The Black Card

Chapter 1073: Foul story

Shi Lei believes that Dong Chiqing is sincere, although he is not so convinced by Dong Chiqing's words.

This year, Shi Lei has indeed grown up surprisingly, but behind him, after all, he just stood by the Yu and Bai families, and the two families could not help him unconditionally. Therefore, Shi Lei said to Dong Chiqing that he was not enough. Shi Lei felt that this was just Dong Chiqing's polite statement.

It is more likely that although Qixun Dong did not intervene in Qixuan's management, Qixuan went all the way. Among them, how much is the relationship behind Shi Lei exerting energy, he is very clear.

In this situation, Shi Lei is the most correct helm at Qi Xuan.

For example, if Shi Lei continues to steer Qixuan and can turn Qixuan into an enterprise with a final 100 billion US dollars level, then for another person, this level may be much worse.

If Dong Chiqing really wanted to move, he would never let Shi Lei leave empty-handed. First of all, at the current stage, he needs a lot of funds to take over the shares in Shi Lei's hands. The Dong family may not be able to take it out, but the price after taking it out is too great.

And when Qi Xuan can enjoy the dividends, the shares of Qi Xuan controlled by Dong Chiqing have only doubled. Not to mention whether this double gap can offset Qixuan's loss after changing the helm. Just letting the Dong family pay a heavy price for the shares in Shi Lei's hands at this stage is already a loss.

What's more, if Dong Chiqing really kicked Shi Lei out of the game, he would inevitably be countered by Shi Lei, and the loss would only be greater.

In the balance, Shi Lei also confirmed that his skepticism was a bit improper. Dong Chiqing was a very intelligent person. Otherwise, he would not be a famous young talent in Wu Dongcheng. This matter, replaced by a short-sighted guy, may really be able to do it. However, Dong Chiqing will never make such a gain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's my heart."

Dong Chiqing laughed and said, "Instead of me, I will have such doubts in your position. It's okay, as long as you want to understand."

Shi Lei said: "But, Mamba ..."

Dong Chiqing was relieved: "I still say the same as before, and now announce the financing, and a few more days before the announcement, the gap is at least a few hundred million. If it was half a year ago, I would also strive to drag a few more days. But now, For Qi Xuan, which has been valued at more than 15 billion yuan, it is not necessary to compare the valuation of these several hundred million yuan. Shi Qiang sometimes wants to make things as extreme as he did in Silicon Valley. Those companies, if he did not do it alone, have now become billions or even billions of dollars worth of companies. Between 99% and 100%, especially when inside the company When there are some differences in behavior, I tend to be 99%. "

Shi Lei felt that Dong Chiqing was also justified, saying: "Well then, I won't look for Da Mamba in this case."

"No, Da Mamba's behavior as a nominal shareholder of the company is questionable. At the very least, he should first seek your opinion. I gave him the shares on his behalf, because In the course of the series, I noticed that Da Mamba has some emotional problems, and I hope to dispel his doubts in this way. He is also one of my best brothers, not one. So at this time, he The first decision I made after taking over the shares was not convenient for me to ask too much. But you, as another major shareholder of Qixuan, are also the ultimate executor. If you ask, there is no problem and it is inevitable. of."

Shi Lei nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll call him and ask."

"Success, then I continue to drink? I tell you, the girl today is really good ..."

Shi Lei was black, and hung up the phone, because Wei Xingyue stood behind him and wiped his head with a bath towel.

"How's it up? It seems like you were convinced by Dong Chiqing?"

Shi Lei put down his phone, turned around and hugged Wei Xingyue, and said, "It's not persuasive, but I think his words make sense, and my skepticism before him was not really necessary."

Wei Xingyue shook his head and said, "Tell you a little story, can you watch football? Or basketball."

Shi Lei was a little dazed and didn't understand what Wei Xingyue was going to say, so he nodded and said, "Basketball looks more, NBA."

Wei Xingyue grabbed Shi Lei's two hands, pulled him to sit down beside the bed, and said quietly, "You should have noticed one thing when you watched the NBA. On the basketball court, there were a lot of fouls. Sometimes, it was Obvious fouls, but the foul person often does not immediately recognize the referee's penalty, but has to talk to the referee for at least a few words, at least to discuss. Do you know why? "

Shi Lei shook his head and said, "I've found such a thing, isn't it for winning or losing the game? Sometimes, a foul can determine the winning or losing of a game."

Wei Xingyue nodded and said, "Of course, it is for winning or losing the game, but it is not as simple as you think. This part of the foul is very obvious, let alone a professional referee, even if it is an audience who has just learned the rules of the basketball game. It's easy to see if this is a foul. So, where is the necessity for them to negotiate with the referee? The more frequent the negotiations are, the more frequent this is, and why? Do they not think that Did you violate the rules yourself? Of course not, they want to make a gesture, express disapproval of the referee's punishment, and have dissatisfaction. After all, the referee is also a person. When a team member expresses more dissatisfaction, the referee will doubt himself Even judged that his own penalty was not too tight. If it is a home team, the referee will worry about the emotions of the audience and the players, after all, it is home. If it is away, the referee will worry whether he really Emotionally favors the home team. Therefore, in the next game, grasping the scale of punishment may become looser For those foul punishable by from time to sentence, also open eyes closed eyes of the. "

Shi Lei hesitated ~ ~ finally understood why Wei Xingyue told this story to himself.

He said, "You mean, I expressed my suspicion to Dong Chiqing, which will change his psychology and adjust his behavior pattern because he would worry about causing my second suspicion?"

Wei Xingyue said with a smile: "That's what I mean. I guess Dong Chiqing will not talk to Da Mamba any more. However, if you don't find him for this, it doesn't mean Dong Chi Qing will not go to Da Mamba at all. . At least, he will exert some influence on Grand Mamba from the side. Because he can't afford you now, you are already a friend or partner who must be discouraged and must be treated more cautiously. "

Shi Lei waved his hand and said, "You said that he was a bit jealous of me, but you said he couldn't mess with me, which is too exaggerated."

Having said that, Shi Lei is also a little strange in his heart. Why does Wei Xingyue say exactly the same attitude as Dong Chiqing?

Wei Xingyue smiled again and said, "You are too underestimating yourself. Your various abilities and backgrounds have evolved too much in this year. However, you haven't adapted yet psychologically. That change. "

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