The Black Book

Chapter 239 All fear comes from insufficient firepower!

"Teacher, I am a first-year student..."

"Huh? You are still learning theory in the first year, and you don't even know the fantasy realm... Wait, you are Zhu Haomiao?!!"

"Uh... do you know me?"

The teacher patted the boy's shoulder affectionately and said with a hint of teasing.

"You are quite famous in the circle, the evil dragon that makes the whole NATO tremble with fear - Zhu Haomiao!"

"Evil dragon?"

"Yes, NATO gave you a code name, isn't it cool?"


Teacher, this is not cool!

I am a kind-hearted, harmless and good boy, why do you call me an evil dragon?

This is slander!

They slandered me!

For the first time, Zhu Haomiao felt the powerlessness of the widow being slandered. He pursed his lips and thought seriously about how to dispel the rumors and prove his innocence.

On the other side, not knowing the boy's nonsensical thoughts, the teacher patted his shoulder encouragingly.

"Keep practicing, you will become a great man in the future!"

"Uh... Thank you, then this machine..."

"It's okay, the school has a loss and depreciation index, anyway, you didn't do it on purpose, right?"

Zhu Haomiao's eyes lit up when he noticed the teacher's crazy hint, and he nodded quickly.

"Ah, yes, yes!"

After a few more pleasantries, Zhu Haomiao walked out of the fitness building as if he had been pardoned, looking at the last rays of the setting sun, and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Fortunately, I didn't have to pay for it. That thing seemed to cost hundreds of thousands...

I couldn't afford it even if I sold it!

Patting his chest with relief, Zhu Haomiao walked back to the dormitory building with a relaxed pace.

But when he walked to the door of the first floor, a bit of piercing coldness was like an ice cone piercing his vest, which made him stand up with goose bumps all over his body and his scalp numb!

He turned around suddenly and glanced, the evil and brutal dark light rolled in the depths of his pupils, and the materialized sight swept across dozens of meters like a steel knife.

However, the peaceful campus was not affected by any unusual phenomena. The flash of coldness came and went quickly, as if it was just an illusion of Zhu Haomiao.

Frowning suspiciously, the dark divine light in the depths of Zhu Haomiao's pupils gradually shrank. Finally, after a careful search, he still did not find anything unusual. Then he stepped forward again and entered the door of the dormitory building.

It was not until the figure of the young man disappeared into the dormitory door that two figures suddenly appeared on the lawn not far away.

"Old Zhu, we have known each other for many years. You don't have to treat me like this, right?"

An old man with deep facial features and noble temperament held a bloody broken arm and smiled at Zhu Huazang.

"After so many years, you are still stubborn!"

Hearing Zhu Huazang's scolding, the old man laughed and shook his head, and connected the broken arm to his bloody shoulder. Instantly, a large circle of deformed sarcoma expanded at the broken end, and then the hyperplastic and twisted flesh and blood quickly shrank, and recovered without any trace in an instant.

After moving his arms, the old man looked at Zhu Huazang and laughed.

"You are the ones who are stubborn..."

As he spoke, the old man looked around, looking at the youthful students in the distance, and raised his mouth with nostalgia.

"Everything is a dream, I will eventually transcend and return to reality."

"This is the reality! You are crazy!"

"No, I am not crazy, it's just that you can't understand my thoughts."

Calmly looking into Zhu Huazang's eyes, the old man's eyes were clear and deep, with a trace of deep pity.

"You are still indulging in the illusion, and I have awakened."

"Everything is false, everything is allowed."

Whispering faintly, the old man looked at the dormitory building and smiled meaningfully.

"There are incomprehensible things hidden under his human skin. Maybe that is the key to unlocking a higher level of narrative. Many old monsters who have been hidden for many years are beginning to stir..."

"Old Zhu, you can protect him for a while, but not for a lifetime."

Hearing this, Zhu Huazang stared at him with a threatening look.

"He is the person trained by the principal himself. If you dare to attack him again, don't blame me for not remembering our friendship!"

"Haha, you can't do it. Just like I can't do anything to you, you can't do anything to me."

"Really? Then what about me?"

The cold and mellow whisper echoed in the air. The originally careless old man's face changed, and he saluted respectfully and solemnly in one direction.


In the bright moonlight, a tall and plump figure slowly emerged from the darkness, and the narrow and sharp phoenix eyes stared at the old man faintly.

"Feng Yu, how many years have you not been back?"

"Almost ten years."

"Since you have been out for so long, why do you want to come back?"

"I want [Son of the Dragon]."

"He is mine!"

Nangong Su'e stared deeply into Feng Yu's eyes as if swearing sovereignty, and a suffocating light bloomed in her pupils flowing in the sea of ​​stars.

"Go away, don't let me see you in the [Shenzhou Boundary] again, otherwise, no matter how much I pay, I will destroy you both physically and spiritually!"

Feeling Nangong Su'e's determination, Feng Yu sighed helplessly.

"I obey your order."

After saying that, his figure vanished and disappeared, like a phantom in the air.

"Principal, Xiao Zhu..."

"Don't worry too much, under the watchful eyes of the Chinese gods, no one can touch him."

Nangong Su'e retracted her gaze from the void, and her cold and vast vision gradually regained a trace of warmth.

"As for the future, it's still uncertain who is afraid of whom..."

With a cold smile, Nangong Su'e's plump and well-proportioned body melted into stars and gradually extinguished in the darkness.

After a long time, Zhu Huazang raised his one arm and looked at the hideous wound on his palm. The flesh and blood squirmed uncontrollably like a living thing, and grew dense, soybean-sized eyeballs.

Looking at these hideous and creepy eyeballs calmly, Zhu Huazang suddenly clenched his fists and crushed the dense eyeballs that were spinning around.


Ji! !

The sound of tiny insects bursting mixed with some sharp and piercing screams of resentment, and disgusting smelly pus flowed between Zhu Huazang's five fingers.

"Nihilism... lunatic!"


In the dormitory not far away, Zhu Haomiao narrowed his eyes suspiciously, always feeling that something was wrong.

The vague sense of threat was like a steel needle hanging between his eyebrows, making him feel uneasy.

After pacing back and forth in the dormitory for a long time, this sense of threat that was like a thorn in his back gradually dissipated.

What was going on?

Stroking his chin, Zhu Haomiao frowned deeply.

This was the first time he felt such a strange feeling.

It was not a specific threat, but a vague premonition from the level of fate.

The key is that he can't find the source yet!

He just felt as if something was staring at him...

Scratching his hair irritably, Zhu Haomiao wiped his face and patted his cheeks hard.

Forget it!

When the enemy comes, the general will fight, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it!

All fear comes from insufficient firepower!

When I ascend to the ninth heaven, I will be afraid of others!

Thanks to book friends such as [灬月琊?儿] for their rewards.

2.5K monthly tickets plus more, book the minimum ticket for next month~Qiuli Gao~~

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