The Black Book

Chapter 49 He is speaking

Feng Zhaobai was silent for a long time, sighed a little tiredly, and patiently explained from the most basic part.

"The material used for the dragon emblem is [Phantom Gold] produced in the Nine Heavens Secret Realm."

"After it is refined and formed together with your soul and blood, it can change its texture as the strength of your self-existence increases. The professional term is called [energy level transition]."

"Similar to the concept of the same name in chemistry, the microscopic material form of [Phantom Gold] after the transition has changed, and its visible light representation will also change accordingly, from the most primitive black iron color, to bronze color, then to silver, gold color, and finally to purple gold like me."

"And the change in the texture of the representation, its It actually represents the reorganization of its internal crystal structure. After each change, its strength can withstand a magical power imprint. "

"It should be noted that these magical powers are solidified with your soul and blood, and cannot be changed. When you ascend to the upper heaven in the future, you can continue to strengthen these magical powers."

"So, no matter which heaven you ascend to in the future, these five levels of magical powers will be with you for life and become your innate magical powers. You must choose carefully."

Speaking of this, Feng Zhaobai saw Zhu Haomiao's confused and tangled face, and suddenly smiled.

"But there is no need to worry about the first magical power position. There is a recognized must-have option in the world."

"Ah? Must-have option?"

"[He Yan Tong], the entry-level simplified version of the Buddhist [He Xin Tong], is called [Language Proficiency] in the West. Without this magical power, you can't take a single step in the fantasy realm of the heavens."

Hearing this, Zhu Haomiao hammered his palm and suddenly realized.


These two days, I have been having a hard time listening to Chinese with a strong dialect accent, let alone going to other worlds!

Seeing Zhu Haomiao's expression, Feng Zhaobai nodded with relief and held out his hand to him.

"Give me the dragon emblem."

"Brother Feng, does the seal casting ability not require contribution points?"

"Other countries or forces still have to charge money, but we don't, this is Chinese welfare."

Taking the dragon emblem handed over by the boy, Feng Zhaobai stood up and left the reception room.

Not long after, a beautiful girl with waist-length hair walked into the room holding a complete set of equipment, looking at Zhu Haomiao with curiosity.

"Student Zhu, this is the equipment you ordered, there is a changing room over there."

"Thank you."

Politely taking the equipment from her hand, Zhu Haomiao came to the changing room, took off the patched and worn clothes, and put on new equipment one by one.

A few minutes later, looking at the slender and upright black-clothed boy in the mirror, Zhu Haomiao couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

The close-fitting nano-combat suit is integrated, light and comfortable. It can move freely without any obstruction, and even makes people forget its existence.

The black slim-fitting suit outside is not too fancy, with only some golden dragon patterns on the edges. It looks "ordinary" at first glance, but a close look reveals a low-key sense of luxury.

Then close the black one-piece cloak and put on the eagle-like hood, which instantly reminds Zhu Haomiao of a game called Assassin's Creed in his previous life.

I have to find a place to "sneak in" tonight!

Zhu Haomiao, who was in high spirits, moved his limbs gently, but the next second, his eyebrows slowly frowned, and he felt the soreness and tingling of every muscle.


Has the sequelae of fighting the ghoul the day before yesterday not healed yet?

Clenching his fists, it doesn't feel obvious if you don't use force, but you can clearly feel the tingling when you use force. Zhu Haomiao looked down at himself and pursed his lips in disgust.

What a fragile body...

Putting down his hood, Zhu Haomiao walked out of the dressing room. The two figures in the reception room suddenly brightened their eyes when they saw him.

Although the boy was not tall and sturdy, his proportions were very harmonious, and he looked slender and handsome.

Coupled with the faint power and oppression between his eyebrows that were difficult to describe in words, he looked like a prince who was about to take revenge.

"Student Zhu, the skills have been injected, and [He Yantong] has also been cast. Keep it."

Taking the dragon emblem handed over by Feng Zhaobai with both hands, Zhu Haomiao nodded gratefully.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Feng."

"You're welcome. You have overdrawn 70 contribution points in total, and there are 40 points of quota. You can come and exchange them at any time if you need them."

Hearing this, Zhu Haomiao's eyes moved.

"Can it be exchanged for silver?"

"Uh... yes, but I don't recommend it. The general equivalent of the Fantasy Realm is of little significance to us personally. Only large-scale development at the national level requires a little reserve, and this downward exchange is not cost-effective. After all, silver cannot be reversed into contribution points."

After hesitating for a second, but thinking of the anti-human sesame cakes he had eaten in the past two days and the delicious meal at [Xinghualou], Zhu Haomiao's eyes instantly became as firm as joining the party.

Money is not omnipotent, but having money is absolutely impossible!

I don't want to eat those bitter, astringent, dry and piercing sesame cakes anymore!

On the other side, Feng Zhaobai sighed as if he saw Zhu Haomiao's determination.

"How about this, I will lend you some money in my personal capacity. How much do you want? Is one thousand taels enough?"


Zhu Haomiao was stunned for a second, looking at Feng Zhaobai suspiciously, not understanding why he was so concerned about him.

If it could be considered as a public matter before, now he is providing help to himself in his personal capacity!

After having a meal at Xinghualou, which is known as the top restaurant in Magic City in this plane, Zhu Haomiao also gained a rough understanding of the current purchasing power of silver.

A table of feasts hand-made by the royal chef, plus a bottle of top-quality ten-year-old Huadiao wine, cost less than twenty taels of silver in total.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the shopkeeper gave himself a big discount for the sake of An Rong and others, maybe he only charged the cost price...

But no matter how you calculate it, the purchasing power of silver is quite strong. A strong laborer's monthly salary is only about one tael of silver, which can barely support a family.

An adult slave only has more than a dozen taels of silver. A few taels of silver can buy someone a leg, an arm, or even a life!

In troubled times, human life is worthless, and one thousand taels of silver is definitely a huge amount of money that can cause a bloody storm.

Senior Brother Feng lent it to me casually. Could he have any intention?


Does he want me to apply for a credit card from him? !

Or is he some kind of top rich guy?

Seeing the young man's wary and confused eyes, Feng Zhaobai instantly understood his thoughts and grinned at the same time.

"You may not know this if you enter the fantasy realm for the first time. We descendants have 10,000 ways to monetize our extraordinary power. The simplest and crudest way is to eat the gangsters, or find some big bad guys to kill them. All his money will be It's yours, not to mention..."

Feng Zhaobai clicked on the purple and gold dragon emblem on his chest, his eyes filled with pride.

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