The Black Book

Chapter 263 Crushing

[The Black Book] can still stir up the original sin deep in their souls, but it is not a little difficult to crush their [eggshells] and absorb the rich nutrients inside...

Thinking at the same time, facing Yan Yunsheng's tentative sweep, Zhu Haomiao only took a half step back, and the blade brushed against his clothes.

Immediately, Zhu Haomiao raised his sword and pointed lightly, and a sword light visible to the naked eye shot straight at Yan Yunsheng's face.

[Flying Light Force·Starfall]!

His pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhole, and Yan Yunsheng's hair stood on end, and he raised his sword and chopped with all his strength.


The collision between the sword light and the blade actually made a crisp sound of metal colliding, and the translucent light was like glass shattering. The broken sword energy evaporated and dissipated instantly, causing slight ripples on Yan Yunsheng's body protection energy.

Even though he had already placed the boy at the height of a superior in his heart, Yan Yunsheng still looked at him in disbelief.

Qi leaves the body, condenses without dispersing!

This is a high level that many [Middle Three Rank] masters may not be able to master!

Can a 15-year-old boy really practice to this level just by relying on his family's learning?

After a little thought, Yan Yunsheng knew it was impossible.

Many people born with a silver spoon in their mouths also have no shortage of secret methods, but they are either lazy or lack talent, so they spend their whole lives wandering around in [Lower Three Rank] and cannot master various advanced skills.

Not to mention using it in actual combat so easily!

Just based on the boy's casual move just now, the sword light pointed directly at his flaw, forcing him to hastily retract his sword to defend, not only interrupting the offensive, but also wiping out his gradually accumulated momentum.

In an instant, Yan Yunsheng realized that the other party was definitely not a delicate flower in an ivory tower, but a master who had experienced blood and fire and fought through thousands of hammers!

And this kind of strength, this kind of mentality, this kind of realm, this kind of calmness, can never be cultivated overnight!

Thinking of this, Yan Yunsheng looked at Zhu Haomiao with question marks in his eyes.

No, you have such amazing talent and strength, why do you pretend to be a coward? !

In a flash, all kinds of treacherous and dangerous political struggle legends flashed through Yan Yunsheng's mind, and he immediately had a guess in his mind.

Perhaps, the previous generation [Pingyang Earl] had a powerful political enemy, and after his father's death, he was afraid that the other party would target him, so Li Lin deliberately hid his shortcomings and pretended to be stupid.

Now that the crisis should be resolved, he began to show his extraordinaryness!

In an instant, the image of the other party as a drunkard in Yan Yunsheng's mind collapsed, and was replaced by a terrifying genius with deep city, unpredictable mind, and good at forbearance.

On the other side, Zhu Haomiao, who didn't know the wonderful inner drama in Yan Yunsheng's mind, took the initiative to attack him with a sword when he saw that he had not moved for a long time.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~

Raising his hand and pointing three times, three sword beams drew three arcs in the air like living things, shooting at Yan Yunsheng's left, right and middle gate respectively.

With a tight heart, Yan Yunsheng chopped left and right, easily breaking the three sword beams, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he had already realized that due to his age, the opponent's true qi was not strong enough. Although his martial arts level was high, the speed and force of the sword beam "out of the sheath" were not strong enough.

If it was really a master of the third rank, he would have to lie on the ground with a sword beam, and it would be impossible to break it so easily.

In addition, in addition to the thickness of the true qi, the opponent's speed, strength, physique and other aspects seemed to be inferior to his own.

Be careful to deal with it, don't give him the opportunity to show off your skills, you may not have no chance of winning!

Knowing his own advantages, Yan Yunsheng immediately rushed to attack, trying to fight in close combat, drag the opponent into a meat grinder, and use his all-round advantage in hard power to drag him down!

On the other side, seeing the opponent rushing towards him with high morale, Zhu Haomiao, with a tentative mood, drew his sword and collided with the long sword.


The sword and the sword fought without any fancy, exploding a series of brilliant sparks.

The next second, a powerful force penetrated into the body, shocking Zhu Haomiao's body to numb, and hurriedly flew back more than ten meters along the opponent's force.

[Strength] attribute is at least more than twice as much as mine!

Can't resist it head-on!

Retreating all the way to relieve the force, Zhu Haomiao had an epiphany, narrowed his eyes slightly, and exerted his extraordinary power with all his strength.

[Dielang Jin·Kuangtao]!

[Jifeng Jin·Lingxi]!


The sound of the sea tide was rippling and spreading, and Yan Yunsheng, who was about to advance step by step, suddenly found that the boy's breath became a little ethereal, and there was an uncomfortable feeling that he could not lock on to him.

The next second, the premonition came true, and the determined sword strike hit nothing. The boy seemed to have seen through his moves and almost dodged the attack by sticking to the blade, like an elusive butterfly, easily flashing to his side.


The cold sword blade attacked Yan Yunsheng's neck without a trace of fireworks, forcing him to put away the sword to defend.


The long sword chopped on the sword blade, but the weak feedback was like a punch on cotton, and Yan Yunsheng felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood.

On the other side, Zhu Haomiao turned from defense to offense, and the sharp sword energy covered Yan Yunsheng's acupoints, killing him left and right.


The big sword and the long sword repeatedly clashed, but the boy's long sword was always weak, and it would run away as soon as it touched, and from time to time it would shoot two sword beams, scaring Yan Yunsheng into a panic.

Obviously, the hard power was overwhelming in all directions, but Yan Yunsheng couldn't even find a chance to fight hard, and his heart was full of frustration that he had power but nowhere to use it!

The opponent seemed to see through his psychology and was always able to predict his predictions. He easily dodged all his attacks with a speed and frequency far less than his!

All his actions seemed to be visible to the enemy, who seemed to be standing in a higher dimension overlooking everything. All his moves seemed extremely immature and ridiculous.

In a trance, Yan Yunsheng felt like he was standing naked in the extremely cold snow, and his hair stood on end.

What was even more terrifying was that as the battle continued, the sound of the sea tide became more and more obvious, and the opponent's strength became stronger and stronger.

The feedback from the blade became harder and more solid. In the dark, a kind of spiritual pressure like the power of heaven enveloped the whole body, making Yan Yunsheng feel powerless in the face of nature.

But as a practical fighter who had fought his way out of the bottom, Yan Yunsheng quickly realized that he was affected by the power of martial arts. He bit his tongue hard and forcibly broke free from the pressure.

However, this only stopped the decline. In the situation, Yan Yunsheng was still suppressed by the boy.

With every contact between the sword and the sword, the strange force invaded the meridians like a living thing.

A kind of extremely penetrating force that went straight through his internal organs and shocked him to the point of vomiting blood.

The other kind seemed to have its own consciousness, devouring the true energy, provoking backlash, and interfering with the flow of energy.

Although these alien forces could be wiped out in an instant, the accumulation of tiny injuries still made Yan Yunsheng anxious and angry.

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