The Black Book

Chapter 54 Hibernating Snake

If the nutrients in the four-dimensional stomach had not been consumed, I would probably have continued to sleep until all the attributes deposited deep in the soul and flesh were completely digested and the transformation was completed.

So... the hidden condition for rapid growth through sleep is to devour enough food? !

Inexplicably, the boy thought of hibernating snakes.

Covering his lower abdomen, Zhu Haomiao bit his lips with a strange expression and looked at his temporary housekeeper.

"Help me check out and arrange another car to take me to [Xinghua Tower]."

The excited housekeeper gradually calmed down and nodded respectfully.

"As you wish, sir."

A few dozen minutes later, a gorgeous carriage stopped in front of [Xinghua Tower], and a boy in a pure black cloak jumped off the carriage and walked into the gate slowly.

"Mr. Zhu! You are here, please come in! Please come in!"

The waiter who greeted the guests saw the face of the visitor clearly, and his whole body shuddered. He nodded and bowed to welcome the boy into the store.

Subconsciously, he followed the waiter to the private room on the second floor. It was not until he sat down that Zhu Haomiao realized, "Actually, you can sit in the lobby."

Hearing this, the waiter trembled as if he had heard something horrible, and laughed dryly, "How can a distinguished guest like you sit in the lobby?"

"The environment in the private room is better, and it can also prevent some blind guys from disturbing your interest in eating, right?"

Hearing this, Zhu Haomiao nodded thoughtfully.

If he had relied on himself alone in the last conflict, the ending would probably have been a mess.

Although he was not afraid, it was better to have less trouble than more...

On the other side, the waiter saw that the boy did not react, and changed the subject calmly.

"Mr. Zhu, what do you want to eat? Our family has received a few Mongolian tribute sheep, and the milk fragrance is so fresh~"

Gurgle gurgle~

Hearing this, Zhu Haomiao's stomach screamed with greed, and his attention was immediately attracted.

"Okay, please help me kill two and let the chef help me cook them."

"Ah? Two? All?"


Seeing the boy nod calmly, the waiter hesitated to speak, but finally responded flatteringly.

"Please wait, I will arrange it for you right away."

In less than half an hour, the freshly slaughtered lambs became a table of whole lamb banquets, which were delivered to Zhu Haomiao one after another.

Looking at these dishes emitting spiritual light, Zhu Haomiao's pupils flashed a chilling green light, and the restless hunger rolled and roared in his heart like a monster.

Eat! Eat! Eat!

The urge to eat hit the brain like a tsunami, but [Dao Xin] blocked the desire like a breakwater.

I don't give it to you, you can't take it!

The aroma of meat on the table lingered in his nose, and the emerald light in Zhu Haomiao's eyes rolled and surged. His hands on the table were clenched white, and his nails were deeply embedded in the flesh of his palms, but he was motionless.

Control [Gluttony], [Dao Heart] +1

Like a hawk, when the restless hunger was completely suppressed, Zhu Haomiao showed a satisfied smile and picked up the chopsticks at hand.

The lamb meat full of milk flavor exploded with delicious gravy in his mouth. The boy who chewed it carefully couldn't help but close his eyes and immerse himself in this incomparable wonderful enjoyment.

No wonder many people are addicted to the fantasy realm. It is almost impossible to enjoy this level of food in the real world with strict laws!

Not to mention that there are more supernatural enjoyments in the fantasy realm of the heavens that mortals can hardly imagine!

At the same time, Zhu Haomiao finally confirmed that the nutritional value of the luminous food made by the imperial chef is much higher than that of ordinary food.

On the supernatural level, eating a bite of such food is more nutritious than eating a hundred sesame cakes!

The capacity of the human stomach is limited. Even the four-dimensional stomach sac provided by [Gluttony] also has its limits. Once it is filled with a large amount of "garbage" with low nutritional value, one will have to waste a lot of time to digest it, and it will also slow down one's growth rhythm.

Thinking of this, Zhu Haomiao couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that he will only have the fate of "eating soft rice" in the future.

While his thoughts were flowing in his mind, the boy's hands did not stop at all. He devoured one plate of delicious food after another, removed the empty plates and replaced them with new dishes. At the end of the meal, even the serving maids couldn't help but show horror on their faces and secretly looked at his flat belly.

Sheep offal, sheep blood, mutton, sheep brain, and even bone marrow were made into delicious dishes by the skillful imperial chef.

The edible parts of the two lambs are estimated to be 70 to 80 kilograms, plus the side dishes, more than 100 kilograms of food were eaten into his stomach, and his body shape did not change at all? !

Subconsciously, the maid thought of the legendary demon in disguise, and goosebumps stood up all over her body.

However, Zhu Haomiao, who was standing by, did not notice her fear at all. He slowly finished the last chopstick of mutton and sighed with satisfaction.

[Gluttony] +5, [Tao Heart] +1

In the fantasy realm, it seemed that even desires were a bit illusory. He could actually control [Gluttony] while enjoying food, so that original sin and Tao Heart grew at the same time.

This is almost impossible to do in the real world.

After satisfying his appetite, Zhu Haomiao smacked his lips, savoring the delicious taste left on his tongue, and it took a long time before he paid the bill and left.

Zhu Haomiao didn't feel sorry for the fact that he spent nearly five years' salary on a meal as a "local mortal".

After tasting the sweetness of cheating on cheaters, those fat and big-eared bad guys were like ATMs in his eyes, waiting for him to harvest them at any time.

There are so many bad people in this world that you can never spend all the money, really never spend all the money!

"The bad guys store food, I store guns, the bad guys are my granary~"

Humming a tuneless little song, Zhu Haomiao strolled in the back beach of the Magic City, passed through most of the public concession, and came to the door of a tall building with a familiar route.

Crossing the invisible barrier, Brother Wang was still alone in the deserted hall, playing with his tablet boredly.

"Hey, Xiao Zhu is here?"

Waiting from a distance, Brother Wang put down the tablet in his hand and sat up straight.

"What's the matter?"

"Hello, Brother Wang, I want to exchange something with the Yanhuang Arsenal."

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll go call Brother Feng."

Thinking of the last explanation from the person in charge, he must notify him as soon as the boy comes, Brother Wang hurriedly got up and went upstairs.

In less than a minute, Feng Zhaobai went downstairs slowly, and his eyebrows twitched slightly when he saw Zhu Haomiao.

"Brother Feng."

"Brother Zhu."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries and walked into the reception room on the side.

"Brother Zhu, you came here so soon. Have you decided what weapon to major in?"

"No, I want to exchange for the subsequent skills."


Feng Zhaobai's eyes moved, and he frowned again soon.

"I said before that it won't be too late to exchange for the subsequent skills after you enter the sect..."

The same period is so strong! ! !

Old Xu was pressed to the ground and asked for votes to support him, Qiu Li Gao~~

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