The Black Card

Chapter 1060: Vengeance

Mo Bingzhong's son is unknown, so he looked at Mo Yu, but he understood that his son, I am afraid that this disaster has broken into the sky, otherwise, Mo Bingzhong would never have made such a big fire.

"Xiao Yu, what is going on? How could you make your grandpa so angry?"

Mo Yu covered her head with the blood flowing on her head, and said, "I stole grandpa's money, but grandpa, are you the one, for the money you don't even want your grandson?"

When Mo Bingzhong's son heard it, he was furious and slaps his backhand on Mo Yu's face.

He knew that his son was gambling some time ago, and he could steal money from his family, at least tens of millions. He had no idea at all how much money Mo Yu took Mo Bingzhong.

"Do you still learn to steal? I'll kill you today!"

Mo Yu's mother shouted anxiously: "Are you crazy? Do you really want to kill him? Isn't it money? For the money, your father and son really want to kill Xiao Yu? You kill me first ! "

Mo Bingzhong heard it, but he was a god, he said, "You stole the money?"

Mo Yu was also stunned. Isn't the co-authoring for money?

Mo Yu's father also noticed that the grandfather was not talking about one thing, which means that Mo Yu had made more than one mistake. Moreover, the one Mo Bingzhong knew was probably more serious than stealing money.

"What the **** have you done?"

Mo Yu shook her head and didn't dare to say a word.

Mo Bingzhong's son looked at Mo Bingzhong and said, "Dad, let's just say, what did this boy do ?!"

Mo Bingzhong panted and pushed away his son, looked at Mo Yu, and said, "Xiao Yu, how much did you get?"

"I took all the cash, 70 million, and there are close to 20 million left. I used 50 million to pay off the debt. I was forced to do nothing. I had borrowed 30 million in the mess, and as a result, they Profits and profits have become 100 million. I stole 70 million and gave them 50 million ... "

As soon as Mo Yu's parents heard it, they suddenly felt dark, and they never thought that Mo Yu's stealing money would be such a large number. And 50 million of them are gone.

Even his mother, who had been protecting Mo Yu, had let him go at this time, and couldn't help but slap in the face: "You kid, are you crazy? 50 million? No wonder your grandpa is so angry! "

"What about the other things? Those jade bracelets, and those manuscripts?" Mo Bingzhong paid no attention to the others and only cared about his own money, or in other words, Mo Bingwen's money in him.

Mo Yu cried and shook his head, "I didn't move the other, I looked at Jade, I didn't dare to move, if I sell that thing, you know it before you even score a minute? What's in the manuscript? I didn't see it. "

"It's that **** in the safe!"

"What the **** do I want him to do, I didn't take it."

"You have time to say it now!" Mo Bingzhong said anxiously.

Mo Yu was anxious, he shouted, "I was wrong to steal the money at home, but I can't help it anymore. I owe so much money, they said, if I do n’t pay it again, I will break my leg, Give them back a lot of money. I only took cash, and I did n’t have anything else! ”

Mo Bingzhong said, "Did you really not get it?"

"I didn't get it!" Mo Yu said with a terrier neck.

Mo Bingzhong's son came back to God at this time, he said anxiously, "Dad, is this uncle's money?"

Mo Bingzhong nodded heavily.

His son said again, "Have you gone?"

Mo Bingzhong nodded again.

"That's close to four hundred million. Even if Xiaoyu took 70 million cash, the rest is worth more than 300 million!"

After hearing the figure of more than 300 million, Mo Yu and his mother were all in the dark, and Mo Yu's mother fainted.

Mo Bingzhong sat down on the chair with his hips, and said with no eyes, "It's gone, it's all gone ..."

At this time, Mo Bingzhong's phone rang. The person who was responsible for helping him to view the surveillance video in the Yulong Ancient City Inn reported that: "Master, the surveillance video has a record of more than 20 minutes of network disconnection."

Without saying a word, Mo Bingzhong cut off the phone directly.

He fully understood that the nearly 400 million that Mo Bingwen handed over to him were all gone, and the rest was only the antiques worth about 10 million.

Standing up suddenly, Mo Bingzhong raised the crutch in his hand, and hit a stick on Mo Yu's head again.

"You **** thing, I'll kill you and forget about it! You also learned to steal your family's money! This is a special game! Letting you steal money is basically to find a place where Lao Tzu hides your money. You took the cash on your front foot Then the man went in and took all the other things away! Qi Kaiqun! You are an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf! You are staring at Lao Tzu! "

Mo Bingzhong's son was shocked. He said, "What does this have to do with Qi Kaiqun?"

Mo Bingzhong struck Mo Yu again with a stick, and Mo Yu crawled away to avoid him. Mo Bingzhong took two steps, panting.

"You ask your good son, he actually hooked up with Yang Jia's scam! Then what is your sister-in-law, and you actually got together with her. Do you think they really like you? * That ’s what he ’s doing for you! Is your prostitute in Malegobi really expensive? You said, how many times have you slept with her? Why did you spend 400 million Laozi to sleep one woman!"

Mo Bingzhong's son had collapsed. He took his father and said, "Xiao Yu and Yang Jia got involved? This matter is with Qi Kaiqun ... Lying down! Wasn't this woman Qi Kaiqun introduced to his brother? Strike the horse, this grandson has been thinking about this day since the day he married my sister! "

At this moment, everything was strung up. Mo Bingzhong no longer had the strength to chase Mo Yu and beat him. Finally he sat down and said what he knew.

Mo Yu didn't dare to conceal any more, so she said that Yang Jia once came to Yulong, brought a few friends to play, and asked her to accompany her as a guide.

Then in the inn, Yang Jia said to go back to the house to wash her hair, but then called Mo Yu again, saying that the shampoo was gone in the house, and asked Mo Yu to send her a bottle.

After Mo Yu went in with the shampoo, he found that Yang Jia was wearing only a thin coat and there was nothing in it. He didn't hold it for a while, and hugged Yang Jia.

I thought Yang Jia would be furious, but I didn't expect Yang Jia to kiss him. She also said that she liked Mo Yu for a long time, this time it was intentional. Where can Mo Yu stand? There was a relationship with Yang Jia at the time.

Later, he went to Spring City twice to find Yang Jia to sleep. Yang Jia also took the opportunity to go to Banna to play ~ ~ and called Mo Yu.

As a result, while playing in Banna, Yang Jia took Mo Yu to Xiaoya La, who lost a lot of money in the casino over there.

Later, Yang Jia took Mo Yu to play gambling stones again, saying that as long as the bet rose once, he could pay all the money owed.

But there is no doubt that more and more are owed ...

Mo Yu didn't know he was in the game, but Mo Bingzhong and his father knew that this was a game at all, and he was completely against Mo Yu's game.

"Dad, you still didn't say, what does this have to do with Qi Kaiqun? What about the kid?" Mo Bingzhong's son asked again.

"This kind of bureau, you thought it was designed by Yang Jianeng? That's all Qi Kaiqun's kid! Qi Kaiqun's good skills, not only did he let Yang Jia seduce Mo Yu, he also gave Qing Ping to sleep ..."

Mo Bingzhong's son couldn't listen anymore, he widened his eyes and said, "Brother's daughter?"

He understood that his home, and Mo Bingwen's side, I am afraid that it is the feud.

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