The Black Card

Chapter 1075: Changes in the company

Shi Lei returned to Wu Dong and went straight to Qixuan after leaving the high-speed rail station.

Today's Qixuan, of course, is not in the former office building, but a bird's-gun replacement. In an office building near the high-speed railway station, a whole three floors have been enclosed as the office space of Qixuan headquarters.

After Shi Lei came out of the high-speed rail station, he walked just over ten minutes and went to Qixuan's office building.

The property at the new office is very responsible. Even on the first floor lobby, rules for swiping cards are directly set up. All people who enter this building must have access cards to enter.

Shi Lei walked towards one of the security guards and just wanted to ask him how he should go in. The security guard saw him in a stun, and then whispered, "Are you Mr. Shi Leishi?"

Shi Lei was slightly surprised and nodded, "Do you know me?"

"I ride your bike every day, and you are a national husband. How can I not know you?"

Shi Lei shook his head with a smile, thinking that he really wanted to hide as soon as possible, and he couldn't let the name of the national husband continue like this.

He smiled and said, "Thank you for your trust in our company's products, but I want to know how can I get up? Should I let our company staff come down to pick me up?"

The security guard immediately took out his access card and said, "Someone is sure he wants someone to pick it up, but you don't need it. Who in this building will not know you! I will give you a card and you can go in directly. Qi Xuan is on the 7th and 8th floors. "

Shi Lei did not expect that he had reached the point where he could brush his face. He smiled and said, "Thank you very much. Qi Xuan will soon have a free cycling event. When you remember, you will receive an event discount."

The security guard said with a smile: "In fact, there is not much money. Riding once for one dollar, I spend two dollars a day, and I have exercised and saved the bus fare."

Shi Lei waved his hand: "Thank you." Then he went into the elevator.

Shi Qiang told him that the executives' offices are all on the ninth floor, and naturally Shi Lei went straight to the ninth floor.

Because the ninth floor is purely an executive's office area, the access at the door is naturally tighter.

Shi Lei arrived at the door, pressed the doorbell, and the little girl at the front desk responsible for access control raised her head from behind the counter and saw Shi Lei at first glance.

A trot opened the door for Shi Lei, and the little girl couldn't say the whole thing with excitement.

"Mr. Shi ... are you here?"

Shi Lei smiled and said, "What's wrong, I suddenly saw alive today, and I'm not used to it?"

The little girl bowed her head in embarrassment, but smiled on her face.

"Thank you, where is Shi Qiang's office?"

"I'll show you over." The little girl diligently led Shi Lei and quickly reached the door of Shi Qiang's office.

He knocked gently on the door, and the little girl pushed open the door. The people inside looked up and asked, "What are you going to do with the general manager?" The voice was quite dignified.

The little girl hurriedly explained, "Song Shi is here. I brought him here."

The voice inside was even more unpleasant: "Song Shi has already arrived ..." Suddenly, as if remembering something, he immediately lowered his voice and said, "Is that Mr. Shi?"

Without waiting for the little girl to answer, the master of the voice stood up, walked to the door in two steps, and saw Shi Lei standing outside the door.

"Mr. Shi, you are here, why don't you say it in advance, I can arrange someone to pick you up." It seems to realize that Shi Lei doesn't know him, and he said, "I'm Mr. Shi Qiang's assistant. Ai Yige. "

Shi Lei nodded his head and said, "Ask me later and count the subordinates, will Shi Qiang be in the office?"

Ai Yige was a little embarrassed, and whispered, "I'm sorry, President Shi. President Shi is in the office." After saying that, he also felt a little unclear and could not help but think.

Shi Lei turned back and smiled at the little girl at the front desk, and said, "It's okay, thank you for taking the way and going back to your post."

The little girl flew away, and Ai Yige bent over and let Shi Lei enter. He ran outside the door in the middle, knocked on the door, and shouted out loudly first: "General Manager, Director Shi Lei It's long. "

Shi Lei waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can go. I will go in by myself." After that, he crossed Ai Yige and opened the door of Shi Qiang's office.

Shi Qiang has also come to the door, just to meet Shi Lei, and said to Ai Yige by the way: "Xiao Ai, I have few things to discuss with Shi, you must block everything."

Ai Yige quickly agreed, Shi Qiang closed the door.

"What to drink?" Shi Qiang asked.

Shi Lei said, "Just do it, don't be so formalistic." After all, he went to the hospitality sofa across the desk and sat down.

Shi Qiang poured a glass of boiling water for Shi Lei, put it in front of him, and sat beside him.

"This morning, I have announced the Series C financing plan. At present, all calls are blocked, but Xiao Ai told me just now that two of them can't wait to report a valuation of 15 billion. I estimate It ’s a little stunned, and 16 billion will definitely be broken. That's not much difference. "

Shi Lei nodded and said, "I promised Wei Qing in round C. I think the Wei family is also making active preparations. At that time, you can summarize the quotations in the venture capital circle and match the highest one to the Wei family. If they can eat more than half, then give them the right to vote. I ask you to be clear, these ten points must be firmly controlled in our hands. "

Shi Qiang nodded, and whispered, "What's going on with Xu Zhida? Is it Dong Chiqing ...?"

Shi Lei shook his head and said, "Dong Chiqing is fine. This decision should be the idea of ​​Da Mamba. During this time, his mood was a bit wrong. He may also have resentment against Dong Chiqing and some of my decisions. Also, Dong Chiqing and I Maybe in some places, it ’s a bit ill-considered. I always feel that Da Mamba is his own, and he has not taken care of his emotions. Now, these emotions have accumulated and there are problems. But you do n’t need to worry, as long as the C round melts out Ten points are in our hands ~ ~, so we are not afraid of problems with Grand Mamba. "

Next, Shi Lei told Shi Qiang about the phone call between Dong Chiqing and Xu Zhida last night. Of course, omitting some unnecessary things just indicates that he fully trusts Dong Chiqing and is willing to believe that the problem lies with Xu Zhida.

Shi Qiang nodded and said, "In this way, Dong Chiqing should be fine. But Xu Zhida, this boy actually said that I am authoritative? Yes, my style of doing things is perfectionist, but to say authoritative, I just want to know who has such an idea from top to bottom of the company. After Xu Zhida went to the UK, Zhao Di had the highest position, and Shi Shao you asked Zhao Di whether I am authoritative ... "

Shi Lei waved his hand and said, "I have never believed what he said. Instead, he said that it confirmed my bad guess. However, these are not important. After the C round, control will be completely returned to it. In our hands, no matter what emotions there are in Da Mamba, it should not be out of control. Moreover, there is Dong Chiqing. This matter goes to Da Mamba's will, and the next work is left to Dong Chiqing. I I'm sure he'll get the big Mamba. I'm here today and I have another thing to talk to you. "

Shi Qiang immediately expressed some excitement. He adjusted his sitting posture and said, "You said it, Shi Shao!"

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