The Black Book

Chapter 237 It’s not fun, let’s go

Thinking of this, Zhu Haomiao couldn't help but look at the six-dimensional attributes in the [Black Book].

[Spirit]: 2.9

[Agility]: 2.4

[Strength]: 2.5

[Energy]: 2.5

[Qi]: 2.5

[Body]: 4.3

Clenching his fists, Zhu Haomiao gently moved his limbs, and his angular muscles were like pieces of steel armor squirming and deforming. Although his body was not burly and knotty, it gave people a sense of brutal and violent visual impact.

But when he put on his clothes, the aggressive sense of oppression disappeared instantly, replaced by a slender and elegant fairy spirit.

His skin was as white as jade, his facial features were deep and delicate, his eyebrows were sharp and his eyes were bright, and his demeanor was outstanding...

Looking at the somewhat unfamiliar boy in the mirror, Zhu Haomiao stroked his cheeks and vaguely realized that even in the real world, his charm had a tendency to be supernatural.

Although he still couldn't make a woman fall in love with him with just one look in the fantasy realm, as long as he used some tricks, except for some determined transcendents, ordinary women couldn't resist his charm.

Even men...


Feeling a chill all over his body, Zhu Haomiao shuddered and quickly shook off the image of Li Cang in his mind.

Amitabha, no shivering!

Putting aside the long, white, tight legs in his mind, Zhu Haomiao frowned slightly and realized that his control over various original sins was loose again.

Before, the LV.3 [Dao Xin] suppressed the LV.2 [Lust] very steadily.

When he was with Ye Wanning and the others, his heart was relatively calm, and there would be no evil thoughts in his mind, and his eyes would not have their own thoughts.

But now that [Lust] has been promoted to LV.3, he can't help but imagine what it feels like to have a pair of white, jade-like long legs clamped around his waist.

This is a bit against the will of heaven...

Recalling the turbulent bosom of the senior sister with a solemn face, Zhu Haomiao heaved a sigh of relief after a long time.

Fortunately, fortunately... I like both long legs and big breasts...

I am not a pervert, I am just lustful.



This doesn't seem to be something to be proud of...

Frowning inexplicably, Zhu Haomiao put aside his distracting thoughts, put on his clothes, and pushed the door open.


Outside the bathroom, the little loli lying on the table with a sad face brightened her eyes, threw down the pen in her hand and wanted to get into Zhu Haomiao's arms.

The boy held her head and ruthlessly pushed her back to the desk.

"You are not allowed to go out to play until you finish writing 100 Chinese characters today!"


"It's no use pretending to be pitiful. I'll come back to check later."

Ignoring the pitiful expression of the little girl who was about to cry, Zhu Haomiao rubbed her head and left the dormitory directly.

He came to the comprehensive fitness building in the school, where there are various professional equipment for Zhu Haomiao to test his changes in detail.

"176 cm..."

"81 kg..."

He did the simplest basic test first. Although he was mentally prepared, the huge data changes still surprised Zhu Haomiao.

You know, in just a few days, his height soared by nearly 10 cm, and his weight soared by nearly 20 kg!

What's more terrifying is that his body fat rate has even dropped slightly.

That is to say, these 20 kg are all muscle, without a drop of water!

Slowly clenching his fist, feeling the powerful force that completely surpassed that of ordinary people, and looking at his slender figure that was obviously not in line with his weight, Zhu Haomiao knew that he had already stepped into the threshold of a superhuman in reality.


Zhu Haomiao punched in the air, listening to the crisp sound of breaking through the air, and nodded thoughtfully.

Normally, the superhumans of [First Heaven] did not have an essential gap with ordinary people in the real world, but he broke this rule.

Ordinary superhumans may have to reach [Middle Heaven] to have similar power to him now.

Refining the false becomes true, refining the false becomes real.

The benefits of ascending to [Abyss Energy Level] are more exaggerated than he expected!

Understanding the mystery, Zhu Haomiao continued to test, and soon attracted the attention of others in the fitness hall.

"Fuck, what is that guy doing?"

"1...2...3...4...5...6! Hiss! What is he trying to do? Committing suicide?"

"He put 6 weights on one side, each weighing 50 kg?"

"12×50, 600 kg bench press?!"

Looking at the boy's slender figure, experienced veterans can roughly calculate his strength limit based on muscle dimensions.

Many people stopped exercising and couldn't help sneering at the handsome boy who looked like he came out of a comic book.

"What a stupid fool, pretending to be a bullshit!"

The instinct of liking to show off one's masculinity in front of the opposite sex is especially common in the gym, but this is the first time they have seen such an overconfident guy!

"I want to see what his expression will be when he can't push it up!"

"Haha, what if he is a [Zhongtianwei] extraordinary person?"

"Where can there be such a young [Zhongtianwei]? He must be a freshman!"

"That's right, who would come to the gym? They are all practicing in the fantasy realm!"

"Don't watch the show, let's go and protect him with two people, don't let anyone get killed."

"What are you afraid of? There is a protection frame."

"600 kilograms, the protection frame may not be able to hold it down."

"Don't worry, with his thin arms, he can't even get the bar out."

"That's right, if he can push a 600-kilogram barbell out of the bar, I'll stand on my head and eat shit!"

A muscular young man sneered disdainfully, but the next second, the arc of ridicule on the corner of his mouth disappeared little by little, replaced by disbelief and astonishment.

Not far from them, Zhu Haomiao was lying on a training chair, his hands like a crane, pushing up the 600-kilogram barbell steadily.

Then, his not-so-strong arms steadily descended without haste, and then slowly rose again, without a trace of trembling with effort.

Just by looking at his light-hearted movements, everyone knew that he was far from reaching his limit.


"Not fun, let's go."

Countless men whose [Dao Xin] collapsed got up and left, as if they had made up their minds and never looked back.

When Zhu Haomiao finished a set of standard bench presses and put the barbell back on the rack, he suddenly found that the entire fitness hall was much quieter.

Many of the remaining people gathered around him, looking at him with resentful and curious eyes.

"Boss, it is immoral for a [Mid-Sky] Transcendent to go to the Novice Village to fry fish!"

"Yes, brother, please stop practicing. One of my friends may be sweating profusely. He is not feeling well. Of course, it is not me, but I am taking care of my friend's feelings. He is a little upset..."

"That's right, we don't really feel anything. It's mainly because my friend's mentality is a little broken."

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