, and she was killed by a human.

When I traced her path, it seems that she committed suicide after being subjected to all kinds of harassment during her slavery life.

It was understandable that Maronos hated humans.


“Wow! Whoops! Wookiee!”

It wasn't a female scream.

It was the cry of monkeys that sounded like a woman's scream.

“What, what?”

The knights looked up.

It wasn't the kind of monkey you see at the zoo.

It was more like an orangutan, but it had bigger muscles and a very bad temperament.

I looked down at the humans from a tall tree that was about 10 meters tall.


menacing cry.

He held a stone the size of a fist in his hand.

joy! Red! Red! joy!

He began to turn his long arm quickly. It was like a shot put player preparing to throw a metal ball.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! pop!

Stones flew to the Kiknos Knights. There was no damage because he was wearing thick heavy armor, but it was a headache.Wearing heavy armor, he could not climb a tree more than ten meters high.

“These guys!”

The knights inflated the sword with mana and cut the tree stump.

A huge tree shakes and falls

it started.

The Wonseungs moved to the next tree and prepared to attack again.

"You can't kill them that way because the trees are overgrown."

Duke Calamari picked up a piece of crushed stone on the floor.

I just picked it up and threw it, and it pierced the monkey's head at the top of a tree.

Kiek! thud!

One died, but there were over 40 monkeys. The vacancy was quickly filled.

The knights also picked up stones on the floor and tried to match them, but it was too much.

It was a skill that was possible because it was a sword master, so very fine mana was put in so that the stone did not break.

“It would be impossible at your level. Better protect the wizards. Elle, can you hit me?”

I didn't have high expectations.

If Ilena says no, it's enough if she jumps up on the tree and cuts them down one by one.

“Ha, I can do it, brother!”

Kalamani looked at Gatiss.

It was a look that asked him to put his hand on it.

“I’ll help too!”

Karin intervened.

The rest of the people went under the knights' shields, curled up and waited.

Dynamis looked itchy, but Soon-won shook his head and signaled to hold back.

“Magic Missile!”

First, Ilena launched an attack. But she missed the 10 meter high monkey early and flew away.

This is a steady practice that leaves the circle

It was a necessary part.

“Checkpoint. target fixed. Aqua Arrow!”

He worked as a researcher, but he is a 5th circle magician. He skillfully selected the Wonseungs one by one, targeted them, and fired them.

A water arrow at the wrong angle flew, then bent and pierced the monkey's chest.


thud! With a sound, the monkey fell. It was death without confirmation.


It was the same 5th circle wizard, but the level difference was too much. Ilena's face turned red.

"profit! That's right! Magic Missiles! Magic Missile! Magic Missile!”

Not a single one fit.

Rather, it was so bad that I wondered if it was a shot that was partly combed out.

“Lightning Bolt!”

Karin also used magic.

Hold on!


“Key ek!”

“Key aaaa!”

thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! Cuckoo!

The problem was that the Lightning Bolt, the first circle, exploded and swept away the Wonseungs, and at the same time, 7 of them fell.

Everyone looked at Karin at the overwhelming power.


The Duke and Ilena also looked at Karin in surprise. Karin was also surprised by herself and was looking at her own hand.

"what? Is the magic I used correct?”

Karin stretched her hands forward and began to memorize her magic spell into her.

“Air Blast.”

4 circle magic. There's no way she, who is a circle 1 wizard, could use it. However, she was able to memorize the theory up to the 7th circle, and she thought that she could use it for some reason, so she used it.




At first, a piercing sound was heard, and at the end of the second, a wind like a storm blew in.

People who instinctively curled up

When I woke up with this mind, about 30 meters were hemispherical and devastated.

With that one shot, the remaining 30 monkeys all died out.

“What the hell is this?”

The duke looked at Karin with bewildered eyes.

Ilena was lost.

Surprisingly, it was Karin herself who made her body stiff.


* * *

After stopping for a moment to enter the forest, the Duke approached Karin.

“Who are you?”

"Me? Karin is a mercenary, but... .”

"mercenary? What family are you from?”

“A family? Viscount Rosina's adopted daughter is long, but she is originally a peasant's child."


The peacock tilted his head as if he didn't understand something.

“How old are you? How many circles?”

“I am 15 years old. It's Circle 1... .”

“One circle? It was at a level similar to that of the royal chief magician, but are you kidding me now?”

“Oh, no. Really. Originally, I was barely using 1 circle magic... .”

Karin looked at Soon-won.

This is because the pattern on her back disappears and mana flows through her body.

“Why are you looking over there?”

“Because last night I loosened the bondage on him.”

Soon-won walked out among the knights.

“A bondage?”

“Someone put a curse on the child to prevent him from using magic.”


“I am afraid that someone has walked because I am afraid of the outstanding talent of the child.”


“ My name is Jung Soon-won. me too dragon

It is a disease.”

“How many circles?”

“It’s the 4th circle.”

Being in the 4th circle at a young age, it could be said that he was quite smart, but there was a genius next to him, so he seemed obscured.

“I think this child has been blessed with Mana. What do you think?”

“I think so too.”

He answered with a mixture of lies and truth.

Under the current circumstances, the duke should not be turned into an enemy.

The duke was also a problem, but the twenty knights could not be ignored.

Each one is not a match for Soon-won, but if it is a group, the situation is different.

“Did you say Karin? where is the magic

did you learn?”

“She was taught at the Third Maroon Academy of Magic.”“If you’re 15, you’ve been graduating in less than a year. But did you use air blast magic?”

The peacock couldn't use magic, but he knew it quickly.

He commanded the battlefield and sometimes went out to fight directly, so he studied all the attack magic used by wizards.

“During the Academy days, I couldn’t use my magic properly, so I wanted to do other things better instead, so I studied the theory until the 7th circle.

I memorized and understood.”

Memorization and understanding are different.

If it is simple memorization, even elementary school students can do it. But to understand magic, it took years to learn the relevant foundations and to delve into magic professionally.

“I mean, can you use 7th circle magic?”

"Yes? no. Just understand with your head... ”

“Isn't that why you used the 4 circle air blast? Give it a try.”

plate was laid

The duke pointed to the forest in front of Karin.

“If you know the 7th circle, do you also know the Ice Blast?”


“Try it.”

Karin hesitated and looked at Soon-won. He said okay and nodded his head.

“Frost that freezes everything, reveal yourself here from my hand. Ais Blast!”

Mana started rushing into Karin's hand.

I draw magic from the circles on her body

Rather, it is to draw and use the energy of Mother Nature.

Nothing happened.

Ilena seized a smirk as if she knew she would.

"Brother. Maybe it was because he was originally in the 4th circle and approached him by cheating his age to stand out from his brother... .”

It was half misunderstanding and half jealousy.

Soon-won is also surprisingly talented, but it was only natural that Ilena, who was proud of herself, would not approve of Karin.

‘A 15-year-old’s 4th circle magic… .'

It wasn't the only time I was surprised by Han Ji-hee's genius. This is because they reached the 3rd circle before graduating from college.

Karin, on the other hand, used circle 4 at the age of 15.

she did

Of course, in Karin's case, she didn't go to elementary, middle and high school, but instead went to magic school, but it was a great thing.

“Hmm, let’s try the 7th circle again.



“I saw the flow of mana. Mana's Go

There is only one li. No matter how blessed she is from mana, there is a limit to how much mana she can draw from Mother Nature. Let me help you this time.”


Karin began to memorize her spells again. Mana began to gather in her hands, and there Cala Marie gathered her hands.

3 之 : 之 : 之 Ryo : 之 |

■ — ■- - ■- .

There was a noticeable change.

Ice crystals began to gather in front of her hand.

“Huh? do!"

One of the knights shouted in surprise.

A dazzling light emanated from Karin and Calamari's hands.


The forest in front of me was devastated. The ice blast really flew away.

Soon-won as well as Ilena looked at the scene in amazement.

‘A genius among geniuses.’

That was Karin's evaluation by Soon-won.

(Continued on next page)

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