The Black Book

Chapter 227: Unresolved

"No! No! I am willing to abdicate, spare my life, please spare my life!"

Zhu Haomiao was too lazy to talk nonsense, but the great perfection [Flying Mang Jin] injected into it made it float gently in the air, guarding the boy like an elf.

After freeing one hand, Zhu Haomiao grabbed the braid of the young man in the dragon robe and the hair of the old woman, and dragged the two people to Jingshan like a dead dog.

"You two, it's time to get on the road!"

"No! Let me go! Let me go!"


Ignoring the struggles and howlings of the two people along the way, Zhu Haomiao dragged them to the halfway point of the mountain, selected two strange crooked trees, and tied the ropes prepared in advance.

When everything is ready, catch the two people who ran a few hundred meters back and remove the joints of their limbs.

"Ahhh! You little bastard, you will not die well!"

"I will kill all your clans!"

Listening to the two people's bitter and shrill curses, the young man smiled and hung them up like hanging lanterns.



Amid the hideous and spasmodic sound of gasping, the ropes on their necks kept tightening under the action of gravity. The two people twitched and struggled, their eyeballs gradually protruded from their eye sockets, and their expressions became more and more distorted and painful, like two salted fish crickets pupa.

Soon, the twitching and wriggling figures "calmed down", like wind chimes, swaying lightly with the breeze in the mountains.

Admiring the two elegant human wind chimes, Zhu Haomiao's heart was filled with endless emotion. He raised his eyes and looked into the distance. His eyes seemed to travel through time and space, and he saw Emperor Chongzhen who also went to a dead end here hundreds of years ago.

The rise and fall of dynasties, the reincarnation of destiny, seemed to be just in an instant!

Slowly raising the [Imperial Seal] in his hand, the young man's ethereal and low voice whispered, like a god's judgment on the mortal world.

"The Qing Dynasty has enjoyed a reign of 264 years. Today, I will die and my country will be destroyed. I will be beheaded!"

Infinite light exploded in the depths of his pupils, and his huge spiritual consciousness was injected into the [Imperial Seal] without reservation, using his mind as a knife to cut off the last trace of connection between it and this country!


A silent loud noise exploded between heaven and earth, as if some important link had broken. The countless people on tens of millions of square kilometers of land looked up inexplicably, feeling that something important had been lost in the dark.

Almost at the same time, the leaders of the Eight-Nation Alliance scattered across the entire North China Plain looked in the same direction in unison, and set off without hesitation.

On the other side, Zhu Haomiao climbed to the top of Jingshan Mountain, which overlooked the entire imperial capital, rubbed the [Imperial Seal] in his hand, and narrowed his eyes.

The [Imperial Seal] in his hand was being refined at an accelerated rate. According to the plan, he should leave the imperial capital and rely on mobility to deal with the sons of destiny of other countries.

But...the ancient city in front of him was crying and wailing!

The bloody light that soared into the sky covered the sight, killing, destruction, looting, and rape...

The sins bound by moral reason were released unscrupulously at this moment, and the invaders were laughing wildly, enjoying the most delicious blood food like wild beasts.

The bright and glittering eyes reflected the firelight in the city, and the black light was wriggling in the dark and deep pupils. Reason and sensibility were pulling in his mind.

On the one hand, everything in the fantasy domain was just a dream bubble, and he didn't need to make trouble for a group of "illusions".

But on the other hand, the rolling anger urged him to fight back with a tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an eye!

After hesitating for a moment, Zhu Haomiao slowly turned around and prepared to leave.

But as soon as he took a step, his feet seemed to be welded to the ground, and he couldn't lift them up.

"It's hard to let go! It's hard to let go!"

Muttering faintly, Zhu Haomiao raised his hand and opened his five fingers. The sword floating beside him gently floated into his palm and was slowly and ferociously grasped.


In response to the killing desire in the boy's heart, the extremely sharp sword energy gushed out, and the narrow and thin sword body trembled at a high frequency, making a dragon-like sword sound.

"At worst, I don't play anymore!"

"Kill him and make him bleed like a river!"

The thought of flipping the table came to his mind, and he suddenly felt that the world was wide. Zhu Haomiao's mouth curled up a ferocious arc, and his heart was clear.

[Black Book]: Dao Heart +10


Why would [Dao Heart] be added at this time?

After a little thought, Zhu Haomiao suddenly realized that he almost planted a seed of the heart demon just now.

Although it was very small, it was more or less a knot in his heart, and it might lead him to an evil path of treating the common people as straw dogs.

With enlightenment in his heart, the boy took a deep breath, clenched the sword in his hand, and disappeared on the top of the mountain in an instant.


“Bishop! Bishop! The coalition forces are coming! We are saved!”

In a church in the imperial capital, a dusty priest shouted excitedly and found Fan Guoliang, who had an old and peaceful face.

Fan Guoliang, who was praying with his head down, suddenly stood up.

“Quick! Go and ask the coalition forces to come over. We can be their guides and help them snatch valuable things!”

After that, the blond and blue-eyed Fan Guoliang looked around at the expatriates and believers trapped in the church and announced loudly.

“The Qing court persecuted us for no reason. We want to avenge our dead brothers and sisters! Use heads for heads!”

“In the next eight days, you can follow the coalition forces and do whatever you want. Kill if you want, take if you want!”

“This is a holy war!”

“This is a punishment for pagans!”

“God will forgive us!”

Listening to the bishop’s instigation, the dark desires in the hearts of the expatriates and believers who had been trapped for many days were ready to move, and they cheered and howled like beasts.

At the same time, similar scenes were staged in various places in the imperial capital.

Countless missionaries who were well-dressed on weekdays tore off their hypocritical veils and exposed their ugly and evil true faces.

They colluded with the coalition forces of various countries that poured into the city, wantonly killing, raping, robbing, and arson... venting the darkest and most evil desires in their hearts!

And when Zhu Haomiao passed through the Forbidden City, he saw a purgatory-like scene.

Fires were everywhere, people were fleeing in panic, and the wolf-like invaders pulled the trigger at will, shooting their favorite prey and robbing their belongings.


He slightly turned his head to avoid the bullet, and a hot heat passed by the boy's temple, making his black hair flutter.

Looking at the foreign soldier rushing towards him with a long spear and bayonet, observing his excited and ferocious expression on his face, and the greed and viciousness in his eyes, Zhu Haomiao couldn't help but sneer and curl his lips.

The triple seal is good... Even this kind of stuff dares to face me...


The sharp sword light flashed, and the foreign soldier who had just rushed to the front froze, the gun in his hand fell to the ground with a snap, and he knelt down in pain, covering his neck.

Blood gushed out from between his fingers, and he tried in vain to cover the wound tightly, trying to stop the gushing of the artery, but the unstoppable red continued to flow, and in a blink of an eye, he was dyed into a bloody man.

Thanks to [灬月琊?儿] and other book friends for the reward.

I will continue to ask for votes at the end of the month~~

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