The Black Book

Chapter 34 Lost

Ye Wanning didn't notice his gaze, and was still enthusiastically serving the two people food.

"Xiaoshui, this beef tenderloin is delicious~"

"Cangcang, your favorite twice-cooked pork."

After the meal, Zhu Haomiao felt like sitting on pins and needles, and the days were like years.

What's more terrifying is that the more he looked at Li Cang, the more he felt that his senior sister's boyfriend was still charming and delicious...

But when he thought that he was a man, the chill from the bottom of his heart made Zhu Haomiao uncomfortable all over, and goose bumps stood up.


My [Dao Heart] is unstable, and it is not suitable for me to stay here for a long time!

With a turn of his eyes, Zhu Haomiao quickly thought of a reasonable excuse.

"Senior sister, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I'm going to participate in the [U18 Ascension Tournament] soon, and I probably won't have much time to do research with you in the future..."

"Huh??! You got recommended? And passed?"


"Hiss! Who can force you in on the eve of the registration deadline? This person is so smart!"

Ye Wanning took a breath of cold air.

Only by truly understanding the huge and complex interests involved in the [Ascension Tournament] can you understand how terrifying power this seemingly understated move actually reveals.

"Ah? Is it difficult?"

Zhu Haomiao frowned in confusion and looked at Ye Wanning in confusion.

I just mentioned it to Teacher Su'e, and I feel that her reasons for recommendation are all written randomly.

I want to be a good person, very anxious!

It's really outrageous that this reason can be passed!

However, Ye Wanning stared at Zhu Haomiao with a complicated look, and after a long silence, she looked at Li Cang uncomfortably.

"Damn it, he's pretending!"

Li Cang curled his lips slightly, and a hint of gloating appeared in his cold eyes.

"So you understand how others feel when they see you being Versailles?"


Ye Wan Ning pursed her lips, took two sips of milk tea, and handed it to Zhu Hao Miao with a disgusted look.

Seeing the boy skillfully take Ye Wan Ning's milk tea and finish it in two sips, thinking of Ye Wan Ning's previous introduction to his extraordinary power, Li Cang looked thoughtfully at the half-remaining Sijichun in his hand, and tentatively handed it over.

"Can you drink more?"

Looking at Li Cang's sincere and clear eyes, Zhu Hao Miao looked constipated and hesitated to speak.

Men can't say no!

But I'm your family's trash can barbarian?

You dump everything on me? !

Sensing Zhu Hao Miao's hesitation, Ye Wan Ning hurriedly explained.

"Cang Cang's family motto is very strict. He is not allowed to waste a grain of food. When eating with him, you have to finish all the food and drink on the table."

"I have developed a similar habit now."

Hearing this, Li Cang shook his head calmly.

"It's not a family motto. My grandfather was an old Eighth Route Army soldier. When crossing the snow-capped mountains and grasslands, his comrades saved food to save him, but they starved to death. So he taught me to cherish food since I was a child, because it may be just a handful of fried rice, but it represents a life behind it."

Listening to Li Cang's calm narration, Zhu Haomiao inexplicably felt a little guilty. He felt that the Sijichun in his hand was a little heavy. He was about to throw it away, but he couldn't do it anyway.

Damn! This is not the reason for me to be a trash can!

Why don't you drink it yourself?

Do you two think my stomach is a bottomless pit?

Just throw all the unfinished food and drink to me?


You are really good at judging people!

However, Zhu Haomiao didn't feel anything when he grabbed a bottle of drink with his brothers after playing ball in his previous life, but now he always felt very awkward.

Maybe it was because Li Cang was too beautiful, and there was a world of difference between him and those rebellious sons with strange looks in his previous life.

But after struggling for a while, Zhu Haomiao suddenly realized that caring about this matter itself meant that he couldn't look at Li Cang's performance with a normal mind.

That's right!

A normal mind, a normal mind!

Just treat him as those rebellious sons in the previous life!

After thinking this through, Zhu Haomiao calmly drank the rest of Sijichun and brought the topic back on track.

"Senior sister, the matter of the Ascension Competition..."

"It doesn't matter. With your age, [Dao Xin] basically works one day and rests one day. We can make an appointment when you come back for vacation."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Wanning waved her little hand, not caring at all.

"Huh? Work one day and rest one day?"

Is the welfare of this fantasy domain so good?



Li Cang couldn't bear to watch Zhu Haomiao's shocked look, so he explained helplessly.

"The strength of [Dao Xin] determines how long you can stay in the Fantasy Realm at one time. Normally, in the initial stage, textbooks recommend 'one up and one rest', that is, the longer you stay in the Fantasy Realm, the longer you should rest in the real world to consolidate your self-awareness and [existence anchor]."

"If you force yourself to stay in the initial stage, you will be confused and schizophrenic at the least, and your [Dao Xin] will be damaged at the worst. In the middle and high stages, you may even be [lost]..."

"Existence anchor? Lost?"

Another list of professional terms that he had never heard of. Zhu Haomiao made two absurd sounds and felt like a mentally retarded person.

Li Cang and Ye Wanning looked at each other and saw a hint of doubt in each other's eyes.

Who on earth recommended this illiterate person to go to the Fantasy Realm?

At least finish the basic general education courses...

Helplessly, Li Cang could only continue to explain.

"The speed of time in the fantasy realm is different from that in reality. It is several times or dozens of times faster for the initial heavenly realm, and hundreds of times, or even thousands of times faster for the middle and high heavenly realms!"

"As the saying goes, a day in the sky and a year on earth, the life you spend in the fantasy realm is far longer than the life you spend in reality. If your self-awareness is not firm enough, you may gradually forget everything in reality and completely melt into the fantasy realm. Native creatures can never return."

"We call this situation [lost]."

"In order to prevent [losing], return to the present world regularly, cross the barrier between illusion and reality, sober yourself up, constantly solidify your self-understanding, and form an [existential anchor] in the concept of mysticism, so that you can dive into a deeper world. The fantasy realm is a higher heaven..."

"Otherwise, every time you advance to one level of heaven, the risk of getting lost will increase exponentially."

Listening to Li Cang's explanation, Zhu Haomiao nodded in confusion, always feeling that the concept he was talking about was a bit abstract.

Seeing that Zhu Haomiao seemed to understand but not understand, Ye Wanning waved her hand to interrupt Li Cang.

"It's normal that you haven't been in the Fantasy Realm and can't understand it. You'll understand it later. Now you just need to remember to send me a message when you come back for vacation. I will coordinate the time then."

After talking for a long time, he still couldn't escape Ye Wan Ning's clutches. Zhu Haomiao nodded with a bitter face.

Why would you fight for 30,000 yuan?

Are you dragging your boyfriend along with you?

Do you know that the original sin [Thurse] went crazy and even the cats were not spared!

If [Thurse] can't control it at that time, and its animalistic nature comes out, you will suffer the same consequences!

Frowning in pain, Zhu Haomiao began to think seriously about how to avoid that unsightly situation.

Today is my birthday. Since I have worked so hard, can you book tickets for next month? Autumn pear paste~

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