The Black Card

Chapter 1063: Apology

When Kong Yue heard this question, he felt depressed.

With a wave of his hand, Kong Yue said, "Don't mention it, those guys, when they saw someone come to me to talk to each other, they were like the dog legs of those guys, one bite a bite. There were people who encouraged me, saying that Wange is here There is a lot of local power. As long as you have a good relationship with Wange, you can go sideways in Yulong ... "

Shi Lei smiled silently, saying, "That Wange is probably the guy headed by yesterday. He may really only go sideways in the future."

Bai Kaishui was indignant to go to Kong Yue's group of friends to talk about him, but was stopped by Shi Lei.

"Okay, it seems you are so patient. Why don't you go alone? Lao Hu and I stay at the inn to drink?"

When Bai Boshui heard it, he was furious: "I don't look down on people? I still don't believe it ... Well, I'll talk to you nonsense, I'll go to them."

After saying no, Shi Lei stopped him: "Come on, let's talk a few more and go to bed early. In the early morning, Mo Bingzhong will have to bring those people to pay for the crime. You really want Kong Yue to those The so-called friends are bitter, and you do n’t need to do it yourself. Minger asked Mo Bingzhong's men to bring those people over. ”

Kong Yue also scolded him for a while, and Bai Boshui stopped.

Old Hu said, "Come on, you should be very tired today, go to bed earlier."

After all, he got up and went to the yard to turn off the lights and close the door, while Bai Kaishui carried Kong Yue on his back, and Shi Lei returned to his room.

After Boiling Water sent Kong Yue back to the room, he was about to leave, but Kong Yue said, "To accompany me tonight, to be honest, I'm really scared."

Bai Kaishui looked at the only big bed in the house, and Kong Yue rolled her eyes and said, "Just like you haven't slept in a bed with me, what is it?"

"I'm not ... those days aren't ... oh, forget it, let's go to bed." Then he went straight to bed without taking off his clothes.

Kong Yue smiled slightly. After lying down, Bai Hushui gently hugged him, put his head on Bai Boshui's chest, and whispered, "Xiao Bai, thank you today. Without you, Shi Lei would not be able to find the inn. Does it hurt on your face? "Then, Kong Yue gently touched the bruises on his face with his fingers.

Bai Kaishui is not used to it. He has never seen such a gentle Kong Yue, and some said suddenly: "It's okay, I took a few punches, and I blame Shi Lei's kid for being too slow, otherwise, I don't have to suffer at all . "

Kong Yue chuckled and said, "You should arrive in time for Amitabha Shi Lei, otherwise, you have to confess tonight. Why didn't you call Lao Hu and Meng Qi together?"

"I wasn't in a hurry to receive your call. Upon hearing this, I knew that you were not right, and nothing could be taken care of, so I rushed out to find you ..."

Kong Yue was quite touched in her heart. She slightly raised her head and blocked her mouth with her own lips.

Bai Boshui froze for a moment, and didn't know whether to respond or how, the whole person froze there.

Fortunately, Kong Yue only gently kissed, then retracted into the quilt, put her head on the boiled water chest, and murmured: "Well, holding you to sleep is quite safe."

Bai Yushui's soft fragrance Wen Yu was in her arms, struggling for a long time, but found that Kong Yue had fallen asleep. Naturally you don't have to think about anything, and sleep honestly.

Early the next morning, both Bai Kaishui and Kong Yue heard some movement in the courtyard. Bai Boshui jumped off the bed directly, opened the curtains and looked outside, but saw that Mo Bingzhong was defeated by a group of disabled soldiers. Plastering, they all kneeled in the yard, apparently waiting for Shi Lei and Bai Boshui to appear.

Lao Hu stood aside, holding the phone in his hand, probably calling Shi Lei.

"What's the matter?" Kong Yue slackened her hair in bed.

Bai Kaishui turned back and said, "Mo Bingzhong is here. He brought all the people from yesterday and kneeled in the yard."

Kong Yue immediately jumped off the bed, put on a piece of clothes, and ran to the window to look at it.

"Hey, are you okay now, aren't you? Excited?" Bai Kaishui was also speechless about Kong Yue's thick lines.

"Isn't that not letting those guys take advantage? Last night they were so arrogant, but today they are all kneeling in the yard. What a fun! Let's go and see how they are going to apologize."

Bai Yueshui was dragged downstairs by Kong Yue silently, Shi Lei was already standing in the courtyard, and when he looked back, it turned out that Bai Kaishui came out of Kong Yue's house, and he could not help looking at Lao Hu.

Lao Hu also smiled strangely, Shi Lei thought, did this incident last night become the fuse between the boiled water and Kong Yue? Are these two people going to live a life of adulterers without shame?

When those people saw Kong Yue and Bai Boshui appearing, they immediately lowered their heads one by one. They now knew the identity of Kong Yue and Bai Boshui, and they were already scared.

Although Bai Kaishui's family has great financial potential, after all, it is far from Jiangdong Province and may not pose a great threat to them.

But the Confucian family in Spring City was not so provocative.

The Mo family may not be afraid of the Confucian family. After all, the Confucian family is a serious businessman, but the Mo family has always kept the dark parts. The problem is that the Mo family will never go under the Confucian family for their own sake. If Kong Yue's father came to Xingshi to confess his crime, Mo Bingzhong would have to throw some of them out and let the other party handle it. There is no doubt that the Confucian family will have to hand them over to the police, and the police will not spare them. An attempt, coupled with the gang's crime, can also dig out other old cases. All are light.

Therefore, this group of people, especially the four in the inn last night, simply straightened their heads towards Kong Yue.

"Miss Kong, we don't know it is you. There are a lot of adults, please spare us!"

"sorry Sorry……"

"It's our bravery, you forgive us ..."


Originally Kong Yue ran down with enthusiasm. Seeing this scene, she suddenly felt boring.

Shi Lei looked in his eyes and smiled slightly: "Mr. Mo's way of apologizing is really special, but Ms. Kong Yue is still very young, I'm afraid she can't afford such a gift."

Mo Bingzhong immediately stared and said, "Apologize to me, what does it look like?"

Shi Lei turned around ~ ~ and asked Kong Yue: "How do you think it would be better for them to apologize?"

"I want them to go to the police station and do it?"

The faces of those people suddenly looked ugly like baked sweet potatoes that had fallen to the ground and were stomped by spiked shoes, and they looked at Mo Bingzhong.

Mo Bingzhong also had to stand up and say, "Ms. Kong, it was indeed their fault yesterday, but it looks like you haven't actually been hurt, and they have already done this virtue, plus I and your Confucian family can be considered For a little friendship, you raise your hand and spare them this time. Going to the police to surrender yourself is not good for your reputation, you see ... "

Bai Keshui smiled coldly and said, "Cooperate with me and hit him in vain, right?"

When the gang heard it, they had no soul and no water, but that was the eldest son and grandson of Wu Dongbai's family, and killing them couldn't make up for the action of hitting white water yesterday.

Mo Bingzhong sighed and said, "Bai Gongzi opened his mouth, and he didn't dare to stop the old man. These people are here, Bai Gongzi is free."

This means that even if the boiled water is going to kill them, it is arbitrary.

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