The Black Book

Chapter 62: Ending the Cause and Effect

Hearing this, a suppressed cry suddenly rang out in the prison, and some people couldn't help sobbing and kneeling, kowtowed several times to the young man in the black robe.

"Thank you, hero!"

Waving his hands casually, Zhu Haomiao opened the cages one by one in an orderly manner, and finally found the room where Liu Heng and others were imprisoned.

Looking at their bruised and depressed appearance, it was obvious that they had suffered a lot, and Zhu Haomiao sighed secretly.

It seems that one thousand taels of silver is not enough...

"Thank you, benefactor."

Liu Heng struggled to stand up and was about to salute, Zhu Haomiao supported him, raised his head slightly, and revealed half of his cheek covered by the hood.

In the weak light, Liu Heng saw the other party's tender cheeks, and his heart was shocked.



Giving him a wink, Zhu Haomiao released all the prisoners without stopping, and then took Liu Heng and others out of the dungeon.

When they came to the outer room, they saw the bloody murder scene and the huge strange "worm cocoon". Liu Heng and his brothers got goose bumps instantly.

Inexplicably, they thought of the head jailer who was guarding them. The guy's body size seemed to correspond to the "worm cocoon"...


After swallowing a mouthful of dry saliva, the brothers behind him looked at each other. The joy of freedom was gradually replaced by the fear of the unknown, while Liu Heng, who followed Zhu Haomiao step by step, was full of joy.

Because he knew that his choice was not wrong!

Master Zhu really came to save them!

Although he was not as powerful as imagined, who could let the government release people with just one sentence.

But personally going to dangerous places, killing people and robbing prisons, doesn't it mean that the other party must repay the favor?

It was not until he went out of the gate and took Liu Heng and others to the Bund River to make sure that there were no pursuers that Zhu Haomiao took off his hood and revealed his true face.

"Mr. Zhu?!!!"

It was not until this moment that Liu Heng's brothers saw each other's appearance clearly and could not help but exclaimed.

Zhu Haomiao smiled and nodded at them, and asked directly: "Do you have any way to leave Songjiang Prefecture? After the incident tomorrow, the government will probably start to hunt you down."

Hearing this, Liu Heng and others' good mood just after escaping from prison disappeared.

"There are plenty of ways, but all our money and goods have been seized, and all our savings of more than ten years are gone. What's the point of going back?"

This sentence made several people sad, and some young people couldn't help but wipe their tears.

Seeing this, Zhu Haomiao pursed his lips in embarrassment.

In a sense, they also suffered this unprovoked disaster because of themselves.

In the future, [Greed Gold Coins] cannot be given away casually, at least not to ordinary people who have no ability to protect themselves...

"How much is your goods worth?"

"The cost is 500 taels of silver. If it is shipped to the Magic City and sold well, it can be 700 or 800 taels."

Before he understood what the young man meant by asking this question, Liu Heng subconsciously answered, and a thick stack of "paper" was stuffed into his hand.

"This is 3,000 taels of silver notes, enough to make up for your losses."

Looking at the silver notes in his hand dully, Liu Heng's eyes seemed to have experienced 10,000 years, greed, ecstasy, entanglement, struggle, and finally painful relief.

Ignoring the gestures of his brothers behind him, Liu Heng lowered his head in guilt.

"No! Mr. Zhu, I can't take this silver note. I didn't keep your gold coins well."

"Are you talking about this?"

Grabbing casually, a brilliant and gorgeous gold coin appeared like magic, pinched by Zhu Haomiao's fingertips, and sent to Liu Heng.

Looking at the familiar golden color, Liu Heng raised his head in confusion.

"Mr. Zhu... what is this?"

"I have taken back the gold coins, and these silver notes... you can regard them as compensation from that guy."

Sensitively smelling a hint of blood from the boy's words, Liu Heng trembled all over, and didn't even dare to ask more, so he could only nod respectfully.

"Then I will dare to accept your reward."

"Well, go."

Patting Liu Heng's shoulder, Zhu Haomiao turned around and left without any nostalgia, feeling that a cause and effect had been resolved, and even his steps became brisk and joyful.

Behind him, Liu Heng and several brothers knelt down in the direction he left, kowtowed deeply several times, and then disappeared into the night by the river.


In the luxurious and elegant hotel room, Zhu Haomiao, who had taken off his cloak, slumped on the sofa, feeling the increasingly obvious tingling all over his body, and couldn't help but grinning slightly.

The extraordinary power of [Anger] is strong, but the sequelae are too annoying. At the least, I will feel sore for several days, and at the worst, my body may even collapse!

And this time, I also added the reinforcement of the double [Dielang Jin], which caused the burden on my body to increase in the same proportion...

Fortunately, I didn't get carried away and gave up the plan of rushing. Otherwise, even if I killed that pile of meat, I would lose more than I gained.

Gritting his teeth, Zhu Haomiao's mind moved, and the six-dimensional information in the [Black Book] appeared in front of him. The pain and fatigue all over his body suddenly became less unbearable.

[Spirit]: 1.2↑ (2.5)

[Agility]: 1.1↑ (2.5)

[Strength]: 1.0↑ (2.5)

[Essence]: 0.9↑ (3.5)

[Qi]: 0.9↑ (4.5)

[Tertiary]: 1.0↑ (3.5)

It feels good...

Today's harvest is enough for me to digest for more than a month!

Feeling the huge potential deposited in the depths of his soul and flesh, Zhu Haomiao chuckled with satisfaction, endured the increasingly intense muscle pain, undressed and lay on the bed.

Original God...ah, no, [Laziness], start!

Close your eyes, actively empty your consciousness, your clear mind quickly falls into chaos, your breathing gradually becomes long and slow, the nutrients stored in the four-dimensional stomach are absorbed faster, flowing through the blood throughout the body, and greedily absorbed by the tired and thirsty cells.

And just as Zhu Haomiao fell into a deep sleep, the conceptual law authority materialized into gray-white silk threads that could not be observed by the naked eye, spreading out from the void little by little, wrapping him up like a living thing, and condensing into a huge "worm cocoon".

In the "cocoon room", every cell and every wisp of the boy's soul was undergoing a mysterious transformation silently, evolving towards a higher level of life.

Until three days later, Zhu Haomiao suddenly opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, and looked around blankly.

I... where am I?

Who am I...?


Illusionary realm, reality... Damn it!

I didn't return on time, and I had a [lost] reaction!

Realizing that he had overslept, Zhu Haomiao slapped his face hard and stood up from the bed.

As if in a dream, he walked to the door of the bathroom with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Zhu Haomiao held the closed door handle and closed his eyes.

Consciousness withdrawn...

Spiritual return...


Suddenly opening his eyes, Zhu Haomiao pushed open the wooden door of the bathroom, but what came into view was not the imagined space, but a chaotic and fluctuating colorful film.

Follow up, votes, Qiuli cream~~

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