The Black Book

Chapter 93 Give me back my money, I don’t want to play anymore!


Sitting in a luxurious hotel suite, Zhu Haomiao looked out the window suspiciously, vaguely seeming to hear the familiar incompetent rage.

After a long time, Zhu Haomiao blinked, withdrew his gaze and looked at the helpless housekeeper.

"Sir, you have already eaten food for fifty people at noon. Are you sure you want to continue eating at night?"

He originally thought that the boy would be away for a long time, but he didn't expect to come back to the hotel that night. Yousef Benavidez seemed to be looking at the junior squatting at home, and his heart was full of helplessness.

"Well, I haven't eaten enough for lunch. Please help me make arrangements."

Rubbing his weak belly, Zhu Haomiao noticed that his self-healing ability consumed a lot of food and energy, and nodded seriously.

The battle this afternoon was far from as easy as it looked. The full-out collision without any fancy made his silver-level body bear gold-level shock damage, causing hidden injuries all over his body.

Now he felt like he had been run over by a steamroller several times, and every muscle in his body was in excruciating pain!

In order to quickly repair the injury and at the same time restore the vitality of his exhausted soul and body as soon as possible, he needs a lot of nutrients and energy.

On the other side, seeing that the young man had made up his mind, Yousef Benavidez reluctantly stepped back and tried his best to arrange meals for him.

Dozens of minutes later, the luminous delicacies of [Xinghualou] were served on the table like water, and they ate until late at night. It was not until the fourth-dimensional stomach pouch had stored enough nutrients that Zhu Haomiao burped with satisfaction.

[Gluttony] +10, [Tao Xin] +1

Rubbing his slightly bulging belly, Zhu Haomiao ordered the housekeeper whose eyelids were twitching.

"I'm going to be in seclusion for a while, so don't disturb me."


Having long been accustomed to the decadent life of a teenager who eats and sleeps, Yousef Benavidez nodded, led the waiter to clean up the messy restaurant with cups and plates, and respectfully exited the room.

After locking the door to the suite, Zhu Haomiao had time to take stock of his gains today.

He raised his hand and stretched out. A simple and mysterious thick book instantly condensed in the open five fingers, and automatically unfolded according to Zhu Haomiao's will.

On the page recording his main status, the boy saw a surprising message.

[Gluttony] Devour the source of matter, [Body] +4 [Essence] +4

The cruel scene of a strange snake devouring the enemy's limbs flashed through his mind, and Zhu Haomiao pursed his lips with a complex expression.

At that time, he felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and fullness, which made him feel more happy than eating a big meal at [Xinghualou].


Taking anything will only harm yourself! !

Biting his lips in frustration, Zhu Haomiao lowered his gaze and looked at the subsequent records.

[Greed] +1000, [Jealousy] +1000, [Anger] +1000, [Arrogance] +1000

[Greed]: LV.3→LV.5 (481/1000)




[Jealousy]: LV.0→LV.4 (350/500)




[Anger]: LV.2→LV.5 (10/1000)




[Arrogance]: LV.0→LV.4 (350/500)




After reading the records in [The Black Book], Zhu Haomiao fell into silence for a long time.

He thought carefully, analyzed carefully, and finally gritted his teeth, a cold and sad light flashed in his eyes.

Eating anything will only make me nutritionally balanced! !

If this kind of good thing happens again in the future, I will eat every one I see!

Anyway, death in the fantasy world is just "deleting the account" for the is not really cannibalism...

After clearing his thoughts, Zhu Haomiao's thoughts suddenly changed. He instantly narrowed his eyes and looked at the [Black Book] in his hand with sharp eyes.

Why are there only four original sins?

What about the remaining [Lust], [Gluttony], and [Sloth]?

Isn't it your kid who took all the benefits the imperial army gave me as kickbacks? !

Taking the [Black Book] and flipping it up and down, he found nothing unusual. Zhu Haomiao blinked suspiciously and could only put the matter aside for the time being.

Fortunately, his gains were much more than that!

Reaching out and making a fist, Zhu Haomiao gently wriggled his fingers, and the bright gold coins jingled and fell from between his fingers, piled up on the table to form a small gold mountain.

Nearly a hundred [Greed Gold Coins] were placed in front of him. A faint golden light reflected in Zhu Haomiao's pupils, and the corners of his mouth could not be restrained from rising crazily.

A wave of fat!

Make a fortune!

With a wave of his hand, the gold mountain on the table disappeared like magic. Zhu Haomiao strategically leaned back and lay on the sofa cushions, squinting his eyes in excitement and confusion.

He had killed many "local natives" before, but none of them had ever brought him such a huge harvest.

Those desires hidden deep in the enemy's soul must be extracted through special rituals...

Is it because there is a difference between the Adventers and the local natives?

But the "nutritional" gap is too big, right?

Could it be that Chuunibyou wasn't lying, that he really had some mythical bloodline?

Rubbing his chin, thoughts flashed in Zhu Haomiao's mind, and finally he shook his head slightly.

Never mind him...

The most important thing now is to absorb and digest all this harvest.

His mind sank into the [Dragon Emblem] on his chest. The silver emblem resonated slightly, emitting a mysterious light that seemed to be invisible.

Countless huge amounts of information came into his mind, and in just a few minutes, Zhu Haomiao mastered the training tips of several techniques.

[Big Toad Qi] Fourth level, fifth level...

[Hard Qigong] The fourth level, the fifth level...

[Plum Blossom Step]......

[Die Lang Jin]......



With a full 500 points of contribution, Zhu Haomiao exchanged all five previous skills to the fifth level at once, and also exchanged another basic power [Explosive Power] to the fourth level!

However, after such "lavish" consumption, he still had 20 contribution points left in his account!

Grateful heart~

Putting his hands together, silently thanking the Emperor of Japan for his love and support, Zhu Haomiao's eyes were filled with excitement, holding the "Black Book" in one hand and hanging above the pages with the other.

Ding ding ding~

The ethereal gold coin fell from his fingers like magic, falling into the page with a pleasant metal collision, causing a faint ripple visible to the naked eye on the surface of the page.

But after investing 5 [Greed Gold Coins], Zhu Haomiao's expression changed slightly.

[Big Toad Qi]: LV.3 (Mastery·Bottleneck)

He was not directly promoted to LV.4. After years of hard work and accumulation of virtual memories that kept pouring into his mind, he fell into a long and painful bottleneck period. No matter how hard he practiced, he could not make any progress!

Looking at the [Black Book] in his hand in disbelief, Zhu Haomiao gritted his teeth.

What about the one-click promotion and painless training that was promised? ! !

I've spent so much money, why are you stuck? !

What's the difference between this and fraud?

Give me your money back, I won't play anymore!

Deeply aware of the dangers of the world, the young man collapsed on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling with sad and angry eyes.

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