The Black Book

Chapter 235 Growth Coefficient 1

Chapter 235 Growth coefficient +1

The next second, a message appeared on the page of reality in the [Black Book].

【Body】Growth coefficient +1

His pupils suddenly shrank, and before Zhu Haomiao could think about it, the illusory pages in the [Black Book] began to fluctuate violently.

Virtual longevity, six-dimensional attributes, seven deadly sins...

All data are rapidly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye until they return to zero.

Finally, the entire illusory page began to become blank, leaving only dots of colorful crystal dust that penetrated the page and merged into the page of reality on the back that represented the material world.

Refining the false to return to the true, refining the imaginary to return to the real!

As blessed as his soul, Zhu Haomiao understood the meaning of this process. He closed his eyes in intoxication and enjoyed the fulfillment of fantasy with ready-made substance.

After a long time, all the great power that destroyed the world was refined, the flames all over his body were extinguished, and the boy who returned to his original nature was like a mortal standing in the clouds, overlooking all living things on the earth.

But in the eyes of all extraordinary beings, his existence has undergone a qualitative change, like an entity that stands out among the illusory bubbles, and is incompatible with everything around him.

More than ten kilometers away, looking at the tiny black dot at the top of the sky, Nalan Shu couldn't help but sigh and shake his head.

"With such a terrifying ascension phenomenon and such a long ascension process, how huge is his background?"

Hearing this, Feng Zhaobai laughed and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Congratulations, you have witnessed the ascent of the abyss energy level with your own eyes."


In an instant, Nalan Shu and the other two couldn't help but let out an exclamation of surprise, and then took a deep breath of realization.

"No wonder..."

After being shocked, the two looked at Feng Zhaobai with embarrassed expressions.

"Is it really okay for you to tell us this kind of secret?"

"Haha, I can't hide it. His ascension is too loud. His energy response is an order of magnitude higher than that of Hegemony. His pressure can be felt across the entire planet. The desks of leaders of various countries are probably full now. His information."

Feng Zhaobai shook his head, looked deeply at the sky, and walked towards the battlefield.

"Let's go, take back the [Jade Seal of the Legend], and then we have to build a large permanent door..."

At the same time, in the magic city thousands of kilometers away from the battlefield, in the center of a huge altar hidden deep underground, Wilson was suspended in the void, staring at a space-time gap that was gradually opening above his head.

At his feet, countless believers knelt down and worshiped devoutly, looking at the figure in mid-air. The rolling and twisted black light reflected in their pupils, as if they were looking up at a blazing dark sun.

"Through me, enter the city of endless pain."

"Through me into the pit of eternal misery."

“Through me, enter the people of eternal damnation.”

Fanatic and evil whispers rippled back and forth in the underground altar. In the joyful and happy expressions of all the believers, their bodies were lifted and twisted little by little by the invisible power, gradually twisting into twisted and deformed shapes.

Click click click~

Amidst the oozing sound of bones exploding, countless [Greed Gold Coins] were squeezed out of their bodies. However, they seemed not to feel the pain and were still chanting crazily and piously.

"Chaos moves my exalted Creator."

"I am the product of divine power and divine love."

"Before me there was no eternal creation."


As the evil ritual proceeds, the voices of believers become weaker and weaker, and twisted and deformed corpses are stacked in the center of the altar, forming a symbolic and terrifying pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid, Wilson was suspended in the void. Countless [Greed Gold Coins] were continuously integrated into his body. The whole body exuded a beautiful and dreamy golden light. Together with the bones piled up into a hill at his feet, they formed a picture full of symbolism and contradiction. A strange picture of harmony, holiness and evil.

Over the dark and silent altar, Wilson slowly rose up alone, gradually disappearing into the crack above his head, leaving only a faint echoing whisper.

"I will be immortal with the Source."

"Those who enter will lose all hope."



When Zhu Haomiao opened his eyes again, he saw the familiar bedroom.

By the way, I entered the fantasy realm from my senior sister's villa...

Connecting with the previous memory, Zhu Haomiao slowly turned his head, and from the chaotic film squirming and rolling behind him, an elegant figure slowly walked out.

Looking at the figure who should not have appeared in the real world, Zhu Haomiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion, even though he was mentally prepared.


"Yes, my lord."

Looking at the middle-aged white man kneeling devoutly at his feet, Zhu Haomiao pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

But before he could think about how to place this guy, a snow-white head emerged from Wilson's collar, humming excitedly at him.


After catching Diao Chan who jumped on his shoulder, Zhu Haomiao looked up and down in surprise, his brows gradually knotting.

In a sense, Wilson has been refined into a part of himself, and it is understandable that he will ascend with him.

But why do you, this dead rat, fly along with you? ! !

Holding the curled-up Diao Chan with big eyes and small eyes, Zhu Haomiao pondered for a long time, searching for his limited extraordinary knowledge, but he couldn't figure it out.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that ‘one person’s success brings prosperity to all his family members’. Zhu Haomiao temporarily put this matter aside and stretched out his hand to grab. An ancient, heavy and mysterious book instantly solidified in his palm.

Opening the [Black Book], the [Illusionary Page] representing the fantasy realm has become blank, while the [Real Page] on the back representing reality has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Lifespan: 89→91

Lifespan has increased by 2 years? !

I haven’t heard that ascending to the first level of heaven can increase lifespan? ! !

Zhu Haomiao’s eyes moved slightly, and after a little thought, he had some vague guesses.

He ascended to the [Abyss Energy Level], and the benefits he gained must be greater than other energy levels!

It is estimated that the lifespan of ascending to the Hegemony Energy Level is only one year at most, or even a few months, which is really insignificant in the decades of human life. It may not be as good as the benefits of smoking a few less packs of cigarettes!

Such a subtle change is naturally difficult to detect!

Nodding thoughtfully, Zhu Haomiao continued to look down and looked at the six-dimensional attributes in reality.

[Spirit]: 0.7 (2.2) ↑

[Agility]: 0.6 (1.8) ↑

[Strength]: 0.5 (2) ↑

[Essence]: 0.4 (2.1) ↑

[Qi]: 0.4 (2.1) ↑

[Body]: 0.5 [3.8 (1.9 × 2)] ↑

Seeing the ×2 behind the [Body] attribute, Zhu Haomiao instantly understood what the growth coefficient +1 meant, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly involuntarily.

It is indeed a change of destiny against heaven! !

It is simply changing one's potential from the root!

More importantly, Zhu Haomiao knows that this is only part of the benefit of [Change of Destiny against Heaven].

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