The Black Book

Chapter 198: Laughing about drinking the blood of the Huns

Whoever can kill this monster will be qualified to replace Lord Xilaim and become one of the most favorable candidates for the Twelve Paladins!

However, no one noticed that Nixa Labres, who spoke first, quietly slowed down, hung behind everyone, and stared at the seemingly dying boy vigilantly.

On the other side, Zhu Haomiao, who was almost exhausted after coughing out the blood in his trachea, raised his eyes and looked at the enemy who rushed up excitedly, and once again urged the authority of [Lust].

The pink divinity diffused in his flesh and blood, but after the explosion that exceeded the carrying capacity of his body just now, his [Essence] had been exhausted.

In addition, he had been sleeping for dozens of days and had not had time to eat, so his stomach was empty, and there was no nutrition for him to absorb and repair his injuries.

Zhu Haomiao had to cheer up and use the supernatural intuition of [Swift Wind·Spiritual Resonance] to deal with the enemy just to stop the most serious internal bleeding.

Enduring the pain, the young man dodged and moved, like an elegant dancer flashing in the sword light and shadow.

However, he was secretly angry in his heart.

In the future, the first thing to do after "waking up" must be to eat first. When fighting to the limit, the vast amount of material nutrition is his most powerful capital!

Now he is suffering from hunger!

While dodging and slowly recovering, while running around, Zhu Haomiao suddenly saw a familiar sword on the ground, and he jumped and rolled to pick it up from the ground.

Picking up the eight-sided Han sword he had thrown away before, the young man felt a little confident and decisively switched his fighting style. He no longer simply dodged and escaped, but stabbed the "fangs" in his hand into the weak points of the enemy's armor like a venomous snake.

The 61 points of [God] and the 56 points of [Agility] made his sword accurate and deadly. If it were not for the enemy's tight armor protection, he could kill a person in a few moves.


The sharp sword blade rubbed against the gap in the armor, producing violent sparks. Feeling the enemy's weak sword, a knight shouted in surprise.

"He's exhausted! He can't hold on any longer!!"

Hearing this, the besieged enemies suddenly rushed to kill Zhu Haomiao as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and even had the intention of sabotaging each other.

Realizing that the enemy's originally tacit offensive became messy and contradictory, seemingly fierce but actually less threatening, Zhu Haomiao quietly breathed a sigh of relief and mobilized the little internal energy he had just accumulated.

[Dielang Jin]!

[Jifeng Jin]!

[Piejia Jin]!

Seeking the right time, a sharp cold light as thin as a cicada's wing condensed on the sword blade. Just as the besieged enemies were fighting openly and secretly, the hidden murderous intent suddenly emerged.


Like a poisonous snake in the shadows sticking out its fangs, a flash of cold light flashed without warning, and the knight closest to Zhu Haomiao suddenly froze, and his heavy head with a helmet slowly tilted to one side, and fell to the ground with a plop.

The sudden counterattack scared the knights like frightened birds, and they scattered in an instant, fearing that they would become the next unlucky ghost.

In the center of the battlefield, Zhu Haomiao looked at the headless corpse that was bleeding like a fountain, and gritted his teeth.

Immediately, as if holding a wine jar, the boy lifted the headless corpse over his head and "dumped" it, and he swallowed it down in big mouthfuls.

Swallowed into the stomach, it was digested into much-needed nutrients in an instant.

A faint warm current spread from the stomach and intestines, flowing through the blood vessels throughout the body, the originally exhausted spirit and flesh greedily absorbed nutrients, and the sluggish and sore limbs quickly regained strength!

At a distance of several dozen meters, the Knights of the Round Table looked at the monster, angry, fearful, and unwilling.

Seeing that everyone was hesitant to step forward and no one wanted to be the first to come forward, Nixa Labres had to speak again.

"We can't give him another chance. Don't fight. Kill him first!"

Hearing this, the knights suppressed their own little calculations and united to kill the enemy again.

On the other side, after drinking the "good wine", Zhu Haomiao wiped the blood on his chin, and his eyes were full of ferocious and cruel blood again.

"The warriors eat the meat of the barbarians when hungry, and drink the blood of the Xiongnu when thirsty..."

The young man laughed wildly with a sword flower, and suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the nearest knight. The eight-sided Han sword, which was full of power again, accurately pierced into the gap of the armor, penetrated all the protection, and inserted into the enemy's chest.

The hilt was pulled left and right, and the sword blade inserted into the chest was fiercely stirred, and the [penetration force] invaded along the trend, instantly shaking the internal organs into pulp.

Killing an enemy with minimal effort, Zhu Haomiao drew out his sword, dodged the attack, and like a spirit dancing on the tip of a knife, he easily jumped out of the encirclement and turned defense into offense again.

"Be careful! He's behind you!"

"Stop him!"

"Damn it!"




The miserable howls of his companions came from behind. Nixa Labres, who had already evacuated the battlefield when he saw the situation was not right, fled madly towards the direction of the Magic City, not even daring to turn his head back.

I am the only heir of the Labres family. I can't die in such a place without any value!

That monster!

That demon!

That's not a human at all!

I must send the information back!

The emotions of shock, anger, fear, despair, and resentment in his heart rolled endlessly. Nixa Labres' teeth were clattering, squeezing all his physical strength to run madly.

However, not long after, the screams behind him stopped abruptly. Behind the silence, it seemed as if some monster was chasing after him. The fear piercing his back made his hair stand on end.

After running for a distance on both hands and feet, Nixa Labrese still couldn't suppress the fear in her heart. She instinctively looked back and instantly saw a blood-stained ferocious smile with his nose "nose to nose".

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!!!"

"Don't come over here!!!"

The eight-sided Han sword knocked away the long sword, and Zhu Haomiao punched Nixa Labrese in the chest and abdomen. The feminine force penetrated the armor and poured into the internal organs, instantly disintegrating his combat effectiveness.


With blood gurgling from her mouth, Nixa Labrese fell to her knees and crawled out using her hands and feet. She instinctively wanted to stay away from the terrifying monster, but Zhu Haomiao grabbed her ankle and dragged her back.

"Why are you running around? A family must be neat and tidy."

Amid Zhu Haomiao's relaxed teasing, Nixa Labrese dug her fingers tightly into the ground, but was dragged away by the brute force she could not resist, leaving ten hideous and desperate claw marks wherever she passed.


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