The Black Book

Chapter 243 Home Field Advantage

"Since the heavenly position is promoted one level at a time, then the real world we live in is not just a higher heavenly position?"

"Is there a higher narrative level that is looking down and observing us?"

Hearing this, Zhu Haomiao's pupils slowly dilated, and goose bumps all over his body stood up uncontrollably.

As a time traveler, he may really come from a higher narrative level!

From the world outside the box!

In a sense, this theory may be correct!

At the same time, Zhu Haomiao also instantly understood the meaning of [Void Sect].

A group of idealists who regard everything as nothingness, seek transcendence, and are eager to jump out of the box!

On the other side, seeing the boy bowing his head in thought, Ye Wanning and Li Cang looked at each other worriedly.

The ideas of the Void Sect are like viruses!

Can't think too much, the more you think about it, the easier it is to fall into it!

And the more brilliant the genius is, the easier it is to go crazy!

Thinking of this, Ye Wanning reached out and held Zhu Haomiao's hand, squeezing him slightly with such great force that it hurt.

"Xiaoshui, I am real, you are real, Cangcang is real, Diao Chan is real..."

"Don't fall into a logical vicious circle that cannot be verified!"

Hearing the earnest advice of the senior sister and looking at her worried eyes, Zhu Haomiao smiled slightly and gently held her hand back.


The power from her hand was warm, stable, and calm. Ye Wanning breathed a sigh of relief and added with some concern.

"Although the Nihilistic Sect has no strict organization and can even be said to be a mess, they are all crazy."

"Because they regard everything as illusion, they can do many inhumane things without any psychological burden."

"What's more terrifying is that they don't even think they are doing evil."

"Just like killing an NPC, slaughtering a village, and destroying a country in a computer game, everything in their eyes is just a false program, meaningless 0 and 1."

"They may just be in a momentary whim and turn an entire plane into purgatory..."

Hearing this, Zhu Haomiao's heart moved, thinking of the commotion he made when he ascended. Those soldiers of the Eight-Nation Alliance were corrupted and twisted under the light of his soul, and the entire imperial capital was like purgatory...

It's hard to say, the boy could only show a polite but embarrassed smile.

Twelve volumes of military books, every volume has my name!

Senior sister!

I suspect you are playing tricks on me, but I have no evidence!

On the other side, without noticing the boy's wild thoughts, Ye Wanning continued to speak with a worried look on her face.

"The most terrifying thing is that this kind of inner change of thought is imperceptible."

"Many members of the [Void Sect] were originally the chosen ones of various forces, or even the holders of the highest authority!"

"Once they 'awaken' and recognize the so-called truth of the world, they can instantly abandon the faith they had previously protected with their lives and discard it like a worn-out shoe!"

"But the change of position on the surface is not the most fatal. The most fatal are those members of the [Void Sect] who are quietly lurking. They may bring major disasters to their forces and even the entire human race at a critical moment!"

"At the same time, the existence of these guys will make everyone suspicious of each other and unable to unite."

"Because even your old comrades who have shared life and death may have their thoughts twisted silently."

"Secretly regard you as a bunch of meaningless bubbles, betrayal without any psychological burden, and even use you as a test subject..."

Speaking of this, Ye Wanning seemed to remember something, and her originally bright and clear eyes became slightly dim.

Li Cang sighed and patted Ye Wanning's shoulder, then looked at Zhu Haomiao and took over the topic.

"In short, the members of the [Void Sect] are the most dangerous existence in the world. They do whatever they want, do whatever they want, don't care about others, don't care about themselves, and often do some illogical behaviors."

"And what they like to do most is to target the top powerhouses of each level, observe their mysterious changes between life and death, and try to find the key to open a higher narrative layer..."

"I was ambushed by a member of the [Void Sect] this time. If it weren't for the home advantage, I would have almost reincarnated and rebuilt."

Listening to Li Cang's cold and calm words, Zhu Haomiao caught the key words and asked curiously.

"What is the home advantage?"

Ye Wanning, who had regained her spirits, took over the topic and explained.

"First of all, each level of heaven has countless fantasy domains. Do you understand this?"


"Generally speaking, when you ascend to the next level of heaven, the first fantasy domain you land in is your home field!"

"Of course, it's not absolute. If you are killed out of this fantasy domain not long after you stay in it, it can't be called your home field."

"The key is to see how well your own strength is combined with the laws of this plane."

"The higher the degree of combination, the easier it is for you to exert 100% or even 120% of your strength!"

"But correspondingly, if you go to other fantasy domains of the same heaven, you will experience a longer [compilation period]. If the underlying laws of the two fantasy domains conflict or don't match, your strength will even be greatly discounted."

Hearing another new word, Zhu Haomiao asked.

"What is [compilation period]?"

"Uh... this is what our young extraordinary people say. The explanation in the textbook should be called [Adaptive Coupling Period], which is the process of converting your own law power into local laws after you land in a strange fantasy domain..."

"However, I feel that using the word [compile] in computer programs is more accurate, more intuitive, and easier to understand."

"Just like putting a Windows program on the IOS system, you can't run it directly, you must compile it into a language that IOS can understand before it can run."

"But because the underlying codes of the two systems are different, some functions may be missing, resulting in only a part of your strength, or even a halving. This is the [away disadvantage] relative to the [home advantage]."

Ye Wanning murmured slowly, and found that Zhu Haomiao seemed to be getting more and more difficult to understand, so she quickly changed the way she said it.

"For example, in a fantasy world of a future sci-fi world line, the local mecha system extraordinary people can exert 150% of their strength."

"And you are a martial arts extraordinary person from the fairy fantasy world. Theoretically, your physique is comparable to fine steel, your strength can subdue dragons and tigers, and you can completely tear apart Gundams with your bare hands!"

"But the underlying physical laws of the fantasy world of the sci-fi world do not support you to fight against steel with your flesh and blood. Even if you complete the [compilation], your strength, speed, and physique will be greatly reduced."

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