The Black Book

Chapter 76 Everyone inside is a talent

After saying that, he retreated without any hesitation, and helped lock the door with great discernment.


Zhu Haomiao: “…………”

Hearing the sound of the lock, the young man was suddenly startled and felt a chill in his vest.

Turning back stiffly, Zhu Haomiao finally had an intuitive understanding of his "charm" when he saw the charming and moist eyes of the two top players.

No, you will make mistakes if you continue like this...

Which cadre can withstand such a test? !

We need to find something for them to do!

Looking across the food on the table, Zhu Haomiao had an idea and sat back on the sofa with great ease.

"Have a meal."

The two women looked at each other and understood that this was a man who usually opened his mouth with his hands out for clothes and food. He might not even be able to eat by himself, so they quickly picked up chopsticks and fed him.

"Sir, come and try this beef."

"Sir, this cod is very fat..."

While feeding, the two women did not forget to pull the boy's hand into their clothes to relieve the itching all over their body like ants crawling.

Holding the warm fragrance of nephrite in his arms and tasting luminous delicacies in his mouth, Zhu Haomiao faintly experienced the happiness of ancient emperors.

I am happy here and don’t miss Shu~

Zhu Haomiao, an old comrade, was careless for a moment and did not dodge. He subconsciously wanted to struggle, but the depths of his pupils were covered by surging pink mist, and his thoughts of resistance were instantly diluted.

However, no matter how flattering and seductive the two women are, there is always a flash of light deep in Zhu Haomiao's eyes that suppresses the pink mist, like a needle that stabilizes the sea, preventing the lust-filled atmosphere from completely getting out of control. He even monitors the hall on the first floor from the corner of his eye.

The meal lasted for four or five hours. The two girls collapsed in Zhu Haomiao's arms, panting and dripping with sweat. Their little hands reached into his clothes and touched his angular abdominal muscles. Their eyes were blurred and hungry. Full of resentment.

"Sir, have you ever quit smoking? Can you tolerate this?"

After several hours of skin-to-skin contact, they deeply understood that the beautiful boy in front of them was not incompetent.

On the contrary, he has quite a lot of capital and will have normal reactions, but he can resist it like hell!

Hearing their painful and resentful complaints, Zhu Haomiao laughed and shook his head, the pink light in his eyes dissipating little by little.

"[Lust] +20, [Tao Heart] +1"

The LV.2 level [Tao Heart] is simply invincible. Even if he is in the fantasy realm, he will still have instinctive impulses, but he can always maintain the final bottom line.

It is like a dam, firmly blocking the tide of desire!

It’s not like in reality, it’s easy to lose control...


In the midst of the two people's annoyance, Zhu Haomiao chuckled, pushed the door open without looking back, and left the nightclub.

However, the moment he stepped out of the door, the bohemian curve at the corner of his mouth disappeared little by little, and the cynical smile in his eyes quickly subsided, replaced by an indifferent chill.

It was already midnight outside, bathed in the light of neon lights. The boy breathed in the cool air and looked back at the building behind him.

The tall building with blurred lights is like a monster, constantly swallowing people captured by desire, using their lives as nourishment to grow deformed and ugly flowers of evil.

Everyone inside is talented...

Except for those poor exploited people, everyone else is filled with the fragrance of sin that is so strong that it cannot be dissolved!

Murder, rape, drug trafficking, human trafficking...

Licking his lips, the boy suppressed his desire to commit massacre and let out a long sigh.

It's a pity that I am just a passerby. If I squeeze this pustule, new pustules will soon grow out.

What’s even more frightening is that this country covering tens of millions of square kilometers is covered with dense pustules!

I can't kill them all, I can't kill them all...

How is this country? I’m thinking about it.

Deeply feeling the powerlessness of sometimes poor manpower, Zhu Haomiao corrected his mentality and regained his cynical smile.

Forget it, just have a clear conscience.

With his thoughts clear, Zhu Haomiao chuckled and shook his head, turning his attention to his biggest gain tonight.

[Gluttony] +10, [Tao Xin] +1

【Gluttony】: LV.1→LV.2 (6/200)



Tonight's delicious meal indulged two original sins at the same time. Sometimes Zhu Haomiao himself couldn't figure out whether he was [eating] or [sexing]...

But feeling the attributes that had settled deep into his flesh and blood, Zhu Haomiao nodded with satisfaction, took out a small notebook and lazily wrote down a few words.

"Nothing to do today, just listen to music."


In the next period of time, a mysterious nobleman gradually became famous in the entire brothel circle of the Demon City.

He is handsome, generous, and most importantly, has a noble temperament that is calm and self-respecting.

Spending so much money, without bodyguards to follow, the fat sheep who seemed to be weak and easy to bully naturally attracted the attention of some desperadoes.

But high-end hunters often appear in the form of prey...

What outsiders don't know is that what they see as a harmless little sheep is actually looking forward to someone coming to trouble him.

As a result, all the guys who attacked him quietly disappeared into the night of the Magic City. After several trials, no one dared to use their brains again.

"One, two, three, four...fifteen..."

Gaba Gaba~

In the dark and damp alley, with the teeth-grinding sound of squeezing, Zhu Haomiao counted the "deposits" in his pocket, then stretched out his hand and made a feint. A bloody [Greed Coin] flew over from the twisted corpse residue and landed accurately in his palm.


With a satisfied snap of his fingers, the twisted corpse that had been squeezed dry fell from mid-air and was skillfully thrown into a sack by the boy, loaded with stones, and sunk into the Huangpu River.

The life tips shared in the forum are really useful. Mom no longer has to worry about me not knowing how to deal with corpses!

Clapping his hands, the boy leisurely strolled in the night of the Magic City, examining the changes in the [Black Book] while walking towards the scheduled brothel.

[Greed] +10

[Greed]: LV.3 (169→179/300)

Although most of the "experience" was converted into [Greed Coins] by himself, the upgrade progress of [Greed] still exceeded half after accumulating little by little.

Unfortunately, those who come to me for a slide are basically small minions who are not presentable and have limited "nutritional" value...

After completing the task, I have to find a protein-rich old Dengbao gold coin!

Turning a bright gold coin between his five fingers, Zhu Haomiao stepped into the bustling nightclub with a step that did not recognize his relatives.

"Master! You are finally here, our girls miss you so much!"

I wanted to omit the description of Sese, but it seemed too thin if it was not there, and then it was censored...

A lot of content was deleted in these two chapters, you can fill it in your own mind...

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